Vstupní test do 2. ročníku
1. Text
My name is Mary. I am thirty-four and I am a dentist. I have got a husband. His name is Matthew. He’s thirty-two and he’s the manager of a restaurant, so he’s really very busy. He’s very happy because a lot of people like going there for their lunches and meals. My job isn’t so popular. Some people don’t want to go to their dentist’s surgery when they have got a problem with their tooth.
Matthew and I have got a son and a daughter. The son’s name is John and the girl’s is Susan. John is fourteen, so it’s sometimes difficult with him. He’s a student. He likes listening to music. Susan’s only six. She’s very nice. Matthew and I love her very much, but John isn’t so keen on her. He thinks that we prefer spending time with her, but he’s not right, of course.
We live in a small house in Bristol. There is a kitchen and a living room on the ground floor and three bedrooms with a bathroom and a toilet on the first floor. The house has got a large garden. It’s my husband’s hobby. What about me? I love going for walks and reading. I have got lots of books.
2. Na základě textu označte nejlepší variantu (5x2 body)
a) Matthew spends a lot of time
1. at work
2. in his surgery
3. at home
b) Mary’s job is...
1. very busy
2. not popular with some people
3. popular
c) Mary and Matthew have got
1. two dogs
2. two houses
3. two children
d) Mary and Matthew like being
1. with their son
2. with their daughter
3. with their children
e) The house has got
1. a garage for the car
2. seven rooms
3. a dining room
Počet bodů úkol č. 2:
3. Na základě textu odpovězte na následující otázky (5x2 body)
a) Where does Mary’s husband work?b) What’s John’s sister’s name?
c) What is John’s hobby?
d) Who likes working in the garden?
e) How many books has Mary got?
Počet bodů úkol č. 3:
4. Označte správnou variantu (10x2 body)
a) She ______a secretary.1. be / 2. is / 3. are / 4. am
b) Our house has got a ______garden.
1. tall / 2. big / 3. busy / 4. difficult
c) ______often does he play tennis?
1. When / 2. Why / 3. Where / 4. How
d) I get up ______six o’clock every day.
1. at / 2. on / 3. in / 4. to
e) I need ______something before work.
1. eating / 2. eat / 3. to eat / 4. not to eat
f) Charles reads a lot. He ______goes to the library.
1. rarely / 2. often / 3. never / 4. sometimes
g) I haven’t got ______free time.
1. many / 2. a lot / 3. much / 4. lot of
h) He hasn’t got ______friends.
1. some / 2. any / 3. a / 4. no
i) I really like ______books.
1. to read / 2. read / 3. reading / 4. reading of
j) Where is Grandma now? She ______in the kitchen.
1. works / 2. working / 3. work / 4. is working
Počet bodů úkol č. 4:
5. Označte správnou variantu (10x1 bod)
a) Who are you talking about? / About who are you talking?
b) How much/many children have they got?
c) There is a desk/ two windows in my room.
d) Agatha likes books. She reads/is reading a lot.
e) Sorry, I have got no/any money.
f) We play table tennis in the gym on Tuesdays/on Tuesdays in the gym.
g) I always want/want always to do my homework after dinner.
h) Do he knows Enjo?/Does he know Enjo?
i) This book is about her/she.
j) John and Jane have got two children /childs.
Počet bodů úkol č. 5:
6. Označte číslem, které pokračování je nejvhodnější - každé užijte jenom jednou (10x1 bod)
a) He hasn’t / 1. He has it at school.b) I have got a dog. / 2. some tea.
c) How many times a week / 3. are you going?
d) Where does he have lunch? / 4. do you go there?
e) His lessons are / 5. got a job.
f) I want / 6. in Harris Street.
g) We haven’t got / 7. in her room?
h) Where / 8. The dog is Bess.
i) Is there a wardrobe / 9. any tea.
j) There is a new sports shop / 10. always interesting.
Počet bodů úkol č. 6:
7. Doplňte vhodné předložky (10x1 bod)
a) popular students
b) a film the television
c) good French
d) shelves books
e) breakfast the table
f) free time sport
g) a table two
h) thanks the flowers
i) next the bathroom
j) go bus
Počet bodů úkol č. 7:
8. Přeložte (10x3 body)
a) Toto je Nicki. Je studentka.b) Kelly má dva bratry. Jmenují se Peter a John.
c) Mají pěkný dům. Je blízko parku.
d) Mojí sestře je třicet čtyři let.
e) On hudbu neposlouchá. Nemá ji rád.
f) Proč se jí ta práce líbí?
g) Nechoď tam. Je to nudné.
h) Chodím do kina jednou za týden.
i) Vtomto domě není jídelna.
j) Co to děláš? Učíš se?
f) Ještě ti o tom nemohu říci.
Počet bodů úkol č. 8:
Počet bodů:
Strana 1 / Strana 2 / Strana 3 / CelkemŘEŠENÍ:
2.a-1, b-2, c-3, d-3, e-2
3.a – He works in a restaurant.
b – Her name is Susan.
c – His hobby is music.
d – Matthew likes working in the garden.
e – Mary has got a lot of books.
4.a-2, b-2, c-4, d-1, e-3, f-2, g-3, h-2, i-3, j-4
5.a – Who are you talking about?
b – many
c – a desk
d – reads
e – no
f – in the gym on Tuesdays
g – always want
h – Does he know Enjo?
i – her
j – children
6.a-5, b-8, c-4, d-1, e-10, f-2, g-9, h-3, i-7, j-6
7.a – with
b – on
c – at
d – for
e – on
f – for
g – for
h – for
i – to
j – by
8.a – This is Nicki. She is a student.
b – Kelly has got two brothers. Their names are Peter and John.
c – They have got a nice house. It is near a park.
d – My sister is thirty-four (years old).
e – He doesn’t listen to music. He doesn’t like it.
f – Why does she like the job?
g – Don’t go there. It’s boring.
h – I go to the cinema once a week.
i – There isn’t a/any dining room in this house.
j – What are you doing? Are you studying/learning?