Tender Dossier –2016
Concern Worldwide South Sudan
Supply of Agricultural Inputs to Aweil West Ref:159031
Lot 1 – Supply of Tools DDP Nyamlel, Aweil West
Lot 2 – Supply of Crop Seeds DDP Nyamlel, Aweil West
Lot 3 – Supply of Vegetable Seeds DDP Nyamlel, Aweil West
Lot 4 – Transportation of Supplies to Nyamlel, Aweil West
Concern Worldwide South Sudan
PO Box 104
Airport Road
South Sudan.
Table of Contents
Section 1Introduction to Tendering for Supply and Transportation of Agricultural Inputs
1.1Introduction to Concern
1.1.1Concern Worldwide South Sudan
1.2Background to Tendering for Agricultural Inputs
1.3Pre-qualification Process
1.3.1Submission of Bids
1.3.2Supporting Documentation to be submitted with each Bid
1.3.3Evaluation of Bids
Section 2Supplier Tender Form
Section 3Concern Worldwide purchasing terms and conditions
Section 4Draft Contract for Supply and Transportation of Agricultural Inputs
Section 5Specifications
Section 6Inspections and Site Visits
Section 1 – Introduction to Tender for Agricultural Inputs
1.1 Introduction to Concern
Concern Worldwide (CWW) is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian agency that was founded in 1968. The organisation is devoted to the relief, assistance and advancement of people in greatest need in less developed areas of the world. Concern Worldwide’s vision is a world where people no longer live in extreme poverty, fear or oppression; a world where every person has access to a decent standard of living and the opportunities and choices basic to enjoying a long, healthy and creative life; a world where every person is treated with dignity and respect; a world where there is peace and solidarity among people. The organisation’s headquarters are in Dublin, Ireland.
CWW’s policy is to work in countries in the bottom 40 as per the Human Development Index (HDI), though emergency interventions may take place in countries outside this group of countries. In 2016, we are working in countries which are in Africa, Asia and Haiti in the Caribbean.
1.1.1Concern Worldwide South Sudan
Concern has been working in South Sudan since 1985, initially focusing initially on emergency response in the Upper Nile area. Between 1994 and 1998 Concern expanded emergency response to people affected by the civil war in Yei, Eastern Equatoria. In 1998, Concern expanded further to Northern Bahr el Ghazal region, Nuba Mountains and the Unity Region.
Currently Concern operates in Bentiu Protection of Civilian (POC) sites in Rubkona County; Aweil West, Aweil North and Aweil Centre Counties in Lol State; and UN House POC and nutrition centres in Juba. While in Bentiu and Juba the work is purely emergency response, Concern has transitioned to development programming in Lol State. The main focus has been on food security, livelihoods, health and nutrition.
1.2Background to Tender for Agricultural Inputs
Concern Worldwide is a member of a consortium implementing the DfID funded Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) in South Sudan. For Concern Worldwide the BRACED activities are implemented through our Northern Bahr el Ghazal programmes from our office in Nyamlel. We are now tendering for materials to support programme implementation.
1.3Tender Process
An advert appeared in the International Guardian Newspaper on 09th December 2016.
For queries, please contact:
Mob: +211 915 879 034
1.3.1Application Process
Tender dossiers are available by:
-Requesting a softcopy by emailing from 09th December 2016
-Downloading the tender pack from Concern Worldwide website.
-Collecting forms fromJuba Concern Worldwide Office, Airport Road, Juba from 09th December 2016
1.3.2 Submission of Bids
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope. The envelope should stateTender for Agricultural Inputs – Concern Worldwide. The envelope should be addressed to:
Country Director
Concern Worldwide South Sudan
Juba, South Sudan
Envelopes must be submitted to Concern Worldwide office Airport Road,Tongping,Juba up to 12.00PM (GMT +3) on Friday 16th December2016. They can also be electronically submitted to up to 12:00PM(GMT +3) on Friday 16th December.
Bids will be opened on Friday 16thDecember, from 13.00(GMT +3) at the Concern Worldwide office in Tongping, Jubain presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
Portion of Bids, electronic bids, bids which are not received by the closing date, will be treated as late bids and will not be included in the evaluation.
If the envelope is not sealed and marked as instructed above, Concern will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the bid. A bid opened prematurely will be rejected.
1.3.3 Supporting Documentation to be submitted with each Bid
Copies of the following supporting documentation mustbe submitted with each Bid:
- Business registration certificates as per businesses country requirements.
- Importers and Exporters Registration Certificate for South Sudan
- Import Licence to South Sudan
- Germinator Authorisation Certification
- Financial statements and audited accounts for 2014 & 2015
- Company Profile
- Certificate/reference information of previous undertakings of contracts with NGO/UN agencies, particularly in South Sudan
1.3.4 Evaluation of Bids
All valid bids will be evaluated by anEvaluation Committee of Concern South Sudanwho will assess the bids based onadministrative, technical and financial evaluation, using the information provided in your submission.
Concern reserves the right to request samples of products or past work and to visit the premises of bidders, if this is deemed necessary to complete the evaluation.
Section 2 –Supplier Pre-qualification Form
- Business Profile
Name of Company:
Physical Address:
Telephone Number:
Email, if applicable:
Contact Name, Title, Telephone Number
Type of business (plc/limited company/partnership etc…)
Years in operation:
Provide information on any relationships that you have with Concern staff? – Friends/family/ business partners etc.
- Bank Details:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Bank Account Name:
Bank Account Number:
How long has this Account been open?
Do you accept payment for bank accounts in Kenya and or/Uganda?
- Payment Terms:
Orders accepted on signing contract?
Number of days credit provided, if applicable:
Preferred payment method: (cash/cheque/electronic payment)
- Employee Information
Number of Full-time Employees:
% of Male .v. Female Employees:
Number of children working for you (i.e. under 18); please provide details of the work that they carry out:
What is the average pay for your staff for one day’s work:
What is the minimum pay for your staff for one day’s work:
What is the average number of hours that your employees work per week:
Do your staff get annual leave; if so how many days per year:
- Source of Supplies
Where do you source your Crop Seeds?
Where do you source your vegetable Seeds?
Where do you source your supply of tools?
- Product Information – Staple Crop Seeds
Can you meet variety requirements? / Germination rate - %: (please attach verification) / Moisture level:
(please attach verification) / Purity %:
(please attach verification) / Year of testing / Production year: / Can meeting packaging requirements?
Required / Yes/No* / Required / Yes/No*
Cowpea / M66 variety / 1 kg pkt
Cowpea / Kenkunde 1 variety / 1 kg pkt
Cowpea / KVU 27 – 1 variety / 1 kg pkt
Maize / Katumani (short-maturing) / 1 kg pkt
Green gram / KS-20 / 1 kg pkt
Green gram / N-26 / 1 Kg pkt
Bulrush/Pearl millet / Balabala (Dukhun) / 1 kg pkt
Bambara Groundnut / 1 kg pkt
Chickpea / 1 kg pkt
Hibiscus / Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) / 1 kg pkt
Sorghum / Seredo variety / 1 kg pkt
Sunflower / H 8998 / 1kg pkt
*Where you cannot provide variety or packaging indicated above, please indicate in the what variety or packaging you can provide
Seeds vegetable:
Variety Required / Variety / Packaging requirement / Packaging / Expiry dateYes / No* / Yes / No*
Carrots / New Kuroda / 25g per pkt
Egg plants / Black beauty / 25g per pkt
Tomatoes / Cal j / 25g per pkt
Sukuma Wiki (Kale) / 25g per pkt
Spinach / Fordhook Giant / 25g per pkt
Onions Red / Red Creole / 25g per pkt
Amaranthus / Improved / 25g per pkt
Okra / Local / 25g per pkt
Water Melon / Sugar baby / 25g per pkt
Pumpkins / Local / 25g per pkt
*Where you answer NO above, please indicate the variety and the packaging that you can provide
DetailsDo you transport in your own truck(s)?
If you do not transport in your own truck(s), please provide name and contact details for the transporter that you use.
How long do you estimate to transport items from your location to Nyamlel, Aweil West?
What insurance cover is included in your quote?
What is your recovery service for the truck if it breaks down?
What is your response time if the truck breaks down?
6. Reference of undertaking similar work in the past:
Please complete the table below using the format to summarise the Major relevant supplies/services carried out in the course of the past 3 years by your company. Please provide proof e.g. copy of LPO.
Provide details of other International Aid and UN Organisations that you supplyInternational NGO/UN Organisation / Contact details of NGO/Co. / Total Contract Value / Date / Description of items or service supplied
Provide information on previous experience with Concern, if any
Procurement contact in Concern / Total Contract Value / Date / Description of items or service supplied
Experience with Concern
Experience with Concern
Experience with Concern
Experience with Concern
Section 3 –Concern Worldwide purchasing terms and conditions
Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term “Client” refers to Concern Worldwide. The term “Supplier” refers to the entity named on the order and contracting with the Buyer. The term “Contract” can be taken to mean either (a) the purchase order or (b) the supply agreement, whichever is in place.
1) Price: The prices stated on the order shall be held firm for the period of 3 months / or quantity unless specifically stated otherwise
2) Source of Instructions: The Supplier shall not seek nor accept instructions from any source external to Concern Worldwide in relation to the performance of the contract.
3)Assignment: The Supplier shall not assign, transfer, sublet or subcontract the contract or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the Buyer.
4) Corruption: The Supplier shall not give, nor offer to give, anyone employed by the Buyer an inducement or gift that could be perceived by others to be a bribe. The Supplier agrees that a breach of this provision may lead to an immediate end to business relationships and termination of existing contracts.
5) Confidentiality : All data, including but not limited to, maps, drawings, photographs, estimates, plans, reports and budgets that has been compiled by or received by the Supplier under the contract shall be the property of Concern Worldwide and shall be treated as confidential. All such data should be delivered to the authorized officials representing the Buyer upon request.
5.2) The Suppliermay not communicate at any time to any other person, government or authority external to Concern Worldwide, any information that has been compiled through association with Concern Worldwide which has not been made public except with written authorisation from the Buyer. These obligations do not lapse upon termination of the contract.
6)Use of Emblem or Name: Unless otherwise agreed in writing; the Supplier shall not advertise nor make public the fact that it is supplying goods or services to the Buyer, nor shall the Supplier in any way whatsoever use the name or emblem of Concern Worldwide in connection with its business or otherwise.
7) Observance of Law: The Supplier shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bearing upon the performance of its obligations under the terms of the contract.
8) Force Majeure: The meaning of the term can be taken to mean acts of God, war (declared or not), invasion, revolution, insurrection or acts similar in nature or force.
8.2) In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause deemed force majeure, the supplier must inform theBuyer of the full particulars in writing. If the supplier is rendered unable either in part or in whole to perform its obligations then the Buyer shall take such action as it considers, in its sole discretion, to be appropriate or necessary in the circumstances.
8.3) If the Supplier is permanently rendered incapable in whole or part by reason of force majeure to complete its obligations and responsibilities under the contract then the Buyer will have the right to suspend or terminate the contract on the same terms and conditions laid out in section 9, Cancellation.
9) Cancellation: The Buyer reserves the right to cancel the contract should it suspend its activities or through changes to its mandate by virtue of the Executive Council of Concern Worldwide and/or lack of funding. In such a case the Supplier shall be reimbursed by Concern Worldwide for all reasonable costs incurred by the Supplier, including all materials satisfactory delivered and conforming to specification and terms of contract, prior to receipt of the termination notice.
9.2) Should the supplier encounter solvency problems including, but not limited to, bankruptcy, liquidation, receivership and similar, the buyer reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have under the terms of these conditions.
10) Warranty: The Supplier shall provide the Buyer with all manufacturers’ warranties. The supplier warrants that all goods supplied in relation to the contract meets specification, is defect free and is fit for the purpose of the intended use. If, during the warranty period, the goods are found to be defective or non- conforming to specification, the Supplier shall promptly rectify the defect. If the defect is permanent then at the choice of the Buyer the Supplier will either replace the item at their cost or reimburse the Buyer.
11) Inspection and Test: The Supplier must inspect the goods prior to dispatch to ensure conformance to specification and/or any other provisions of the contract. The Buyer reserves the right to inspect the goods for compliance with specifications and provisions of the contract. If, in the Buyers’ opinion, the goods and/or services do not comply with the specification, the Buyer will inform the Supplier in writing. In such a case the Supplier shall take the necessary action to ensure compliance, liability for any additional cost incurred for rectifying compliance will rest with the Supplier.
12) Changes: The Buyer reserves the right to make reasonable changes at any time to the specification, quantity, packing instructions, destination, or delivery instruction. If any such change affects the price of goods or performance of service the Supplier and Buyer may negotiate an equitable adjustment to the contract, provided that the Supplier claims for adjustments in writing to the Buyer within 30 days from being notified of any change.
13) Ethics: The Code of Conduct to which Concern expects all of its suppliers to respect is as follows;
- Employment is freely chosen.
- The rights of staff to freedom of association and to collective bargaining are respected.
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
- No exploitation of children is tolerated.
- Wages paid are adequate to cover the cost of a reasonable living.
- Working hours are not excessive.
- No discrimination is practiced.
- Regular employment is provided.
- No harsh or inhumane treatment of staff is tolerated.
- Local labour laws are complied with.
Environmental Standards
Suppliers should as a minimum, comply with all statutory and other legal requirements relating to environmental impacts of their business. Areas which should be considered are:
- Waste Management.
- Packaging and Paper
- Conservation
- Energy Use
- Sustainability
14) Rights of Concern Worldwide: Should the supplier fail to perform under the terms and conditions of the contract, including but not limited to failing to obtain export licenses or to make delivery of all or part of the goods by the agreed delivery date(s), the buyer may, after giving reasonable notice to the Supplier, exercise one or more of the following rights:
- Procure all or part of the goods from an alternate source, in which event the Buyer may hold the Supplier liable for additional costs incurred.
- Refuse to accept all or part of the goods.
- Terminate the contract.
15) Rights of access for audit purposes: Concern Worldwide is contractually obliged to facilitate certain donor’s direct access to suppliers for audit purposes. This obligation is extended to all Concern suppliers.
16) No Agency: This order does not create a partnership between the Buyer and Supplier or make one party the agent for the other for any purpose.
17) Anti-Fraud Policy: Concern is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, transparency and accountability in all its affairs. We wish to promote a culture of honesty and opposition to fraud in all its forms.
Section 4:Draft Contract for Supply and Transportation of Agricultural Inputs
Contract for Supply and Transportation of Agricultural Inputsto Nyamlell, Northern Bahr el Ghazal Tender of November, 2016
This Agreement is made and entered into consent on ………….. day of ……………………….. 20 .
Concern Worldwide South Sudan of Juba, having its office at Plot No. 491, Airport Road, Juba as represented by Feargal O’Connell, the Country Director, hereinafter referred to as the Concern, of the one Part.
<provide the name of the Supplier, > having its office at <address and Location>, hereinafter referred as the “Supplier” as represented by <Provide name and title of the representative>, of the other Part.
Scope of the contract
The contract sets out the terms and conditions under which Agricultural Inputs will be supplied to Concern by the Supplier.
1Terms of the contract
The Supplier has agreed that the Agricultural Inputs will be of the required standard, variety, packaging and quality and will be transported to the Concern Worldwide office at Nyamlel, Northern Bahr el Ghazal.
Payments shall be made for the approved and completed works only; and all these claims shall be done through invoice.
3Confidential information
During the term of this contract and after its termination, the Supplier shall keep with inviolable secrecy and not reveal or publish to any person, other than the prior written approval of the Concern, any matter concerningthe affairs or business of Concern that it may have acquired or may hereafter acquire or learn during the term of this contract.