October 1, 2015 Minutes
Attendance: Joelle Maddox, SKelly Adkins, Donna Olmstead, Connie Russell, Jody Goddard, Kevin Adkins via Zoom, and Kerri Jones via Zoom
Meeting called to order at 6:05.
Joelle motioned to approve meeting minutes from September. Donna 2nd the motion.
Financial Reports:
- Balance Sheet reviewed; Beginning balance $2500.32 and ending balance $3729.10.
- Request of funds and support to be added to internet.
- Donation letter to be discussed at November meeting.
Old Business:
- Martinson’s Candy sale starts October 6th. Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Micheal have organized this fundraiser in the past and have volunteered to do it again this year.
- Prepaid hot lunch cards and pizza cards to be created by SKelly. SKelly is working with the teachers on the implementation of the cards.
- Barnes and Noble book fair- Mrs. Russell described this Library event that helps raise money for the Library. 15% of sales go to Pioneer School Library as long as they say they are there supporting Pioneer School. Mrs. Russell said the staff goes the night before to pick out books for their wish list. There are 3 contests; carved pumpkins, scarecrows, and costume contest. The prizes are $5, $10 and $15 for 3rd, 2nd and 1st place. There are also hourly drawings and a large drawing at 3pm that brings people to the event. There was discussion that another fundraiser while having the Martinson fundraiser may hurt each other or be too much. If a large raffle is insisted upon, SKelly recommended getting donated tickets to Manheim Steamroller or something similar. Donna thought of a Zoo Membership. The discussion was in approval of donated items rather than the PTA purchasing an expensive item. It was also discussed that one should not be present to win since it is such a busy weekend with the last of the soccer games, football games and opening of hunting season. Mrs. Russell said that with the 2 bookfairs a year with the % of sales and the raffle ususally brings in $1500 to the Library. Joelle made a motion to donate $200 to go toward prizes, games, and candy for the Barnes and Noble bookfair. It was second by Jody and majority vote passed the motion.
- Accelerated Reader- Mrs. Russell said she will have the 2 stores for the AR program. There was discussion that new families to the school don’t understand what the AR program is or how their child will benefit. Mrs. Russell said she will work up a letter that describes the program. After much discussion (including the amount of money spent the year before; over $890 plus donated items), SKelly moved to support the store and the AR prizes at the end of the year with a cap of $750, Joelle second it. It was passed by a majority vote.
New Business:
- Suggestion box – Bulletin Board can be used by the PTA, have presentations such as Common Core Math and Understanding it and Challenges in Reading with Dyslexia.
- Mrs. Russell is reaching out to the FBI agent in class presentation 1 to 2 times a year about internet safety. She was requesting the PTA to pay for a babysitter to encourage participation. After discussion the PTA recommended that donations from the parents using the babysitter can be given directly rather than using PTA funds.
- Teacher Request -
- 1) to help fund 2 teachers, Ms. Ticknor and Ms. Nalewaja, to go to a reading conference in November. The total is $240 each. The school board is covering $120 each. This item was moved to be discussed at the November meeting.
- 2) Fund the K, 1, & 2 grades to go on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Joelle moved to fund the fieldtrip. Donna 2nd it. It passed with a majority vote.
- 3) A request to fund the ribbons and items used for Red Ribbon Week. SKelly moved to fund the event (Red Ribbon Week was originally founded by the National PTA). Donna 2nd it. It passed by majority vote.
- Chili Cookoff will become Taste of Pioneer and will be held in January at the Shepherd Community Center. Mrs. Russell with cancel the use of Huntley’s YVEC building.
- Standing rules were reviewed and approved by majority vote with minor amendments of dates and times of meetings with a motion by SKelly and a 2nd by Donna. Skelly will send out the updated amendments to the State PTA office.
- Mrs. Russell will be putting on the Christmas to Remember
- Mrs. Russell will talk to the teachers on what they would like to do for the end of the year PAWS party.
- Joelle Maddox will chair the Santa Secret Shop.
- SKelly will send out a request for people to chair the following programs; Christmas Program & Desert Social, Taste of Pioneer, Pancake Breakfast, Science Fair, Carnival, Teacher Appreciation, and Last Day of School BBQ and Graduation.
- A motion to end the meeting at 7:30 was made by Joelle Maddox and 2nd from SKelly at 7:30pm.