McNabb Middle School
Orchestra Handbook
2013 – 2014
Teacher:Ms. Lauren Wright
Prerequisites:Elementary Orchestra or teacher recommendation is required.
Description:Students may participate in the Orchestra Program at McNabb Middle School in 7th and 8th with the permission of the directors.The program provides for instruction on violin, viola, cello, and bass.
Course Objectives: Over the course of the year, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of rhythm, pitch, articulation, dynamics, and tone production.
- Demonstrate proper instruments care.
- Perform with proper playing position and posture.
- Perform a given piece of music byear and by reading music notation.
- Perform familiar songs accurately and expressively.
- Compare and contrast pieces and performances using proper music terminology.
- Analyze, interpret and evaluate pieces and performances, using specific musical terms and elements.
- Plan, produce, and presentindividual and group compositions using appropriate musical elements, concepts and performance techniques.
- Demonstrate appreciation for music and performances of diverse cultures past and present.
Required Materials:
- Instrument and bow
- Rock stop (Cellos and Basses)
- Shoulder rest (Violins and Violas)
- 2 pencils
- 1 spiral bound notebook
- Appropriate Concert Black and White attire (see pg 5)
Seating Within Sections:
The director will determine seating. Auditions may be given to determine seating arrangements. The director will select audition material and the material will be given prior to the audition unless it is a sight-reading audition. The director may also alter seating arrangements to achieve the highest level of performance of the entire orchestra.
Grading PolicyRehearsal Preparation (30%) / Practice Records (10%)
Rehearsal Preparation consists of:
- 5 points weekly points awarded for having music, instrument, accessories, and pencil
- Points are deducted for missing items, tardiness, and inappropriate rehearsal behavior.
MINIMUM weekly practice time:
- 60 minutes a week for 5th grade
- 90 minutes a week for 6th grade
- 120 minutes for 7th grade
- 180 minutes for 8th grade.
Tests (20%), Quizzes (10%)
Tests and Quizzes consists of:
- Playing assessments
- Written assessments
Performance Attendance (30%) / Extra-Credit
Performance attendance is a summative assessment done at each concert and is the culmination of learning that has taken place in the classroom. Students will be graded based on:
- Appropriate dress
- Behavior,
- Having all necessary materials
- Punctuality
- Completion self and group evaluation
60% = attendance at ALL performances and rehearsals, not on time for performances, dressed in correct concert attire, almost appropriate concert and rehearsal behavior.
0 % = for each unexcused absence from performances or rehearsals, dressed inappropriately for performances, or display of inappropriate concert and rehearsal behavior. / Extra-credit that may be awarded at the discretion of the director includes:
- Participation in District, Regional, and State Orchestra Events
- Participation in Solo & Ensemble Event
- Help with the Music Library
- Private Lessons
- Attending Educational Concerts (must have program and ticket stub)
The director must be notified of absences from all events by a written note from a parent prior to the event. Emergency absences will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Grading System
Entrance Procedures
You will have 3 minutes to unpack, get to your seat, and be ready to tune.
Rehearsal ExpectationsEntrance Procedures
Exit Procedures
1.Music must be kept in a music folder.
2.Students will be charged CURRENT prices for ANY lost or excessively damaged music.
3.Students' names and the number of the part of music are recorded every time music is assigned.
5.Instruments must also be treated with respect, and stored in a safe place when taking it home!
Concert DressConcert dress at performances is as important as playing well! A uniform and well-dressed group makes a performance that much better! ALL uniforms will be the same style. Concert dress is as follows:
Long Black Dress Pants or Black Dress
White Long or Short Sleeve Dress Shirt/ with Black Tie
Black Belt
Black Socks
Black Dress Shoes
Attendance at After-School Activities
Attendance is mandatory! These rehearsals are a continuation of class requirements and should take priority over extra curricular activities or work schedules. Missing rehearsal with out clearing it with the director is unacceptable! Remember, if you are involved in an after-school activity (a school sponsored sport or club, after-school help session), you must notify the director well in advance of the conflict. Special circumstances and emergencies will be considered on an individual basis.
Be A Part of Our Program!
Parental guidance at home is crucial to the improvement of the orchestra players. The following are roles of each parent:
1. Attending performances and supporting students - A MUST!
2. Supervision of students' practice habits.
3. Make sure students arrive to performances and rehearsals on time!
4. Monitor student's attendance at after school rehearsals.
5. Call the director with concerns.
6. Help with Orchestra Activities (Concerts, Trips, Parent Booster etc.)
7. Suggest ideas to the director that will benefit the orchestra.
Instrument Rental and Maintenance
It is highly recommended that students rent their own instruments in order to maximize the amount of practice time. Violins and violas are to bring their instruments to school EVERY DAY (failure to do so will result in loss of daily points). Those who play cello and bass will be given instruments to use at school so they may keep their personal instruments In order to cover repairs for school instruments, cellos and basses (and anyone renting a school instrument) will need to pay a $25 dollar rental fee at the beginning of the year. Anyone in need of an instrument for at home practice may also rent a school instrument. Please contact Mx. Wright for details.
Mark Your Calendars
Make sure everyone is aware of all-important dates!!! Mark personal calendars as well as the family calendar. All students are expected to be in full attendance at ALL Orchestra functions IN BOLD LETTERS ON THE CALENDAR. There may be additions to the calendar (i.e. Spring Trips, weather-related make-up dates, etc.). Advanced notice will be given when possible. Calendar can be found at the orchestra website at the district site under Parents/ Teacher pages/ McNabb/ teacher name.
Date / Event / Location / Time / Ensemble
8/19/13 / Contract Due / Orch. Room / In class / 7th, 8th
8/20/13 / Baroque Instrument Rental Night / MCIS Gym / 6:00 / Orchestra Parents and Students in need of a new instrument
9/15/13 / School Rental Fees Due / Orch. Room / In Class / 7th, 8th
10/24/13 / District Fall Concert
(all black or costume) / MCHS Auditorium / Call time: 5:45
Performance @ 6:30 / 6th, 7th, 8th and MCHS Orchestras
11/09/13 / Honors Orchestra / Morehead State University / 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. / Nominated 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students
12/12/13 / MCIS 6th Grade and McNabb Winter Concert (see Concert Dress) / McNabb Auditorium / Call time: 5:45
Performance @ 6:30 / 6th, 7th, 8th
*Please sign and return this page by Monday August 19, 2013.
I have read the Orchestra Handbook and agree to all of its contents. I understand all of the expectations, consequences, and grading policies. I will attend all required performances and events. By signing my name I am acknowledging my ability to represent the Montgomery County Orchestra Program.
Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Contact Information for Parent/Guardian
Name: / Phone:Address: / Email:
Orchestra Booster Talent Survey
Which method of communication do you prefer?
E-Mail One-Call Remind 101
I (WE) can assist in the following ways:
___Fundraising and Corporate Donations
___Planning recreational and social events
___Designing and typing newsletters
___Concert Decorations & Set –up
___Other (please specify): ______