Steps to create your personalized Individual Development Plan
  1. Ask yourself questions to determine your goals
Need help with the answers to these questions? / A few questions to think about:
  • How do I want to develop professionally?
  • What are some short-term goals for taking on new tasks and responsibilities in my current position? What skills will I need to acquire?
  • What are my long-term goals, and what skills will I need to develop to achieve those goals?
  • What are new demands in my job (or career) that require me to gain additional skills?
These are big questions which may require further research. Sources to explore include:
  • Research job descriptions
  • Take self-assessment tests
  • Talk with your supervisor
  • Review the skill-set of careers that interest you
  • Conduct informational interviews
  • Review your performance reviews

  1. Seek methods to develop new skills
/ Training classes are only one way to develop new skills. Alternatives include:
  • Seek a mentor
  • Look for cross-training opportunities
  • Lead a project team
  • Seek stretch assignments
  • Serve on a cross-functional committee
  • Join a professional development association
  • Attend a conference
  • Take self-paced trainings from sccLearn
  • Read books
  • Start or complete an academic degree program

  1. Identify resources to achieve your goals
/ Once you know the skills you need to develop, identify the resources to help you achieve your goals.
  • Need funds to attend a training class, conference or participate in an academic degree program? Consider Tuition Reimbursement and Professional Development funds.
  • Do you need to discuss or review this plan with your supervisor for their support?
  • Find a mentor to help coach you along the way.

  1. Set realistic action steps
/ Now you’re ready to chart concrete action steps. Consider,
  • What’s achievable this quarter? This year? Within 3 to 5 years?

  1. Develop a timeline
/ Plan for your anticipated start dates and completion dates.
  • Establishing a timeline is key to track your accomplishments and to getting you back on track if you waiver from your goals.
  • And, take time to celebrate your success along the way. This keeps you motivated to reach even higher goals.

Individual Development Plan Template

Name: ______Date: ______

Goals / Skills
(To be learned or developed) / Resources Needed
(Money, time, support) / Your Action Steps
(Training, others) / Timeline
(Anticipated Start & Completion Times)
Short Term goals
[1 year-Critical within present position]:
Mid-range goals
[2 years-Important for growth within present position]:
Long-term goals
[3 to 5 years-Helpful for achieving career goals]:

Learning & Employee Development