Swacypaa Committee Meeting Minutes
Website- All minutes will be posted on the sqwacypaa page.
Expectations - those with main positions email Gabe/Christa their chair reports prior to the business meeting. Next Business meeting will be held: 10/11/15.
Gabe / 208-703-7351 /Christa / 775-772-3325 /
Attendance - if you can't attend let Gabe, Marisa or Christa know.
Gabe / 208-703-7351 /Marissa S / 775-848-9428 /
Christa / 775-772-3325 /
Unanimous vote on dismissing last weeks voting meeting notes
Attendance:Gabe, Maryssa S, Christa, Glennie, Steve, Sean, Dustin, Regina, Rachel, JT, Jack, Bran, Jessie, Layton, Mike F, Andy, Alejendro, Becka, Sky, Marissa C, Natalie, Dan M, Kirsten, Joseph, Brian A
Positions -
Chair - Gabe S
Co-chair - Marissa S
Treasurer - Amber N
Co-Treasurer - Brian A
Secretary - Christa
Co-Secretary/Archivist - Matt S
Bylaws - Sky
Outreach - Dan
Program - Jared
Facilities - Peter
Registration - Tyler
Hospitality- Marissa C
Co-Hospitality - Joseph
Logo & Theme - Layton
Security - Dustin
Co-security - Brian D
Conference Entertainment -
Events/Fundraising - Becka
Co Events - Mike F
A/V - Russell M
General Service Liaison - Steve M
Native Liaison -
GLBT Liaison - Darby
Spanish Speaking liaison - Natalie B
Bid Cities - Dan
Prayer - Alejandro
Merchandise - Lacey
Special Needs - Nick
Web - Sean A
Chair reports -
Please add Dan on Facebook to be aware of the events and meetings so he can add you to the private pages.
Theme - ideas so far "biggest little leap of faith." AA related. Gather ideas and present them after narrowing it down to 2 so we can vote.
New Years Gala - next meeting 10/16/15 at 6pm located at central office. We are carrying over the commitment from renvypaa as cohost. We need to come up with entertainment (games, contests) from 6-10 to fill the time. Ideas: masquerade contest. Please bring up ideas to the next meeting. Think fun! It's in New Year's Day at the Atlantis. We need group ideas for this. So far: Masquerade masks decorating, fortuneteller, and picture frame decoration.
Subcommittee meeting for brainstorming
Focus on money and fund raising for swacypaa not the subcommittee commitments yet bring the ideas to the swacypaa business meetings.
Reason we're having events is to build the community, outreach and raise money for swacypaa.
Subcommittee Halloween -next meeting is at Driars at 7pm on 10/2/15. On Halloween day. private event and rent price open to Natalie's parents bar. Big Ed's Alley In. Pumpkin carving and costumes. Capture the flag, corn hole, video games, and food contest. House party option. We want a safe place for people to go to especially new comers. Be aware of other local AA events when planning.
Motion to move the Halloween event to 10/31/15 unanimous
New business - sky bylaws - attendance and what happens with breaks in sobriety: failure to attend 2 times in a row is considered resignation. Break in sobriety is a resignation.
Motion to accept the guidelines by a unanimous vote
Location - Cornerstone meeting space avail 1-7. Portion of 7th tradition which is half will go towards rent. Layout: Couches , tables, more space and we will support the GL AA community.
Space is a concern for the current location at the triangle as well as the time because there is a meeting at 7 .
Committeemeetings moved to cornerstone at 5 pm on the Sunday's 2nd and 4th of the month. motion- to move was a unanimous vote.
Standing for Native American liaison - no one still open
Standing for prayer chair - Alejandro motion moved was unanimous
Option for position -
Steeringcommittee position - sends someone from nnig to our committee and they report back to nnig. Non-voting member to swacypaa. Last and 1st Tue. of every month. Also follows the attendance of the bylaws.