P A U L C. G O R S K I
210 E Fairfax Street #217
Falls Church, VA 22046
ph: (703) 593-9353
web: paulgorski.efoliomn.com/
Certified Humane Education Specialist, Humane Society University, 2009
Certificate, Designing and Teaching Online Courses, Concord Consortium, 2002
Ph.D., Educational Evaluation, University of Virginia, 1998
Dissertation: Racial and Gender Identity Development in White Male Multicultural Educators
M.Ed., Social Foundations of Education, University of Virginia, 1995
B.A., Sociology & Communications, University of Virginia, 1994
Associate Professor, Integrative Studies, New Century College, George Mason University
Summer 2012—present
Coordinator, Social Justice & Human Rights Concentration (graduate), MAIS
Spring 2015—present
Coordinator, Social Justice & Human Rights Concentration (undergraduate), NCC
Fall 2013—present
Coordinator, Social Justice Minor, NCC
Fall 2012—present
Research Fellow, Center for the Advancement of Well-Being
Spring 2013—present
Affiliate, Multicultural and Multiethnic Education
Summer 2012—present
Affiliate, Women and Gender Studies
Spring 2010—present
Affiliate, Higher Education Program
Summer 2014—present
Assistant Professor, Integrative Studies (Social Justice & Human Rights Concentration), New Century College, George Mason University
Fall 2008—Summer 2012
Adjunct Professor, Animal Policy, Humane Society University
Spring 2010—Spring 2014
Assistant Professor, M.A.Ed. and Ed.D. Programs, Graduate School of Education, Hamline University
Fall 2003—Summer 2008 (Note: I was promoted to Associated Professor in Spring 2008, but relinquished the promotion to take a position at George Mason University)
Adjunct Professor, Fast Train Program, School of Education, George Mason University
Spring 2002—Summer 2008
Equity and Diversity Specialist, Baltimore County Public Schools
January 2003—June 2003 (5-month full-time consultant contract)
· Revised countywide curriculum from a multicultural framework that considers diversity of learning styles and multiple intelligences.
· Rebuilt courses and professional development workshops related to equity and diversity in a context of increasing standardization.
· Assessed and evaluated initiatives and instituted new initiatives for eliminating socioeconomic and racial achievement gaps.
Assistant Director, Office of Human Relations Programs, University of Maryland
September 2001—January 2003
· Continued responsibilities described below under “Coordinator of Intercultural Student Programs” except those related to Diversity Works.
· Coordinated Diversity and Leadership Internship Program for undergraduate interns.
· Initiated and participated in collaborations with local public schools.
· Participated on committees across campus related to student programs, academic affairs, and diversity education efforts.
Affiliate Faculty, American Studies, University of Maryland at College Park
Fall 2001—Fall 2003
Coordinator of Intercultural Student Programs and Diversity Works Project, Office of Human Relations Programs, University of Maryland
December 1999—September 2001
· Continued responsibilities as described below under “Coordinator, Diversity Works.”
· Managed student-related programs for the central diversity programming office at the University of Maryland.
· Attained funding support from foundations through grant writing.
· Initiated and coordinated the Intergroup Dialogue Program, bringing groups of students together from different social and cultural identity groups for six weeks of dialogue (approximately 150 participants and eight dialogues per semester).
· Oversaw the planning and delivery of the annual Diversity and Leadership Retreat for student leaders (approximately 25 participants per year).
· Facilitated intergroup dialogues on race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, ability status, and other dimensions of diversity.
Program Coordinator, Diversity Works Project, Office of Human Relations Programs, University of Maryland
September 1998—December 1999
· Provided content and technical expertise to DiversityWeb, an internationally recognized Web site on diversity in higher education.
· Initiated and facilitated an international email discussion forum on diversity in higher education.
· Collaborated with a national organization on grant-writing and other aspects of program maintenance.
2014 Honorable Mention, IndieFab Book Awards (given to books published by independent publishers), Adult Nonfiction Education Category, for Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty: Strategies for Erasing the Opportunity Gap
2013 Teaching Excellence Award, Center for Teaching and Faculty Excellence, George Mason University (top university-wide teaching award at George Mason University)
2013 Honorary Membership, Golden Key Honour Society, George Mason University (nominated by student leaders)
2011 Faculty Vision Award, Office of Diversity Programs and Services, George Mason University
2008 Multicultural Media Award, National Association for Multicultural Education (for EdChange: http://www.edchange.org)
2008 Best Educational Resource Award, Education Reporting, Inc. (for EdChange)
Commended Winner, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest (national contest, 3,000+ entries), 2007
2006 U.S. State Department U.S. Speaker and Specialists Grant, Multiculturalism Specialization (for a two-week tour of India)
2006 Fulbright Senior Specialist Fellow, Multicultural Education Specialization (to Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia)
2003 Outstanding Service to Digital Equity Award, Society for Instructional Technology and Teacher Education
2002 John W. King Achievement Award, President’s Commission on Disabilities, University of Maryland
2001 Multicultural Media Award, National Association for Multicultural Education (for the Web site, the Multicultural Pavilion: http://www.edchange.org/multicultural)
a. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Kahn, M., & Gorski, P. (in review). The gendered and heterosexist evolution of the teacher exemplar in the United States and its equity implications for LGBTQ and gender non-conforming teachers. The International Journal of Multicultural Education.
Gorski, P., & Chen, C. (in review). Mindfulness for human rights defenders and social justice activists: Implications for activist burnout and sustainability. Human Rights Review.
Gorski, P. (in review). The learning and support needs of multicultural teacher educators in the US: A qualitative analysis. Teaching Education.
Gorski, P., & Chen, C. (2015). ‘Frayed all over’: The causes and consequences of activist burnout among social justice education activists. Educational Studies, 51(5), 385-405.
Chen, C., & Gorski, P. (2015). Burnout in social justice and human rights activists: Symptoms, causes, and implications. Journal of Human Rights Practice.
Gorski, P. (2015). Relieving burnout and the ‘martyr syndrome’ among social justice education activists: The implications and effects of mindfulness. The Urban Review, 47(4), 696-716.
Gorski, P. (2014). Consumerism as racial and economic injustice: The macroaggressions that make me, and maybe you, a hypocrite. Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 4(1), 1-21.
Gorski, P., Davis, S., & Reiter, A. (2013). The (in)visbility of sexual orientation, heterosexism, homophobia, and other LGBT concerns in U.S. multicultural teacher education coursework. Journal of LGBT Youth, 10(3), 224-248.
Gorski, P., Davis, S., & Reiter, A. (2012). Self-efficacy and multicultural teacher education in the U.S.: The factors that influence who feels qualified to be a multicultural teacher educator. Multicultural Perspectives, 14(4), 220-228.
Gorski, P. (2012). Instructional, institutional, and sociopolitical challenges of teaching multicultural teacher education courses. The Teacher Educator [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 7%], 47(3), 216-235.
Gorski, P. (2012). Perceiving the problem of poverty and schooling: Deconstructing the class stereotypes that misshape education policy and practice. Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(2), 302-319.
Gorski, P. (2012). Complicating white privilege: Poverty, class, and the nature of the knapsack. Teachers College Record [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 8%]. Available: http://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=16687
Gorski, P., and Goodman, R. (2011). Is there a hierarchy of oppression in U.S. multicultural teacher education coursework? Action in Teacher Education, 33, 455-475.
Gorski, P. (2011). Strategic oppositionality to animal rights “antis”: Identity-building and the United States Sportsmen Alliance. Journal of Critical Animal Studies [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 35%], 9(3), 61-79.
Gorski, P. (2010). The scholarship informing the practice: Multicultural teacher education philosophy and practice in the United States. International Journal of Multicultural Education [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 24%], 12(2), 1-22.
Gorski, P. (2010). Cognitive dissonance as a strategy in social justice teaching. Multicultural Education [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 24%], 17(1), 54-57.
Gorski, P. (2009). Insisting on digital equity: Reframing the dominant discourse on multicultural education and technology. Urban Education [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 25%], 44(3), 348-364.
Gorski, P. (2009). What we’re teaching teachers: An analysis of multicultural teacher education coursework syllabi. Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(2), 309-318.
Gorski, P. (2009). Good intentions are not enough: A de-colonizing intercultural education. Intercultural Education [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 22%], 19(6), 515-526.
Amosa, W., & Gorski, P. (2008). Directions and mis-directions in multicultural education: An analysis of session offerings at the annual conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education. Multicultural Perspectives [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 22%], 10(3), 167-174.
Gorski, P. (2008). Peddling poverty for profit: Elements of oppression in Ruby Payne’s framework. Equity and Excellence in Education [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 19%], 41(1), 130-148.
Gorski, P. (2006). Complicity with conservatism: The de-politicizing of multicultural education. Intercultural Education [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 22%], 17(2), 163-177.
Gorski, P. (2006). The classist underpinnings of Ruby Payne’s framework. Teachers College Record [Manuscript Acceptance Rate: 8%]. Available: http://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=12322
Gorski, P. (2005). Education equity and the digital divide. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education Journal, 13(1), 3-45.
Gorski, P. (2004). Multicultural education and progressive pedagogy in the online information age. Multicultural Perspectives, 6(4), 37-48.
Gorski, P. (2003). Privilege and repression in the digital era: Rethinking the sociopolitics of the digital divide. Race, Gender, & Class, 10(4), 145-176.
Gorski, P. (2003). Ten powerful films for teacher educators and crucial reflections before using them. Multicultural Perspectives, 5(2), 28-33.
Gorski, P. and Clark, C. (2003). Turning the tide of the digital divide: Multicultural education and the politics of surfing. Multicultural Perspectives, 5(1), 29-32.
[Note: The above article was part of a multi-article series, although each article had to go through separate peer review. The other articles in the series are listed below.]
Gorski, P. & Clark, C. (2002). Multicultural education and the digital divide: Focus on disability. Multicultural Perspectives, 4(4), 28-36.
Gorski, P. (2002). Dismantling the digital divide: A multicultural education framework. Multicultural Education, 10(1), 28-30.
Clark, C. & Gorski, P. (2002). Multicultural education and the digital divide: Focus on socioeconomic class. Multicultural Perspectives, 4(3), 25-36.
Gorski, P. & Clark, C. (2002). Multicultural education and the digital divide: Focus on language. Multicultural Perspectives, 4(2), 30-34.
Clark, C. & Gorski, P. (2002). Multicultural education and the digital divide: Focus on gender. Multicultural Perspectives, 4(1), 30-40.
Gorski, P. & Clark, C. (2001). Multicultural education and the digital divide: Focus on race. Multicultural Perspectives, 3(4), 15-25.
Clark, C. & Gorski, P. (2001). Multicultural education and the digital divide: Focus on race, language, socioeconomic class, sex, and disability. Multicultural Perspectives, 3(3), 39-44.
Gorski, P. (2001). Multicultural curriculum and the web: Transformation and integration. Multicultural Perspectives, 3(1), 43-50.
Gorski, P., Heidelbach, R., Howe, B., Jackson, M., Tell, S. (2000). Forging communities for educational change with e-mail discussion groups. Multicultural Perspectives, 2(4), 37-42.
Gorski, P. (2000). Toward a multicultural approach for evaluating educational web sites. Multicultural Perspectives, 2(3), 44-48.
Gorski, P. (2000). Forging a cyber-presence for multicultural education. Multicultural Review, 9(2).
Gorski, P. (2000).Narrative of whiteness and multicultural education. Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education [online], 2(1), 43 paragraphs.
Gorski, P. and Brimhall-Vargas, M. (2000). Bridges and discussions: Online dialogues toward educational change. Multicultural Perspectives, 2(1), 41-45.
Gorski, P. (1999). Digging Through the dirt: Locating multicultural teaching resources online. Multicultural Perspectives, 1(4), 43-47.
Gorski, P. (1999). The multiculturality of the world wide web. Multicultural Perspectives, 1(3), 44-46.
b. Books
Landsman, J., Salcedo, R., & Gorski, P. (Eds.) (2015). Voices for equity and social justice: A literary education anthology. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Goodman, R., & Gorski, P. (Eds.) (2015). Decolonizing “multicultural” counseling and psychology through social justice. New York: Springer.
Gorski, P., & Pothini, S. (2014). Case studies on diversity and social justice education. New York, NY: Routledge.
Brown, E., Gorski, P., & Lazaridis, G. (Eds.) (2014). Poverty, class and schooling: Global perspectives on economic justice and educational equity. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Gorski, P., & Zenkov, K. (Eds.) (2014). The big lies of school reform: Finding new ways forward for public education. New York, NY: Routledge.
Gorski, P., & Landsman, J. (Eds.) (2014). The poverty and education reader: A call for equity in many voices. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Gorski, P. (2013). Reaching and teaching students in poverty: Strategies for erasing the opportunity gap. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Gorski, P., Zenkov, K., Osei-Kofi, N., & Sapp, J. (Eds.), (2012). Cultivating social justice teachers: How teacher educators have helped students overcome cognitive bottlenecks and learn critical social justice concepts. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Ahlquist, R., Gorski, P., & Montaño, T. (Eds.). (2011). Assault on Kids: How Hyper-Accountability, Corporatization, Deficit Ideology, and Ruby Payne Are Destroying Our Schools. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Gorski, P. (2004). Multicultural education and the internet: Intersections and integrations (2nd edition). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Gorski, P. (2000). Multicultural education and the internet: Intersections and integrations.
Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Gorski, P. and Shin, G. (Eds.) (2000). Multicultural resource series: Resources for the multicultural classroom. Washington, D.C.: National Education Association.
Gorski, P. and Shin, G. (Eds.) (1999). Multicultural resource series: Professional development for educators. Washington, D.C.: National Education Association.
c. Book Chapters
Gorski, P. (2015). Ferguson and the violence of ‘it’s-all-about-me’ white liberalism. In K. Farsching-Varner, N. Hartlep, R. Mitchell, L. Martin, C. Hayes, & C. Allen-Mitchell (Eds.), The assault on communities of color: Exploring the realities of race-based violence (pp. 33-37). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Gorski, P. (2015). Foreword. In E. Moore, M. Penick-Parks, & A. Michael (Eds.), Everyday white people confront racial and social injustice. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Gorski, P. (2014). Imagining an equity pedagogy for students in poverty. In P. Gorski & J. Landsman (Eds.), The Poverty and Education Reader: A Call for Equity in Many Voices. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Gorski, P. (2013). Complicating white privilege: Poverty, class, and knapsack. In S. Grineski, J. Landsman, & R. Simmons (Eds.), Talking About Race: Alleviating the Fear. Sterling, VA: Stylus.