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SAP Fiori Apps for ERP – Insurance (MFC)
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SAP Best Practices SAP Fiori Apps for ERP – Insurance (MFC): Test Script


Icon / Meaning
/ Caution
/ Note

Typographic Conventions

Icon / Meaning
Example text / Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Example text / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> / Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.


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1 Purpose 5

2 Prerequisites 5

3 Workload Management for Claims 6

3.1 Purpose 6

3.2 Process Overview Table 6

3.3 Testing the Process Steps in the SAP Fiori App 7

3.4 Testing the Process Steps in the Backend System 13

4 Workload Management for Tasks 18

4.1 Purpose 18

4.2 Process Overview Table 18

4.3 Testing the Process Steps in the SAP Fiori App 19

4.4 Testing the Process Steps in the Backend System 24

1  Purpose

This document provides a detailed procedure for testing the scope item after solution deployment, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each process step is covered in its own section, providing the system interactions (i.e. test steps) in a table view.

The following SAP Fiori apps are described in this document:

SAP Fiori app / Business Role /
Workload Management for Claims / Insurance Claims Supervisor
Workload Management for Tasks / Insurance Claims Supervisor

2  Prerequisites

·  Before using SAP Fiori applications, you must install the prerequisite building blocks. For more information, see the Reference Card for the SAP Fiori apps rapid-deployment solution.

·  Users must be assigned to the predefined launch page role for your SAP Fiori application.

For launching the home page, use the appropriate URL.


3  Workload Management for Claims

3.1  Purpose

With the transactional app Workload Management for Claims you as the head of a claims department, can view the workload of your team members with regard to the assigned open claims.The app allows you to transfer one or multiple tasks from one employee to another within your own organizational unit or even in a different organizational unit.

The app also shows the current availability of the employee.

3.2  Process Overview Table

Process Step / Business Role / Expected Results /
Launch Workload Management / Claims Supervisor / The home page displayed the number of Team Claims and Team Tasks.
Check List of number Team Claims / Claims Supervisor / On the home page an overview list shows the number of open claims assigned to all employees in your own organizational unit.
Check List of Team Claims / Claims Supervisor / In the Claims Handler, for each employee, it is possible to see the number of open claims assigned to this employee and the detail of the open claims.
Check Details Of Open Claim / Claims Supervisor / In The Claim Handler all the details of each open claim, such as general information, subclaims or even task associated to the claim are shown.
Check Availability Employee / Claims Supervisor / In the overview list the employee availability is shown.
Transfer Item / Claims Supervisor / Transfer one or multiple clams from one employee to another.

3.3  Testing the Process Steps in the SAP Fiori App

This section describes test procedures in the frontend for each process step that belongs to this scope item.

Test Step # / Test Step Name / Instruction / User Entries:
Field Name: Value / Expected Result / Pass / Fail / Comment /
1 / Add-on verification / Check the backend ERP system and determine if the required add-on is installed. / The add-on has been verified.
2 / Log on to the Fiori System / Launch the Fiori system via the appropriate URL and log on with the appropriate user and password. / <Interaction_Field>
Interaction_Value> / In the home page the number of the open Team Claims, assigned all employees in your own organizational unit are displayed.
Team claims tile displays the team workload count.

3 / Launch the SAP Team Claims / Check the number of open claims for each one employee.
On the home page, choose Team Claims Tile. / The Team Claims page with all the employees and open Claims for the employee are displayed.

4 / Open Claims for each employee / In the left side of the page choose the employee. / The item details are displayed on the main screen.
In the head of page you can see the name of employee, number of open tasks, and Tasks and Availability options.
The detailed view shows all tasks of the employee with the most important claim data such as claim number, claim status, number of days that a claim has been open, and loss date.

5 / Open Claim Details / Select the Claim you want to see additional information, by double clicking or choose the icon on the right side of the page, in the end of the line. / View other claim data such as status, cause of loss, total claim expenditure, policyholder, product, line of business, and incident type.

6 / Sub Claims Details / In the Claim Handler choose:
1.  Claim ® Subclaims / In the Claim screen, view the separate tab strips for the assigned Subclaims.
In the tab Subclaims the detailed view shows data such as subclaim, claimant, status, and total incurred.
7 / Sub Tasks Details / In the Claim Handler choose:
1.  Claim ® Tasks / In the Claim screen, view the separate tab strips for the assigned Tasks.
In the tab Tasks the detailed view shows data such as task description, due date and actual claim handler.
8 / Employee calendar / On the Claim Handlers page, choose Availability. / For each employee you can use a calender to view his or her availability.

9 / Business card employee Data / In Claim Handler, select the employee's name.
/ A business card with important employee data such as telephone number and e-mail address appears.

10 / Transfer one or multiple Claims / 1.  In the detail area of the page select one or multiple tasks and choose Transfer

2.  A dialog box Select Claim Handler is displayed of claim handlers to who the selected claims can be re-assigned to.
Choose the Employee
Note: This list should not contain the claim handler from who the claims are re-assigned from.
3.  A Transfer dialog box appears, with the number of transfer claims, and transferred from and to.
4.  Choose OK or Cancel / The selected Claims were transferred to the selected employee.
The selected tasks should be re-assigned to the selected claim handler.
11 / Sort Claims / 1.  In the Claim Data, choose icon
2.  A sort by dialog appears

3.  Choose the sort mode
4.  Choose OK or Cancel / The Claims are displayed according to the select option.

3.4  Testing the Process Steps in the Backend System

This section describes the underlying SAP backend process. It describes the source of the data for the app. In addition, it is a way to check if the app is properly connected by changing data in the SAP system and checking if these changes are subsequently displayed by the app.

Test Step # / Test Step Name / Instruction / User Entries:
Field Name: Value / Expected Result / Pass / Fail / Comment /
1 / Log on to the SAP ERP backend system / Log on to the SAP ERP backend system with the same user (manager role) and password that you used in the SAP Fiori application. / <Interaction_Field>: Interaction_Value>
2 / Verify workload count for Open Claims / Access transaction S_KK4_08000349 (or via SAP Menu ® Claim Processing® Claim ® Evaluations ® Worklist
1.  Fill the Fields Period and Organizational Unit
2.  Execute (F8)
If you don´t know the Organizational Unit ID, in ICLRBPOM02 transaction verify organizational unit to which employees are associated:
a.  Find User

b.  Verify the Organizational Assignment
/ Period
<Organizational Unit> / In the worklist, verify the Claim Handler ID and the Open Claims.
3 / Create Claim / 1.  Access transaction ICLCDC01 (or via SAP Menu ® Claim Processing® Claim ® Processing® Expert Mode ® Create
2.  Fields must be filled out with the required information
3.  Choose Enter
4.  Choose Save button / Contract
Policy Product >
Date of Loss >
Date estimated - tick if exact date of loss is not known at time of notification
Incident Type > / In the back-end system the success message with the ID claim is shown.
In the Front End Application (in the app) you can see that the Claim you create.
4 / Change Claim / 1.  Access transaction ICLCDC02 (or via SAP Menu ® Claim Processing® Claim ® Processing® Expert Mode ® Change
2.  Choose the ID Claim you want to modify and write the ID in Claim Number field
3.  Choose Change button (F6)
4.  Choose Save button / Claim Number > / The changes are subsequently displayed by the app.
5 / Display Claim / 1.  Access transaction ICLCDC03 (or via SAP Menu ® Claim Processing® Claim ® Processing® Expert Mode ® Display
2.  Fill field Claim Number
3.  Choose Display button (F7) / Claim Number > / The information display in ERP is the same in the App.
6 / Transfer Claim / Access transaction ICL_RBP_MASS_CHANGE:
1.  Fill fields in Agent Assignment Block
2.  In optional Selection Criteria, choose the Claim Number
3.  In Technical Settings leave the field empty

4.  Execute Button (F8) / The requests in the backend system are the same as the ones in the SAP Fiori app.
The selected Claim(s) should be re-assigned to the selected claim handler.
Selected tasks should be transferred successfully and a success message is displayed.
If an error message should be displayed, none of the selected tasks should be transferred.
7 / Business card employee Data / 1.  Access transaction SBWP ( or via SAP Menu ® Insurance ® Tasks Management ® Claim ® Business Workplace ® Environment menu ® Display Personal Data ®
2.  In the screen select the line with data ®
Double-click in the line / FIRST NAME> or/and
LAST NAME / The employee data such as telephone number and e-mail address in the back-end system is the same as the ones in the SAP Fiori app.
8 / Check availability and calendar employee / Access transaction ICLRBPOM02 / Verify that the data that was maintained in the App, is correctly reflected in the calendar.

4  Workload Management for Tasks

4.1  Purpose

With the transactional app Workload Management for Tasks, you can view the workload of your team members with regard to the assigned tasks from claims processing. If necessary, you can transfer one or multiple tasks and the associated workflow from one employee to another within your own organizational unit or even in a different organizational unit. The app also shows the current availability of the employee.