Winter 2012
The Parishes of Ardoch and Blackford
Office Bearers in the Parishes of Ardoch and Blackford
The Rev. Dr. Stuart D. B. Picken
3 Millhill Crescent, Greenloaning, FK15 0LH
Tel: 01786-880217
Session Clerk:
Mrs. Pearl Meldrum,
Tel: 01786 880396 / BLACKFORD
Session Clerk:
Mr William McLaren
Tel: 01764 682458
Depute Session Clerk:
Mr Bob Aitken
Tel: 01786 880310 / Depute Session Clerk:
Mrs Fiona Lowson
Tel: 01764 682760
Mr Roy Spiers
Tel: 01786 880300 / Treasurer:
Mrs Jeannette Barr
Tel: 01764 682825
Church Officer:
Mrs. Nancy Dawson
Tel: 01786 880589 / Church Officer:
Mrs Jacqui Crawfurd
Tel: 01764 682340
Organist: Mrs Fiona Lowson
Choirmaster: Mr. Bob Rae / Tel: 01764 682760
Tel: 01786 880411
Sunday School Leader
Mrs Ann Gordon
Tel: 01786 880590
/ Sunday School Superintendent
Mrs Shona Stewart
Tel: 01764 682221
Safeguarding (for protection of vulnerable groups)
Mrs. Joyce Wighton
Tel: 01786 880606 / Safeguarding (for protection of vulnerable groups)
Mrs Jeannette Barr
Tel: 01764 682825
Intimations and articles for inclusion in the Spring edition of “The Link”
by 18 March 2012 to
Janus was the god of gates and doors (ianua), beginnings and endings. He was always depicted with a double-faced head, one looking forward and one looking back. He was invoked especially in the beginnings of important events in people’s lives. He also came to represent the transition between primitive life and civilization, between the countryside and the city, peace and war, and the growing-up of young people. He became the Roman symbol of New Year when January became the first month of the year.
Although a pagan symbol, New Year is a time to look back as well as forward. Some will look back with joy while others may feel sorrow or distress.
But irrespective of the past, we can all look forward in hope. That is what differentiates our faith from the pagan world of then and now. Let me leave you with famous words that some may remember, and many may have heard before. They still stand as reminders of the eternal truth we share. They were spoken by King George VI in his Christmas radio message in 1939, in the shadow of impending war. He expressed the hopes of the people in them.
“I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.’ May that Almighty Hand guide and uphold us all.”
May God be with you and those you love in the days of the year to come, and guide all our footsteps through green pastures and beside still waters according to his gracious will.
Your friend and Minister,
Stuart D B Picken
Edith’s Home Vocational School is a mixed day school teaching three courses: brick laying and concrete practice, carpentry and joinery and tailoring. Over the past five years in partnership with the Ugandan staff the charity has developed the site and it now houses several classrooms and workshops.
The students are dedicated, hard working and keen to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families - learning a practical trade offers them the opportunity to do this. It is our vision that the work of the school can improve their situation and impact not only them but the lives of their extended family and the community around them.
Child sponsorship continues to be one of the key parts of our work. We are now sponsoring around 70 students, some of whom have gone on to further education and are now training to be nurses and teachers, with one studying medicine. This scheme has really proved successful not only in building the children’s confidence but also their chances of a future out of poverty.
Most of all this reminds them in a very real way that there are people thousands of miles away thinking about them, hoping and praying for them, and sending their love and support. It inspires them to achieve their dreams and hopes for a better life through obtaining an education.
Orphans in “children only families” are the inevitable consequence of the HIV pandemic. Such orphans would normally be cared for through the naturally strong social bonds but these structures are overwhelmed by the scale of the problem.
These children have no guardians, are usually landless and have little contact with the adult world. With extraordinary fortitude, and working against the odds they are largely fending for themselves. They are hungry, emotionally in need of support and the young women are highly vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
Edith’s Home is supporting over 100 orphans in 25 separate child headed families. The project provides a social worker so that all families are regularly visited. There is a grant for each family so that the basic infrastructure of their lives can
be improved e.g. repairing roofs before the rainy season. There is a budget for medical aid without which some would undoubtedly die from malaria.
The fundamental aim of the project is to give each family a small income generating scheme to lift them out of poverty. Currently they are charging mobile phones with solar powered chargers; two hours charging phones can generate the same income as a hard day’s labour in the fields. We value your prayers and any simple ideas for income generation that could work in such a challenging setting.
Once again a team [usually students aged 17 and over] visited the project in August 2011 to organize and run a week of activities for the sponsored orphans- the highlight of their year when they have fun and feel cared for, building their confidence and self esteem.
Thank you for your continuing support and best wishes for 2012 from all at Edith’s Home. Pam Penman
Ardoch Youth Team
The Youth Team held a Christmas Service on Friday, 16th December when Abbie of the Hot Chocolate Club welcomed a large congregation of parents and friends to “Jesus’s Christmas Party.” Parts in the musical nativity were played by members of the HCC and the Sunshine Club. We saw the innkeeper and his wife being disturbed by Mary and Joseph, shepherds wearing sunglasses, [the angels shone very brightly!] and three Kings – all were sent round the back to the stable, disturbing the chickens each time. Finally a party was held to celebrate the birth of Jesus! Refreshments were provided in the Church Hall afterwards.
On Sunday, 18th December at the Christmas Service the presentation was reprised in a shortened form and afterwards the children enjoyed a well deserved party in the Church Hall. HCC members organised games, party food was enjoyed and the highlight was a visit from Santa with gifts for all the children.
The Hot Chocolate Club will resume on Friday, 13th January 2012, 7 - 9pm
The Sunshine Club will meet on Tuesday, 31st January 2012, 3 - 4.30pm
Contacts: Anne 880590 Liz 880307 Irene 880947
What does the Lord require of you? …...Called to
walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
We have had a busy and successful start to the 2011/12 session, starting with a great Zumba night, our Annual Whist Drive, a guide to the Iona Community and, for the first time, a Christmas Music Concert with children from both primary schools, violinists, Ardoch Singing Group and our guests, The Perth Barbershop Singers. The night was well attended and everyone had a great time listening or singing - and this year the weather co-operated!.
You will see from the calendar below that we have another busy session ahead, but an exciting one. Any/all of the above, and members of the congregations of Ardoch and Blackford are invited to join and will receive a warm welcome.
Thursday 05 Jan. A visit to the great Wall of China
1pm. Speaker: Margaret Birks
Thursday 02 Feb. “Scripture Union” Speaker: Gordon Roy
Thursday 01 Mar. Open Night – Visitors & Sales Table
7.30p.m. “The Sandpiper Trust”
Speaker: Alistair Dickson
Sometime in March/April we are planning to have an “Afternoon Tea with Violins” - date to be confirmed.
Thursday 05 Apr. Speaker from the Mission Aviation Fellowship
7.30pm. (Guild Project) and AGM
Thursday 07 June Guild will host
7.39pm. Perth Presbyterial Council Summer Meeting
To all Guild members I send best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
Ann Spiers, President
Ardoch Outreach Team
November and December lunches were busy and enjoyable. It was a festive occasion in December but unfortunately Santa was too busy to visit. Thanks to donations received, the Visiting Team were able to distribute gifts at Christmas to around twenty people in the community.
Dates for 2012 are January 13th, February 10th, and March 9th at 12.15pm (weather permitting).
If you know of anyone who wishes a visit, please contact Charles on 880947 and in relation to the lunches, contact Joy on 880328
Ardoch Church Scottish Country Dance Group
We held our Christmas Dinner Dance in the Westlands Hotel, Dunblane. After
a festive meal, a varied programme of dances was enjoyed by all. If you would like some exercise for both body and mind, come and join us when the new session starts on Tuesday 10th January at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. A Burns Evening is planned for Tuesday 24th January and our Spring Dance will be held on Tuesday 20th March in the Village Hall.
Charles Robertson 01786 880947
Ardoch Church Choir and Singing Group
On Remembrance Sunday the Choir sang a hymn called “What Shall We Pray
For Those Who Died”, music by John L Bell.
Another occasion was on Sunday, 27th November when along with the congregation we sang Happy Birthday to Maestro Bob Rae who on that day celebrated being an octogenarian!!!
On Friday, 9th December our vocal chords were once again in action when we sang at the “The Big Sing”. Three pieces were performed, two Christmas Songs and the 2003 pop song “You Raise Me Up”.
A suggestion was made that night by the Barber Shop Singers that the Choir should be called "The Braco Spice Girls"!! All good fun.
Anyone interested in singing should come along to the Church Hall on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. You will be made very welcome.
The members of the Choir would like to express their sadness at the passing of a fine lady with a beautiful soprano voice. Barbara Knox was an integral part of the Singing Group and will be sorely missed.
Ardoch Church Property Team
As we approached Christmas the Property Team reported that all ongoing works had finally been completed. They were as follows;
The new hardwood window frame and the re-instatement of the stained glass window adjacent to the pulpit. This allowed the internal redecoration to the front of the church to be carried out which has enhanced the appearance of this area.
All the external guttering has been replaced to the rear of the church including an extra downpipe to allow the rainwater to drain away more efficiently. During this work various repairs were carried out to the external rendering which is expected to stop the ingress of water to the building. When the weather improves the two remaining drains at the corners of the church will be cleaned by the property team as these appear to have blocked up over the years.
The boiler house has been re-roofed to protect the new boiler from the rainwater which had been leaking through the old roof.
The walls to the side entrance and the disabled toilet have been washed down to remove the condensation mould. Doing this work will negate the need to paint these areas in the near future.
The hall is programmed to be repainted during January when there is less activity and will also fit in with the painting contractor’s programme.
Eric Ayre has joined the Property Team as a willing pair of hands
Bob Tannahill, Coordinator
Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal 2011: The response as always was wonderful and approximately 100 shoe boxes have gone to Eastern Europe. Thank youvery much to everyone who contributed or helped in any way. Yourgenerosity will brighten up the lives of people who have very little and will be very much appreciated. Nancy Dawson
A big thank MUST go to Mrs Nancy Dawson who has been leading this appeal for ten years now.
Kate Clements (Blythswood Care Crieff Support Group) has expressed her sincere thanks to Ardoch and Blackford congregations for all their efforts once again . Kate reported that a total of 1200 Shoe Boxes were uplifted from Crieff and that £1900 in donations were received. Thank you, each and every one of you, who gave so much to this Appeal. It is a surety that the men, women and young people receiving your gifts would thank you too, if they could.
Blackford Church Sunshine Bags.
Thank you to all those who collected the sunshine bags from the households throughout the village.
Thanks also to the faithful band of counters. We made the bank's day when we delivered all the coins to them!!
Thank you also, of course, to all those who donated to our funds.
We have raised £894.00 so far this year and odd bags are still trickling in. Well done everyone!! Jeannette Barr
Blackford Church Bric-a-Brac.
The total raised from our recent bric-a-brac sales in Blackford church halland in the Aytoun hall in Auchterarder was £454.00.
Thanks to all who worked so hard to achieve this sum.
Blackford Church needs all of our fundraisers throughout the year along with our regular offerings in order to have enough incometo pay our outgoings/upkeep annually. Jeannette Barr
Report from Lexa McCallum, Ways and Means Convenor, Blackford
As the end of the year 2011 approached, we held two successful functions.
On Sunday, 18 December, we started with a glass of mulled wine before beginning our Carol Singing around the village. Twenty two members and friends were present and we were joined by younger members, Kierran, Emma, Katie and Ross who were very willing to sing and collect. The weather was cold but pleasant. Many thanks to Ella and Jean for the most welcome cup of tea with fruit loaf and mince pies on our return to the church hall. The sum of £370 was raised.