Group name:
Details of group leader:
Full Name (as in NRIC)NRIC and Birthdate(DD/MM/YYYY) / //
Sex / M / F (Please select)
Home and Mobile number
Email address
Current Occupation
Current Employment Company
Trained in Culinary/F&B / Yes / No (Please select)
If Yes, please provide details
Details of group member:
Full Name (as in NRIC)NRIC and Birthdate(DD/MM/YYYY) / //
Sex / M / F (Please select)
Home and Mobile number
Email address
Current Occupation
Current Employment Company
Trained in Culinary/F&B / Yes / No (Please select)
If Yes, please provide details
Please provide a brief write-up of your dish and explain how it reflects local flavor(s). Please attach write-up separately if space provided is insufficient.
Please provide complete recipe for your dish below. Please attach recipe separately if space provided is insufficient.
IngredientsDescription / Quantity
Method of Preparation
Please insert picture of your dish below.
(please submit picture with registration form)Rules & Regulation
- Submission of a completed Registration Form shall constitute of, and agreement to, abide by the Rules & Regulations of Innovation Food Creation with Kimchi and USA Poultry.
- No change of registration form will be allowed after closing date on 6 July 2016. Please notify the Organisershould you wish to cancel registration. At the event, absenteeswithout written pre-notification to the Organiser will have theirfuture registrations denied.
- To avoid having their registration withdrawn from thecompetition without notice, it is the participant’s responsibility toadvise the Organiser should they change any information in the registration form.
- Fees will not be refunded if the event is cancelled for reasons beyond the Organiser’s control, or if registration is withdrawn by the participant after closing date. This is to cover administration costs.
- The Organiser reserves all rights to the recipes used, and photographs taken at the event. Any publication, reproduction or copying of the recipes can only be made with their approval.
- The Organiser will not be held responsible for any damage to or loss of equipment, utensils or personal effects of participants.
- Due to fire safety regulations, open flame and gas will not be allowed in the venue. Use of lighter, flambé torch, portable gas cartridge, candles and as such will be prohibited.
- Participants contravening any of the Rules and Regulations of the event may be disqualified.
The Organisers reserves the right to rescind, modify or add on any of the above rules and regulations and their interpretation of these is final. They also reserve the right to limit the number of registrations for the event or amend a competition section, modify any rules, cancel Masterclass or Cooking Competition, or cancel/postpone the whole event should it be deemed necessary.
Please charge the amount of SGDto my
VISA MASTERCARD / I enclose our Singapore Cheque for
SGD made payable to Shatec Institutes Pte Ltd
(please select preferred payment method)
CVV2 Code
(3 digit code at the back of credit card) / EXPIRY DATE
Submission of a completed Registration Form shall constitute of an agreement to, abide by the Rules & Regulations. Please photocopy if extra forms are needed. Please do not send cash by mail. Participants whose payments have been received can expect to receive confirmation of their registration by 8 July 2016. Registration forms with fees to be submitted to:
Contact: Samuel Lam | Email:
Event Organisers
Official Partners
Participating Partner
Venue Partner
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