We are an IB school!!! We encourage our students to be open-minded, caring, knowledgeable, reflective, principled, communicators, thinkers, inquirers and balanced risk-takers.
Welcome back to school. My name is Mr. Yenney and I will be your child’s Science teacher. Please review the following information carefully to ensure a positive and successful school year. Parents, your participation is vital to the success of your son/daughter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 323 224-4700Room B-4. I can also be reached via email at
Course Overview
Physical Science is a course designed to give students an understanding of physics and chemistry. This course is aligned to the California State Standards. Our areas of study will include forces, motion, density, atoms, speed, and chemical reactions.
Life Science is a course designed to give students an understanding of living organisms and their function and importance in the world. Areas of study include cell biology, evolution, and genetics. It will also include health education.
Earth Science is a course designed to give students an understanding of earth sciences. Topics of instruction include earth structure, plate tectonics, and geology
The grades in this class are cumulative each grading period.
A= 90-100%
B= 80-89%
C= 70-70%
D= 60-69%
F= 50-59%
Points will be totaled from class work, homework, projects, and quizzes or tests.
Tests account for 45% of child’s grade.
In class assignments will account for 40% of child’s grade.
Homework Tips
- Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework.
- Make sure pencils, pens, markers, and erasers are available.
- Be positive about homework
- Reward progress in homework
Homework will be given several times a week. It will be a review of work done inside the classroom. Homework will account for 15% of the child’s final grade.
Your child will be required to bring pencils and paper to class daily. Pens may also be used at different times during instruction. Students should also use their student planner to write down homework assignments. Each child is responsible for taking notes in a science journal that they will use for class assignments and tests.
Cooperation and Work Habits:
Students will receive “U’s” for the following
Inappropriate Behavior
Excessive Tardies
Poor work habits
I am looking forward to an exciting and educational year!!!
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”
Isaac Newton (1642-1727)