November 2012doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1288r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2012-11-12
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /
IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #136
Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Antonio, TX, USA
November12th – 16th, 2012
IEEE 802.11Opening Plenary, Monday 12thNovember2012
Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 11:16CST.
Jon RosdahlVice-chair 1 (VC1)CSR
Adrian StephensVice-chair 2 (VC2)Intel
Stephen McCannSecretaryResearch in Motion
There are 323 voting members of IEEE 802.11
- Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-12-1209r1)
1.1.Chair: This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. There are also some other documents this week to consider, which are on the server.
1.2.Chair: Any modifications to the agenda? None seen.
1.3.No objection to the approval of the agenda.
- September2012 (Indian Wells & Beijing) WG Minutes
2.1.Move to approve the Indian Wells September2012 minutes document 11-12-1112r0
2.2.Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry
2.3.Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
2.4.Move to approve the Beijing September2012 minutes document 11-12-1349r1
2.5.Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Richard Kennedy
2.6.Q: I see that the attendance list contains family names in capitals. Is this going to be standard practice?
2.7.Chair: yes, as much as possible.
2.8.Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
2.9.Chair: There were pictures of everyone of who attended the Beijing Interim meeting and more information about this will be given later in TGaj. Also since everyone gained voting rights for attending this meeting, the number of IEEE 802.11 voting members has increased since last time we met.
- Notices
3.1.Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please.
3.2.Chair: We will be asking for pictures to be taken on Wednesday for awards, but otherwise this is not allowed.
- Attendance
4.1.Please can you remember to login and register your attendance.
4.2.11 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 206 people in the room.
4.3.Chair: Please note that there is a newcomer training session will be after lunch at 13:30 in room “Republic C” on the 4th level.
- Financials (11-12-1222r0)
5.1.VC1: This is the treasury report updated for the September 2012 meeting.
5.2.There was a surplus of about $15,000 for this meeting.
5.3.The first column is the budgeted figure and the 2nd is the actual figure. Some changes may be required, as Hurricane Sandy has caused some delays in the final figures.
5.4.No questions
- Policy and Procedures(11-12-1224r0)
6.1.VC1: Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information and also 11-12-0045r1.
6.2.The VC1 called for essential patents information.
6.3.No statements were made.
6.4.VC1: I would also like to mention other guidelines for this meeting.
6.5.See slide #7 for some more information and links.
6.6.Chair: Also, there is also a link to the LoA database in 11-12-1211r0 slide #3
6.8.No questions
- Document Posting to Mentor
7.1.VC1: Please note that there are a lot of pending documents on the mentor server at the moment. Documents must be on the server before presentation. Please remember to enter both a name and an affiliation when filling out the document fields on the server.
7.2.VC2: I have now deleted 2010 and 2011 pending documents.
- Passing Away of a Member
8.1.Chair: I would just like to mention that Philippe Chambelin has passed away since the September 2012 meeting and ask for a minute of silence in respect.
- Rules Changes and 5C update (11-12-1224r0)
9.1.VC1: Here is a quick summary of some proposed changes to the 5Cs. We have been asked to provide any comments to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee by 5pm on Tuesday. This issue will be discussed during the IEEE 802.11 PAR (Project Authorization Request) meetings today and tomorrow.
9.2.There are more details in EC document 0056r2, but the main issue is that the item about compatibility will be moved up to section 1. There are some changes to other items to allow more specific details to be described.
9.3.No questions
- Announcements (11-12-1210r1 and 11-12-1211r0)
10.1.PAR expirations (11-12-1210r1 slide #5)
10.1.1.No questions
10.2.Missing chairs and replacements (11-12-1210r1 slide #6)
10.2.1.Chair: Please note the new line for TGaj, with the new officers.
10.2.2.Please note that several people are missing this, due to various reasons.
10.2.3.No questions
10.3.Joint Meetings this week (11-12-1211r0)
10.3.1.Chair: Thursday AM1 with IEEE 802.1 to discuss bridging in “Lone Star A”
10.3.2.No questions
10.4.PAR Meetings this week (11-12-1211r0 slide #5)
10.4.1.Chair: There are 12 new PARs this week and so there are some PAR meetings this week, to review the PARs of the other IEEE 802 Working Groups (WG).
10.4.2.If you are interested in any of them, please come along to one of the PAR sessions, chaired by Jon Rosdahl. Otherwise, please send him an email. These will then be reviewed during the IEEE 802.11 closing plenary.
10.5.Meeting Rooms and other IEEE 802 meetings(11-12-1211r0 slide #8)
10.5.1.Chair: Please note we are meeting over several levels this week.
10.5.2.Most of the other groups have agendas as shown in slide #10
10.5.3.Breakfast is served on level 2 and level 4 and the social will be in the “Lone Star” Ballroom on level 2, starting at 6.30pm Wednesday. Please can you obtain a badge from the registration desk for any guests.
10.6.January 2013 in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada
10.6.1.Chair: Please note that the hotel booking and registration are now both open. Please note the early bird cut-off date of 30th November 2012.
10.7.IEEE-SA Staff
10.7.1.Chair: There are quite a few IEEE-SA staff present this week. We will hear from Gil Santiago during the mid-week plenary on Wednesday.
10.8.IEEE 802 ExCom (11-12-1211r0 slide #16)
10.8.1.There is a lot of material for the IEEE 802 ExCom from IEEE 802.11 this week:
10.8.2.New project PAR to NesCom: PAD and GLK
10.8.3.Study Group start up: Depends upon results of WNG meeting
10.8.4.Study Group extension: PAD & GLK
10.9.IEEE 802.1 Architecture
10.9.1.Chair: This will be discussed in the IEEE 802.11 ARC meeting this week.
10.10.1.There is now an IEEE 802.24 Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for this activity and they have 3 meetings this week. There will be cross voting rights between IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.24.
10.11.1.There are other topics for discussion, which will come up on Wednesday as shown in slide #19.
10.12.1.There are 3 tutorials scheduled for this week as shown in slide #20.
10.13.Student Outreach
10.13.1.There may be some students coming along to IEEE 802.11 on Tuesday as part of the IEEE 802 outreach program. Numbers are not really known at the moment
- Documentation and Attendance (11-12-0038r6)
11.1.VC2: The ANA has nothing to report at the moment (11-12-0270r21)
11.2.The meeting registration indicates that 225 people are present this week. Note we lost 5 voters with Letter Ballot 189, but gained quite a few from the IEEE 802.11 Interim September 2012 meeting in China.
11.3.Please remember to do your attendance.
11.4.There is an online calendar if you wish to download it for your device.
11.5.There has been a problem with the DAV mechanism to synchronize with the external document server.
11.6.No questions
- Publicity and Timelines(11-12-1350r0)
12.1.Secretary: Briefly explained the status of the P802.11ad press release in 11-12-1066r0.
12.2.No change to timelines recently, but please note the new lines for TGmc and TGaj
12.3.No questions
- Status of all groups (11-12-1210r1)
13.1.The status of each group was presented.
13.2.Note that GLK will become IEEE 802.11ak and PAD will become IEEE 802.11aq is they are successfully approved this week.
13.3.Some extra notes not covered in the slides:
13.3.1.Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning
13.3.2.WNG: There was 1 presentationscheduled for this week, but the presenter no longer wants to present, so the group is in an unusual situation at the moment. Please can you let the WNG chair know if you wish to present, otherwise the meeting will be very short.
13.3.3.Question (Q): Will be meeting be cancelled then?
13.3.4.Answer (A): No, as there at least some minutes to approve.
13.3.6.Q: Please can we have a link to the P1905.1 document.
13.3.7.Chair: No, it can only be provided to named individuals. It cannot be posted in a public place.
13.3.8.VC1: IEEE 802 purchased only 50 copies, and IEEE 802.11 has 8.
13.3.9.IEEE 802 Chair: There are 50 copies of each draft. So every time a new draft is produced, 50 copies can be provided. Hopefully a new one will be available today.
13.3.10.Chair: Please let me know if you require a copy.
13.3.12.Chair: I’m actually missing the TGai snapshot, so I’ll have to ask the TGai to quickly speak about his group’s plan for the week.
13.3.13.TGai Chair: There are 8 slots this week with a lot of work and the group will also address meeting plans for January 2013.
13.3.14.Chair: The slide deck will be updated for the TGai snapshot.
13.4.No questions
- Any Other Business
14.1.Chair: No objections to recess. Meeting recessed at 12:30CST
Wednesday, 14thNovember2012
IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary
Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 10:30CST
154people present.
- Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-12-1209r3)
15.1.Chair: There are some adjustments which have been made to this document.
15.2.Any objection to accepting this change to the agenda, with the exception of that change to the Radio Regulatory report.
15.3.No objections, so moved and approved.
- Call for Essential Patents
16.1.Call for essential patents
- CAC (Chair’s Advisory Committee)
17.1.Reminder about the CAC meeting at 19:30 on Thursday. Need to consider documentation for the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) meeting on Friday.
- Announcements
18.1.Social (11-12-1211r1 slide #22)
18.2.This starts at 6.30pm in this hotel on level 2in the “Lone Star” ballroom. Please can you remember to obtain badges for any guest, otherwise they will not be allowed in.
18.4.Please remember that private conversations should be taken outside of meeting rooms
- Liaisons
19.1.IEEE 802.19 : Co-existence (11-12-1388r0)
19.1.1.No questions
19.2.Bluetooth SIG
19.2.1.Jim Lansford has volunteered to be a two way liaison between IEEE 802.11 and the Bluetooth SIG. Therefore we need to officially recognize Jim as the IEEE 802.11 and he has to wait for the Bluetooth SIG to endorse him. Other than that there is no technical update.
19.3.Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)
19.3.1.Since the last update (August 2012) programs for TDLS (11z) and Miracast have been announced.
19.3.2.At the last meeting (Tokyo – October 2012), there were discussion on several certifications based on 802.11: Hotspot - Passpoint (11u), HD5 (11ac), 60 GHz (11ad),
19.3.3.In addition these topics are also relevant to 802.11: TVWS, Smart Grid, Network power conservation and power saving.
19.3.4.If you are interested please come along to the WFA.
19.3.5.Next meeting March 2013 in Shanghai, China.
19.3.6.No questions.
19.4.1.There is a RFC 4441 regarding the IEEE 802.11/IETF relationship that is of interest to members.
19.4.2.Chair: Thanks to Dorothy for her work in these detailed presentations. In this area, we are the role model for the whole of IEEE 802. There is a new activity, across IEEE 802, to improve our relationship with IETF. There is now a list of common list topics, e.g. RADEXT items. This new group is having on-going teleconferences to discuss material.
19.4.3.Chair: As the IETF is meeting in the same hotel prior to our IEEE 802.11 plenary in Orlando (March 2013), the Saturday between the two meetings has been set aside as a joint IETF/IEEE 802 working day. However, this meeting is by invitation only, so we need to be a little cautious regarding how many IEEE 802.11 members can actually attend.
19.4.4.Comment (C): Please note the following web page: a symbol for “open stand”. Please have a look at it. Both the IETF and IEEE are creating a strategy as to how standards should be done.
19.4.5.Chair: Hopefully there will be more information about “Open Stand” in March 2013.
19.5.TVWS in Japan (11-12-1396r0)
19.5.1.Presentation also includes information on an 11af demonstration.
19.5.2.C: Thank you for posting this information in a public space.
19.5.3.Chair: the demonstration was quite impressive. Would it be possible to bring to an IEEE 802.11 meeting?
19.5.4.A: Possibly
19.5.5.Chair: When is 11af going to be published?
19.5.6.A: When it’s available in the Store.
19.5.7.Chair: Can the secretary please remember to remind me about the 11af document later in the week.
19.6.1.There are now two items of interest within 3GPP: Access Network (RAN) Work Item (WI) on WLAN interworking (tight coupling) Architecture (SA) WI on WLAN offload.
19.6.2.No questions
19.7.IEEE 802.24
19.7.1.Chair: Do we have someone who could act as a liaison to IEEE 802.24? If so, please let me know.
19.7.2.No questions
- GLK & PAD Study Group PAR & 5C changes (Old Business)
- Chair: We have received comments on both the GLK and PAD PAR and 5C documents.
- GLK SG Chair: We received one comment on section 5.5 of the 802.11ak draft PAR as shown in 11-12-1227r0, which also shows the changes that we came up with.
- Chair: So is there a new PAR available?
- GLK SG Chair: There is now a new PAR 11-12-1207r1.
20.5.Motion for IEEE 802.11ak PAR
20.5.1.Believing that the PAR contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines,
20.5.2.Request that the PAR contained in 11-12-1207r1 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval to submit to NesCom.
20.5.3.[GLK result: Moved: Ian Sherlock, Seconded: Mark Hamilton, Result: 18/0/0]
20.5.4.Moved on behalf of GLK SG by Donald Eastlake, 2nd: Ian Sherlock
20.5.5.VC2: The motion is not accurate as we don’t need the “WG 802 preview and EC” text to amend, removing the words “WG 802 preview and EC” from the motion. by Adrian Stephens, 2nd Jon Rosdahl objection to accept the amendment
20.5.6.Chair: Any further discussion on the main motion?
20.5.7.Believing that the PAR contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines,
20.5.8.Request that the PAR contained in 11-12-1207r1 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for approval to submit to NesCom.
20.5.9.For: 86, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)
20.6.Motion to extend the GLK SG
20.6.1.Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to extend the IEEE 802.11 GLK Study Group.
20.6.2.[GLK result: Moved: Mark Hamilton Seconded: Ian Sherlock, 13/0 /0]
20.6.3.Moved on behalf of GLK SG by Donald Eastlake, 2nd: Mark Hamilton
20.6.4.For: 77, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)
20.7.Motion for IEEE 802.11aq PAR
20.7.1.Believing that the PAR content contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, request that the PAR content contained in 802.11-12/1081r6 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval to submit to NesCom.
20.7.2.[PAD SG Result: Moved: Dwight Smith,2nd: Stuart Kerry, Result: 31/0/0]
20.7.3.Moved on behalf of PAD SG by Stephen McCann, 2nd: Dwight Smith
20.7.4.Friendly amendment to remove the words “WG 802 preview and EC”. No objection
20.7.5.Believing that the PAR content contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, request that the PAR content contained in 802.11-12/1081r6 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval to submit to NesCom.
20.7.6.For: 78, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)
20.8.Motion for IEEE 802.11aq 5C
20.8.1.Believing that the Five Criteria contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE 802 guidelines, request that the Five Criteria contained in 802.11-12/1137r6 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval.
20.8.2.[PAD SG Result: Moved: Dwight Smith, 2nd: Michael Montemurro, Result: 33/0/0]
20.8.3.Moved on behalf of PAD SG by Stephen McCann, 2nd: Dwight Smith
20.8.4.Friendly amendment to remove the words “WG 802 preview and EC”. No objection
20.8.5.Believing that the Five Criteria contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE 802 guidelines, request that the Five Criteria contained in 802.11-12/1137r6 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for approval.
20.8.6.For: 72, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)
20.9.Motion to extend the PAD SG
20.9.1.Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to extend the IEEE 802.11 PAD Study Group.
20.9.2.Note: this is to allow further work to finalise PAR and 5 Criteria documentation, in case the PAR is not approved by NesCom.
20.9.3.[PAD SG Result: Moved: Michael Montemurro, Second: Stuart Kerry. Result: 37/0/0]
20.9.4.Moved on behalf of PAD SG by Stephen McCann, 2nd: Dwight Smith
20.9.5.For:70, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)
20.10.Motion to approve PAD SG response to IEEE 802.21
20.10.1.Approve the response document to comments received from IEEE 802.21 regarding the IEEE 802.11aq PAR and 5Cs contained in document “11-12-1391-00-0pad-response-to-802.21-comments-on-PAR-and-5Cs.ppt”
20.10.2.[PAD SG Result: Moved: Stuart Kerry, Second: Joe Levy, Result: 22/0/0]
20.10.3.Moved on behalf of PAD SG by Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry
20.10.4.For:62, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)
- OmniRAN(16-12-0670r1)
21.1.IEEE 802.16 Chair: It is felt that this activity should occur at the IEEE 802 level and I would like to introduce Max Riegel to make the main presentation.
21.2.Open Mobile network interface for omni-range area networks (OmniRAN)
21.3.Proposal to establish an IEEE 802 Study Group on OmniRAN on Friday this week.
21.4.Chair: Please can we restrict discussion to a few minutes. No response.
21.5.Chair: Does anyone want to continue this discussion on Friday. No response.
21.6.No questions
- IEEE Infrastructure Services
22.1.Karen McCabe: I would like to introduce Gil Santiago (check spelling) regarding various recent IEEE IT incidents.
22.2.Gil Santiago: My role is to be responsibility for IT, list servers and desktop support.
22.3.All of you are aware of the effects of Hurricane Sandy. Power was lost in the IEEE data center and disaster recovery services were then re-started. There were various issues with the handover of data from our site on the US East Coast to a backup site in Arizona.
22.4.I’m aware of how this affected your IEEE email services and your business.
22.5.On September 24th, there was a security breach regarding the IEEE mailing server. Again various actions were taken to solve this problem. We are currently running an audit to check all the data flows within the IEEE. There appears to be a bug in the password recovery tools, which did not help the situation. Again the process has been corrected.
22.6.The media reports were exaggerated, and the actual numbers of exposed accounts were in the order of 50,000.