Marine Biology Final Review Outline
Chapter 1 – The Science of Marine Biology
§ Marine Biology
§ Oceanography
§ Reasons to study marine Biology
Chapter 2 - The Sea Floor
§ Major ocean basins of the world
§ Major characteristics of the ocean basins
§ Density
§ Characteristics of Oceanic Crust
§ Characteristics of continental crust
§ Mid-ocean ridges – what happens at them
§ Trenches – Where are they found? What happens at them?
§ San Andreas fault
§ Sea floor spreading
§ Subduction
§ Continental drift
§ Major contributions of Alfred Wegner, Sir Francis Bacon
§ Evidence for Continental drift
§ Most productive areas of the ocean
§ Regions of the ocean bottom
Chapter 3 – Water
§ Phases of water
§ Freezing point of water
§ Boiling point of water
§ Densist water temperature
§ Major ions in salt water
§ Units for salinity
§ Effect of evaporation, runoff, precipitation on salinity
§ Light penetration through water
§ Uses of the secchi disc
§ Relationship between pressure and depth
§ Coreolis Effect
Chapter 10 – Marine Ecology
§ Abiotic vs. biotic factors
§ Community
§ Population
§ Factors that effect population growth
§ Competition
§ Predation
§ Mutualism
§ coevolution
§ commensalism
§ Parasitism
§ Symbiosis
§ Autotroph/heterotroph
§ Consumer/ producer
§ Percentage of energy passed from one level to the next
§ Roles of decomposers
§ Detritus – what is it? Importance?
§ Sessile
§ Plankton
§ Benthos
§ Nekton
§ Omnivore
§ Carnivore
§ herbivore
§ Importance of upwelling areas
Chapter 13 – Continental shelf
§ Factors that effect the continental shelf
§ Relationship between sea otters, sea urchins and kelp beds
§ Resources of continental shelves
§ Dessication
§ Eel Grass scientific name
§ Epifauna
§ Infauna
§ Kelp
§ Substarate
§ Subtidal Zone
§ Be able to identify significant organisms of this zone
Chapter 15 – Open Ocean
§ Organisms responsible for primary production in the open ocean
§ Adaptations of plankton to stay in the water column
§ Limiting nutrients – most common in open ocean?
§ Zooplankton
§ Phytoplankton
§ Meroplankton
§ Holoplankton
§ Filter feeders – suspension feeders
§ Krill – who eats them?
§ Be able to identify significant organisms of this zone
Chapter 8 – Fish
§ Be able to recognize major examples of each class
§ Three classes of fish, major characteristics of each, examples of each
§ Countershading
§ Chromatophores
§ Disruptive coloration
§ Warning coloration
§ Functions of swim bladder, liver, heart, intestine, pancreas, stomach, rectal gland, gills, gill rakers, spiracles, veins, arteries
§ Function of the sharks liver
§ Three types of scales and which fish has each
§ Countercurrent exchange system – how does it work?
§ Body shapes and how they help a fish
§ Function of the claspers
§ Warning coloration
§ Major fins of each fish
§ Tail types and which classes have it
Chapter 16 – The Deep Sea
§ Zones of the ocean and major characteristics of each
§ Resources that come from the surface
§ Photophores
§ Adaptations of mesopelagic and deep sea fish
§ Vertical vs. non-migrating fish
§ Function of bioluminescence of the deep sea
§ Pheromones
§ Deep sea hydrothermal vents – where does the energy come from?
Chapter 9 – Marine Amphibians, Reptiles, and Marine
§ Body parts of the sea turtle – characteristics of sea turtles
§ Most dangerous marine reptile
§ Penguins - body parts – uses of each
§ How do marine mammals stay warm
§ Major representatives of order Pinnipedia, Cetacea
§ Difference between seals and sea lions
§ Examples of toothed whales
§ Examples of baleen whales
§ Baleen
§ Major food preferences for each marine mammal group
§ Function of breeching
§ Identify major marine mammals
Chapter 7 - Marine Invertebrates
§ Major characteristics of each phylum
§ Examples of each phylum
§ Identify major representatives of each class
Chapter 11 – Between the Tides
§ Upper and lower parts of the intertidal
§ Characteristics used to classify intertidal communities
§ How organisms deal with dessication
§ Adaptations to life on the rocky shore
§ Predominate methods of feeding in each intertidal area
§ Limiting resources
§ Vertical zonation – what is it? What causes it?
§ Role of physical and biological factors in organism distribution
Chapter 12 – Estuaries
§ How salinity changes in the estuary
§ Salt wedge
§ Types of substrates found in estuaries
§ Euryhaline/stenohaline
§ Major groups of organisms found in estuaries
§ Importance of estuaries
§ The physical factors that effect estuaries
§ Productivity and biodiversity of estuaries as compared to other ecosystems
Essay Topics – You will have to do two.
• Plate Tectonics
• Open Ocean
• Deep Sea
• Dogfish
• Intertidal Zone