What is PLTW?
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is the leading provider or rigorous and innovative STEM Education Curricular Programs used in Middle and High Schools across the United States. This year ACMS will be offering PLTW’s Gateway to Technology courses: Automation & Robotics and Flight & Space.
Mr. Stuerzenberger has a Bachelors of Science in Career and Technical Education with an emphasis in Industrial Engineering from Murray State University. He is working on his Masters degree in Educational Technology at Boise State University. “Mr. Stuerz” is in his second year of teaching STEM Education and enjoys soccer and basketball in his rare spare time. He, his wife, and step-son life in Versailles and are expecting their first baby.
Mr. James Stuerzenberger
(502) 839-5118
Introduction to Engineering
Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects.They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3D modeling software, and use an engineering notebook to document their work.
Principles of Engineering
Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, and automation. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.
Digital Electronics
From smart phones to appliances, digital circuits are all around us. This course provides a foundation for students who are interested in electrical engineering, electronics, or circuit design. Students study topics such as combinational and sequential logic and are exposed to circuit design tools used in industry, including logic gates, integrated circuits, and programmable logic devices.
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Studentslearn important aspects of building and site design and development. Theyapply math, science, and standard engineering practices to design both residential and commercial projects and document their work using 3D architecture design software.
Classroom Procedures & Expectations
I will be using the CHAMP method to describe how procedures in class will be followed.
C – Conversation Level (0-Silent, 1-Whisper, 2-Pair/Group
Conversation, 3 – Addressing the entire class, 4 – Too Loud)
H – Help (How students get help during this activity.)
A – Activity (What students should actually doing.)
M – Movement (What movement is acceptable.)
P – Participation (How students participate.)
1.) Materials to Bring to Class: You are expected to bring your Engineering notebook, pencil, pen, calculator and agenda.
2.) Entering Class:
C - 0 or 1
H - Raise Hand or Ask Teacher
A - Place items at seat, Read Daily Agenda,
Write Learning Target in Agenda, & Complete Bellringer
M - Retrieve notebook from shelf
P - Independent work
3.) TARDY PROCEDURE: If you are tardy because of a previous class, get a note from that teacher. If you arrive after the bell without a note, you are considered tardy. Your third tardy results in an office referral for detention and any tardy after this automatically results in an office referral.
4.) Seating Assignment: Seats are assigned and you will be a member of a group. If you cannot function in the seat/group you are assigned please discuss this with the teacher privately. Otherwise, you are expected to sit in your assigned seat.
5.) Bellringer:
C - 0
H - Raise Hand
A – Complete bellringer
M - None
P - Independent work
All bellringers will be answered in the Engineering notebook.
6.) Class Participation: Students are expected to be active participants in their learning. Volunteers will be accepted to answer questions at times but students can be chosen at random. You must always pay attention and be able to participate. I don’t know isn’t an acceptable answer. Everyone is expected to be an active participant in group activities. Peer evaluations will be completed following projects.
7.) Quieting Class: When you see the teacher standing with hand raised, you hear the bell ring, or the timer buzzes you need to FREEZE, FACE TEACHER & BE READY FOR INSTRUCTIONS.
8.) Lesson/Note Taking:
C - 0
H - Raise Hand
A - Taking Notes, Asking Questions
M - None
P – Independent
It is very important that students ask questions when they do not understand something while taking notes and listening to the lesson. Do not be afraid to ask questions! This is NEW to everyone in here!
9.) Guided Practice/Demonstration:
C – 1-2
H - Raise Hand
A – Group work
M - None
P - Pair/Group
Please ask questions! This is the time to ask questions, make mistakes, and get messy to ensure you understand what has been taught.
10.) Homework: A small amount of homework will be assigned throughout the 12 weeks. When homework is assigned be sure to complete and return on time. Anything not completed in class is considered homework.
11.) Assessment:
C - 0
H - Raise Hand, Circle it, Skip, Go On & Come Back
A – Completing Assessment (Quiz, Test)
M - None/Seat Work
P - Independent
This is the time for the teacher to see what you have learned and mastered.
12.) Restroom/Emergency: Time between classes is to be used wisely and using the restroom during this time is important. If you have an emergency and need to go during class, you may ask but the teacher reserves the right to deny any request they feel is not an emergency. If you feel sick, please exit quickly and take care of your needs. Return to class and you will then be permitted to go see the nurse.
13.) Exit Slip:
C - 0
H - Raise Hand
A - Answer the Days Question(s)
M - None
P – Independent
Questions will be answered on small slips of paper and turned into the class bucket by the door.
14.) Grading Scale: School wide grading scale will be followed.
15.) Late Work: The only exception for late work is with an excused absence.
16.) Absent: If you miss class, it is your responsibility to get your make up work. Get work when you return or ask office for work. You have one day for every day you missed to make up the work.
17.) Collecting Work: The Engineering Notebook will stay in the classroom in the class crate and be checked throughout the 12 weeks. Exit slips will be collected in the class buckets and graded daily. Other assignments will be collected based on due dates.
18.) Returning Work: Assignments will be returned as needed. Engineering Notebooks will be graded throughout the 12 weeks and returned to the shelf.
19.) Room Movement: Class will begin daily at the tables. Full class presentations will take place while students are at the tables. Demonstrations will allow students to stand and observe in the demonstration area. Group work steps 1-3 take place at the tables. Steps 4-5 take place at the assigned workstations. Step 6 takes place at the designated location.
20.) Daily Schedule: Daily Bell Schedule is posted at the front of the room. If there is a schedule change for the day it will be posted on the board. The daily agenda will be written on the Agenda section of the board.
21.) Intercom/Telephone/Visitor: As soon as you hear the intercom buzz OR the phone ring OR there is a knock at the door, you must be silent AND remain silent. If there is an interruption during class, it must be important and the teacher needs to hear what is being said. If you answer the phone, please say, “STEM Class” and be polite. RETURN TO TASK AS SOON AS INTERRUPTION IS OVER.
22.) Emergency: We have procedures for Fire, Tornado, Earthquake, and Lock Down. We will discuss and practice each of these procedures throughout the year. You must remain silent during practice to ensure you will be silent during an actually emergency. Our first priority at ACMS is to keep you safe!
23.) Teacher’s Absence: If the teacher is absent, there is obviously a good reason. Therefore you will follow ALL procedures as usual, be on your BEST behavior, and know there are severe consequences for disrespecting a substitute.
24.) Off Limits Areas: Teacher desk area, VEX room, storage closets, media production room and office are not available for students unless given permission.
25.) Exiting Class: Just because the bell has rung does not mean class is over if the teacher is still speaking. Students need to have all materials put away and trash thrown away before exiting the room. You will exit in a mature manner making sure the room is in better condition than when you entered. The teacher dismisses you NOT THE BELL!!!
26.) DANGER: Due to the nature of the STEM course, the environment of the classroom, and the materials used RESPONSIBLE behavior is expected and must be exhibited at all times! Students that fail to follow safety guidelines at all times will face disciplinary action up to and including removal from the course.
Show respect to classmates and teachers at all times.
Treat materials with care.
Enter class on time with enthusiasm to learn.
Make safety for your friend!
My student ______, and I have
(Print Student’s Name)
read the procedures and expectations for the ACMS
STEM Course with Mrs. Frasure and/or
Mr. Stuerzenberger. My student agrees to follow all procedures and expectations and we understand the consequences for not following all procedures and expectations. My student and I agree to do our part in my student’s education and understand that we share a large portion of responsibility for receiving the best possible education.
(Parent/Guardian Signature) Date
I, ______have read
(Print Your Name)
the procedures and expectations for the ACMS
STEM Course with Mrs. Frasure and/or
Mr. Stuerzenberger. I agree to follow all procedures and expectations and understand the consequences for not following all procedures and expectations. I agree to do my part in my education and understand that I have a large portion of responsibility for receiving the best possible education.
(Student Signature) Date