Surrey City Council

Council Meeting

January 10, 2011

7:00 pm

Meeting started after the conclusion of the special meeting.

In attendance were: Mayor Fennewald, Council members: Johnson, Nelsen, Larsen, Storkson, and Sasse.

Mayor Fennewald called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.

Mayor Fennewald read the consent agenda: December 6, 2010 and December 16, 2010 minutes, Payroll in the amount of $20480.74, Bills to be paid in the amount of $41,363.55, Mayor’s Employee hours report, Auditor’s Report, Public Works Report, Police Report, and the Municipal Court Report. A motion was made by Sasse/Johnson to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; and Storkson-aye.

Mayor Fennewald went right to the engineer’s report. Veronica Meyers from Ackerman-Estvold presented the final plans for District 29.

Sasse/Larsen made a motion to approve the final plans and to advertise for bids on the project. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; and Storkson-aye.

Under Unfinished Business:

Discussion ensued under the gaming administration plan as presented by Auditor Vaagen. Larsen/Nelsen made a motion to approve the plan as presented. Roll Call: Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Storkson-aye; and Sasse-aye.

Discussion ensued on the roof bid received from NorthStar Steel. Sasse/Storkson made a motion to accept the bid for $29,500 for the new roof over the existing roof with 3” of insulation in between. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Storkson-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; and Johnson-aye.

Discussion regarding the ordinance regarding closed or screened areas was tabled until next month.

Monthly Business:

Discussion ensued on the final plats submitted by Precision Plus and Scott Brobst.

Johnson/ Larsen made a motion to approve the final plat submitted by Precision Plus. Roll Call: Johnson-aye; Larsen-aye; Sasse-aye; Storkson-aye; and Nelsen-aye.

Sasse/Nelsen made a motion to deny the acceptance of Brobst plat for the reason on no access. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; Johnson-aye; and Storkson-aye.

Discussion ensued on allowing employees to carry over hours of vacation.

Sasse/ Larsen made a motion to allow employees to carry over 80 hours of vacation and if the employee wants to take more than two weeks of vacation in a row then they need to talk to the Auditor for approval; if it is the Auditor then four Council members need to approve the request. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; and Storkson-aye.

Auditors Report:

Discussion ensued regarding the increase needed to cover the increased charge from North Prairie.

Sasse/ Nelsen made a motion to increase the base water rate by $3/month. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Nelsen-aye; Storkson-aye; Larsen-aye; and Johnson-aye. This will be considered the first reading to amend 9.0101 Rates and Charges of the City Ordinances.

Discussion ensued regarding the progress of District 30.

Auditor Vaagen asked when Council would like him to call the Special Assessment Committee together for determining benefit for Assessment purposes for District 29 & 30. Auditor Vaagen was instructed to he can call the Committee together as soon as he can for this.

Public Works:

PW Director Peterson brought it to the Council’s attention that he can purchase a used plow from the State Surplus Auction for $150. Discussion ensued.

Larsen/ Storkson made a motion to authorize Peterson to purchase a plow and get it so it can be mounted on the loader for up to $2500. Roll Call: Larsen-aye; Storkson-aye; Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; and Sasse-aye.

Discussion ensued regarding the complaints received from residents regarding snow removal including people pushing snow across the street.

Councilman Larsen stated he believes the Public Works is doing a great job on the streets. He pointed out that we have had more snow in most years and the streets are wider than they have been in previous years. He stated the time the streets are clean before Minot’s are.


Chief Seideman publicly thanked Jason McKibben for all the help getting the MDT installed in the car.

Chief Seideman addressed Council regarding attending a meeting/training in Bismarck in February 22-23.

Johnson/ Nelsen made a motion to send Brad to training in Bismarck. Roll Call: Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; Storkson; and Sasse-aye.

Mayor Fennewald asked for clarification on the police schedule.

Mayor Fennewald asked the Police if they had any comments regarding the special meeting. Discussion ensued.

Larsen/ Johnson made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm.

January 14, 2011

Jason Vaagen, Auditor Date Submitted

Steve Fennewald, Mayor Date Approved