Schedule of Public Hearings for the Inquiry into the ACT Appropriation Bill 2016-2017
and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2016-2017

Friday 17 June – Friday 1 July 2016, inclusive

Committee Room 1, Ground Floor, ACT Legislative Assembly building, Civic Square, London Circuit, Canberra City

Members of the public are welcome to observe the public hearings of this Committee, or any other Legislative Assembly committee, by coming to the public gallery of Committee Room 1 in the Legislative Assembly building in Civic Square, on London Circuit, in Canberra City.
Anyone may also watch the proceedings live via the Assembly’s web-streaming which may be accessed via this Assembly webpage:

If you miss the proceedings of this Committee or any other, you may also access audio-visual recordings of them via the Assembly’s Committees on Demand portal here: The recording of a hearing is usually available some hours after the hearing. A few days after a hearing, the Hansard transcripts will be accessible via the Inquiry webpage here:

This Budget Paper, and the others that comprise the Budget 2016-2017, can be found under the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate’s Budget webpage, here:

For queries about this schedule, please contact the Committee Secretary, Ms Kate Harkinson 6205 0435, or the Committee Support Office on

620 50127 or

DAY ONE – friday 17 june 2016


Time / Community or Industry Group Name
9.15am–9.30am / Belconnen Arts Centre
9.30am – 9.45am / RSPCA ACT
9.45am – 10.00am / Crace Community Association
10.00am–10.15am / Living Streets Canberra
10.15am – 10.30am / headspace Canberra
10.30am-10.45am / ACT Shelter
10.45am – 11.00am / Gungahlin Community Council
11.00am – 11.15am— Tea Break
11.15am–11.45am / Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT Inc.
11.45am–12.15pm / Master Builders Association of the ACT
12.15pm-12.45pm / The Childers Group
12.45pm- 1.45pm — Lunch
1.45pm - 2.15pm / ACT Disability Aged and Carer Advocacy Service
2.15pm-2.45pm / Association of Independent Schools of the ACT
2.45pm-3.15pm / Youth Coalition of the ACT
3.15pm – 3.30pm — Tea Break
3.30pm-4.00pm / YWCA
4.00pm-4.30pm / ACT Council of Social Service
Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
4.30pm – 5.30pm (1 hour) / Mr Phillip Green / ACT Electoral Commissioner / ACT Electoral Commissioner / ACT Executive and Officers of the Legislative Assembly Budget Statements A, pp.19-27.
5.30pm — Close

DAY two–monday 20 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(1 hour 30 minutes) / Mr Barr / Treasurer / CMTEDD / Treasury
Output Class 4: Financial and Economic Management
4.1 Economic Management (CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.19 - 20, 34.)
11.00am – 11.15am — Tea Break
(1 hour 15 minutes) / Mr Barr / Treasurer / CMTEDD / Treasury
Output Class 4: Financial and Economic Management
4.2 Financial Management (CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.20, 34 - 35.)
12.30pm – 2.00pm — Lunch
(1 hour 30 minutes) / Mr Barr / Treasurer / CMTEDD / Superannuation Provision Account(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.283-295.)
Output Class 1: Superannuation Provision Account
1.1Superannuation Provision Account (CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.286-295.)
Territory Banking Account(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.297-308.)
Output Class 1: Territory Banking Account
1.1Territory Banking Account (CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.300-308.)
Compulsory Third-Party Insurance Regulator & Statement of Intent
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.97-111.)
3.30pm – 3.45pm — Tea Break
(1 hour ) / Mr Barr / Treasurer / CMTEDD / Treasury
Output Class 6: Revenue Management
6.1 Revenue Management (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp.22, 37.)
(45 minutes) / Mr Barr / Treasurer / CMTEDD / IndependentCompetition andRegulatory Commission& Statement of Intent(CMTEDDBudget Statement B, pp.235-246.)
Lifetime Care and Support Commission(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.273-282.) EBT Class 1: Lifetime Care and Support Fund
1.1 Lifetime Care and Support Fund
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.274-276.)
5.30pm — Close

DAY three - tuesday 21 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
9.30am – 11am
(1 hour30 min) / Mr Barr / Treasurer / CMTEDD / ACT Insurance Authority & Statement of Intent
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.137- 161)
Shared Services
Output Class 7: SharedServices
7.1 Shared Services (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp.22-23, 38-39.)
11am – 11.15am — Tea Break
11.15am – 12.00pm(45 mins) / Mr Barr / Treasurer / CMTEDD / Icon Water Limited (CMTEDD Budget Statement Bpp. 221-231)
12.00pm – 1.30pm — Lunch
1.30pm – 3.00pm
(1 hour 30 min) / Mr Barr / Chief Minister / CMTEDD / ChiefMinister
Output Class 1: Government Strategy (CMTEDD Budget Statement B, p.15)
1.1 Government Policy and Reform (CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.16, 29.)
1.2 Public Sector Management(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.16 - 17, 30.)
1.3Coordinated Communications and Community Engagement
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.17, 30-31.)
ACT Executive
(ACT Executive and Officers of the Legislative Assembly Budget Statements A, pp.1-9.)
3.00pm – 3.15pm — Tea Break
3.15– 4.45pm
(1 hour 30 min) / Mr Barr / Chief Minister / CMTEDD / ChiefMinister
Output Class 3: Access Canberra
3.1 Access Canberra(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.18, 33 - 34)
(45 minutes) / Mr Neave / ACT Ombudsman / ACT Ombudsman / [No Papers]
5.30pm — Close

DAY FOUR - wednesday 22 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(1 hour 30min) / Mr Barr / Minister forEconomic
Development / CMTEDD / Economic Development
Output Class 9: Economic Development
9.1 Economic Development Strategy and Program Design
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.24 - 25, 40.)
9.2 Innovation, Trade and Investment
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.25, 40 - 42.)
9.7 Property Services (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp.27, 45.)
Output Class 8: Procurement and Capital Works
8.1 Procurement and Capital Works
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp.23-24, 39.)
11.00am-11.15am — Tea Break
(1 hour) / Mr Barr / Minister for Tourism
and Events / CMTEDD / Tourism and Events
Output Class 9: Economic Development
9.3 VisitCanberra(CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp.25-26, 43.)
9.5 Venues (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,p.26, 44.)
9.6 Events (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,p.27, 44-45.)
12.15pm-1.45pm — Lunch
(1 hour 30 min) / Mr Barr / Minister for Urban Renewal / CMTEDD / Economic Development
Output Class 9: Economic Development
9.9 Urban Renewal (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,p.28, 46-47.)
LandDevelopmentAgency & Statement of Intent
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp.247-272.)
3.15-3.30pm — Tea Break
(1 hour) / Dr Maxine Cooper / ACT Auditor-General / ACT Auditor-General / ACT Executive and Officers of the Legislative Assembly Budget Statements A, pp.11-18.
(1 hour) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Racing and Gaming / CMTEDD
Gaming and Racing / ACT Gambling and Racing Commission & Statement of Intent
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.113-135).
Output Class 1: Gambling Regulation and Harm Minimisation
1.1: Gambling Regulation and Harm Minimisation
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.124-126).
5.30pm — Close

DAY FIVE - thursday 23 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(55minutes) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister for Education / Education / Education
Output Class 1: Public School Education:
1.1 Public Primary School Education (ETD Budget Statement F, pp.6, 11-12.)
(55minutes) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister forEducation / Education / Education
1.2 Public High School Education (ETD Budget Statement F, pp.7, 11-12.)
11.20am-11.35am — Tea Break
11.35am-12.30pm (55minutes) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister for Education / Education / Education
1.3 Public Secondary College Education
(ETD Budget Statement F, pp.7-8, 11-12.)
12.30pm-2.00pm — Lunch
(45 minutes) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister forEducation / Education / Education
1.4 Disability Education in Public Schools
(ETD Budget Statement F, pp.8, 11-12.)
(45 minutes) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister forEducation / Education / Education
Output Class 2: Non Government School Education
2.1 Non Government School Education (ETD Budget Statement F, pp.9, 13.)
3.30pm-3.45pm — Tea Break
(1 hour 25 min) / Ms Fitzharris / Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research / CMTEDD / Higher Education – Economic Development
Output Class 9: Economic Development
9.2 Innovation, Trade and Investment
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.25, 40 - 42.)
CanberraInstitute of Technology & Statement of Intent
(CMTEDD Budget StatementB, pp.163 - 193)
Output Class 1: Canberra Institute of Technology
1.1 Provision of Vocational Education and Training Services
(CMTEDDBudget Statement B, pp.171 - 172.)
CIT Solutions Pty Ltd(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.195 - 202.)
(25 minutes) / Ms Fitzharris / Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research / CMTEDD / ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund AuthorityStatement of Intent
5.35pm — Close

DAY six - friday 24 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(1 hour) / Dr Bourke / Minister for Children and Young People / Community Services
Children, Young People and Family Services / Community Services
Output Class 3: Child and Youth Protection Services
3.1 Child and Youth Protection Services
(CSD Budget Statement G, pp10,13.)
(40 minutes) / Dr Bourke / Minister for
Children and Young People / Community Services
Children, Young People and Family Services / Community Services
Output Class 2: Strategy, Participation and Early Intervention
2.1 Early Intervention Services (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.9, 12.)
2.3 Child Development Service(CSD Budget Statement G, pp.10, 13.)
11.10 – 11.25 — Tea Break
(45 minutes) / Dr Bourke / Minister for Disability / Community Services Disability and Therapy / Community Services
Output Class 1: Disability and Therapy Services
1.1 Disability and Therapy Services (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.8, 11.)
12.10pm-12.40pm (30 minutes) / Dr Bourke / Minister for Veterans and Seniors / Community Services
Veterans and Seniors / Community Services
Output Class 2: Strategy, Participation and Early Intervention
2.2 Community Participation (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.9, 12.)
12.40pm – 1.55pm — Lunch
(40 minutes) / Dr Bourke / Minister forAboriginal and Torres StraitIslanderAffairs / Community Services
Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslanderAffairs / Community Services
Output Class 2: Strategy, Participation and Early Intervention
2.2 Community Participation (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.9, 12.)
2.35 pm-3.15pm
(40 minutes) / Ms Berry / Minister for Multicultural and Youth Affairs / Community Services
Multicultural Affairs Youth Affairs / Community Services
Output Class 2: Strategy, Participation and Early Intervention
2.2 Community Participation (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.9, 12.)
(20 minutes) / Ms Berry / Minister for Women / Community Services
Women / Community Services
Output Class 2: Strategy, Participation and Early Intervention
2.2 Community Participation (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.9, 12.)
3.35-3.50pm — Tea Break
(40 minutes) / Ms Berry / Minister for Housing, Community Services and Social Inclusion / Community Services
Social Inclusion / Community Services
Output Class 2: Strategy, Participation and Early Intervention
2.1 Community Participation (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.9, 12.)
(1 hour) / Ms Berry / Minister for Housing, Community Services and Social Inclusion / Social Housing / Housing ACT(CSD Budget Statement G, pp.27-43.)
Output Class 1: Social Housing Services
1.1Social Housing Services (CSD Budget Statement G, pp.31-32.)
5.30pm — Close

DAY seven - monday 27 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(1 hour 30 minutes) / Ms Fitzharris / Minister for Transportand MunicipalServices / Transport Canberra and City Services / Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS)
Output Class 2: City Services
2.2 Library Services(TCCS Budget Statement H, pp.16, 20.)
2.3 Waste and Recycling (TCCSBudget Statement H, pp.16, 20.)
2.4 City Maintenance and Services (TCCS Budget Statement H, pp. 17, 21.)
11.00am-11.15am — Tea Break
(30 minutes) / Ms Fitzharris / Minister for Transportand MunicipalServices / Transport Canberra and City Services / Transport Canberra and City Services
Output Class 2: City Services
2.5 Capital Linen Service (TCCSBudget Statement H, pp.17, 21.)
ACT Public Cemeteries Authority & Statement of Intent
(TCCS Budget Statement H, pp. 67-81.)
(1 hour) / Ms Fitzharris / Minister for Transportand MunicipalServices / Transport Canberra and City Services / Transport Canberra and City Services
Output Class 2: City Services
2.1 Roads and Infrastructure(TCCS Budget StatementH, pp.16, 19.)
12.45pm-2.15pm — Lunch
(1 hour) / Ms Fitzharris / Minister for Transportand MunicipalServices / Transport Canberra and City Services / Transport Canberra and City Services
Output Class 1: Transport Canberra
1.1Transport Canberra (TCCS Budget StatementH, pp.15, 18 - 19.)
ACTION(TCCS Budget Statement H, pp.56 - 66.)
Output Class 1: Bus Operations
1.1 Bus Operations(TCCS Budget Statement H, pp.57.)
3.15pm-3.30pm — Tea Break
(2 hours) / Mr Corbell / Minister forCapital Metro / Transport Canberra and City Services / Transport Canberra and City Services
Output Class 1: Transport Canberra
1.1Transport Canberra (TCCS Budget StatementH, pp.15, 18 - 19.)
Discontinued Agency: Capital Metro Agency
Output Class 1: Capital Metro Project and Governance
(TCCS Budget Statement H, pp. 82 – 90.)
5.30pm — Close

DAY eight - tuesday 28 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(1 hour 30 min) / Mr Corbell / Attorney-General / Justice andCommunitySafety / Justice and Community Safety (JACS)
Output Class 1: Justice Services
1.1 Policy Advice and Justice Programs (JACSBudget Statement D, pp.10, 14.)
1.2 Legal Services to Government (JACSBudget Statement D, pp.10, 14.)
1.3 Legislative Drafting and Publishing Services
(JACSBudget Statement D, pp.11, 15.)
1.4 Public Prosecutions (JACS Budget Statement D, pp.11, 15.)
1.5 Protection of Rights (JACSBudget Statement D, pp.11, 16-17.)
Public Trustee and Guardian & Statement of Intent
(JACS Budget Statement D, pp.69 - 89.)
11.00am-11.15am — Tea Break
(45 minutes) / Mr Corbell / Attorney-General / Justice andCommunitySafety / Justice and CommunitySafety
Output Class 3: Courts and Tribunal
3.1 Courts and Tribunal(JACS Budget Statement D, pp.12, 19-20.)
Legal Aid Commission (ACT) & Statement of Intent
(JACS Budget Statement D, pp.45-68.)
Output Class 1: Legal Aid Services
1.1 Legal Aid Services Provided to the Community
(JACS Budget Statement D, pp.57-59.)
12.00pm-1.30pm — Lunch
(1 hour) / Mr Corbell / Minister for Police and EmergencyServices / Justice andCommunitySafety
- EmergencyServices / Emergency Services
Output Class 4: Emergency Services
4.1 Emergency Services (JACS Budget Statement D, pp.13, 21.)
(1 hour) / Mr Corbell / Minister for Police and EmergencyServices / Justice andCommunitySafety
- Policing / ACT Policing
Output EBT 1: ACT Policing (JACS Budget Statement D, p.13.)
3.30pm-3.45pm — Tea Break
(1 hour) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister for Corrections / Justice and Community Safety – Corrective Services / Justice and Community Safety
Output Class 2: Corrective services
2.1 Corrective Services(JACS Budget Statement D, pp.12, 18.)
(30 minutes) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs / Justice and Community Safety / Justice and Community Safety
  • Fair trading policy relating to Australian consumer law, fuel prices and licensing motor vehicle repairers
  • Policy relating to retirement villages, egg labelling, sale of goods and uncollected goods
  • Policy relating to the licensing of agents, hawkers, pawnbrokers, motor vehicle dealers, second-hand dealers, x-films
  • Policy relating to the registration of deeds, births, deaths and marriages, charitable collections

(15 minutes) / Mr Rattenbury / Minister for Road Safety / Justice and Community Safety / Justice and Community Safety
  • Policy relating to transport regulation and safety

5.30pm — Close

DAY nine - wednesday 29 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(1 hour 45 min) / Ms Fitzharris / Assistant Minister forHealth / Health / Health
Output Class 1: Health and Community Care
1.3 Public Health Services (Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.12, 16.)
1.5 Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care
(Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.13, 17.)
1.6 Early Intervention and Prevention
(Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.13, 17.)
11.15am-11.30am — Tea break
(30 minutes) / Mr Corbell / Minister forHealth / Health / ACT Local Hospital Network (Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.37-47.) Output Class 1: ACT Local Hospital Network (Health Budget Statement C, p.41.)
(45 minutes) / Mr Corbell / Minister forHealth / Health / Health
Output Class 1: Health and Community Care
1.1 Acute Services (Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.10, 14.)
12.45pm-2pm — Lunch
(1 hour 30 min) / Mr Corbell / Minister forHealth / Health / Health
Output Class 1: Health and Community Care
1.1 Acute Services - continued(Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.10, 14.)
1.2 Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services
(Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.11, 15.)
3.30pm-3.45pm — Tea Break
(1 hour 45 min) / Mr Corbell / Minister forHealth / Health / Health(Acute Services continued)
1.4 Cancer Services (Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.12, 16.)
1.5 Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care
(Health Directorate Budget Statement C, pp.13, 17.)
5.30pm — Close

DAY ten - thursday 30 june 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
(30 Minutes) / Ms Fitzharris / Assistant Minister for Health / CMTEDD
Healthy Weight / Healthy Weight Initiative
Output Class 1: Government Strategy
1.2Public Sector Management (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp. 16-17, 30.)
(1 hour) / Dr Bourke / Minister for Small Business and the Arts / CMTEDD
Arts and Small Business / Arts
Output Class 9: Economic Development
9.8 Arts Engagement (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp. 27, 46.)
Small Business
Output Class 9: Economic Development
9.2 Innovation, Trade and Investment (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp. 27, 46.)
CulturalFacilities Corporation& Statement of Intent
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.203-219)
Output Class 1: Cultural Facilities Management
1.1 Cultural Facilities Corporation (CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.209-210)
11.00am-11.15am — Tea Break
(1 hour) / Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA / Speaker, ACT Legislative Assembly / Office of the Legislative Assembly / ACT Executive and Officers of the Legislative Assembly Budget Statements A,
12.15-2.00pm — Lunch
(1 hour) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial
Relations / CMTEDD
Industrial Relations / Industrial Relations
Output Class 5: Workforce Injury Management and Industrial Relations Policy
5.1Workforce Injury Management and Industrial Relations Policy
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.21, 35-36.)
ACT LongService Leave Authority- StatementofIntent
3.00pm-3.15pm — Tea Break
(1 hour 30 min) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial
Relations / CMTEDD
Asbestos / Loose-fill Asbestos Insulation Eradication
Output Class 2: Loose-fill Asbestos Insulation Eradication
2.1 Loose-fill Asbestos Insulation Eradication Scheme
(CMTEDD Budget StatementB, pp.18, 31-33.)
4.45pm – 5.30pm
(45 minutes) / Ms Berry / Minister for Sport
and Recreation / CMTEDD
Sport and Recreation / Sport and Recreation
Output Class 9: Economic Development
9.4 Sport and Recreation (CMTEDD Budget Statement B,pp.26, 43 – 44.)
5.30pm — Close

DAY eleven - friday 1 July 2016

Time / Witness / Office / Portfolio / Budget Paper Details
9.30am – 10.20am
(50 minutes) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Planning and Land Management / Environmentand Planning / Environment and Planning Directorate (EPD)
Output Class 1: Planning
1.1 Planning Delivery(EPD Budget Statement E, pp.9, 13.)
10.20am – 10.45am
(25 minutes) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Planning and Land Management / Environmentand Planning - Parking / Parking (Coordinator-General)
Output Class 1: Planning
1.2 Strategic Planning (EPD Budget Statement E, p.9, 13.)
10.45-11.00am — Tea Break
(1 hour 30 minutes) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Planning and Land Management / Environmentand Planning / Environment and Planning Directorate (EPD)
Output Class 1: Planning
1.2 Strategic Planning (EPD Budget Statement E, p.9.)
1.3 Heritage (EPD Budget Statement E, p.10, 14)
(15 minutes) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Racing and Gaming / CMTEDD
Gaming and Racing / ACT Gambling and Racing Commission & Statement of Intent
Output Class 1: Gambling Regulation and Harm Minimisation
1.1: Gambling Regulation and Harm Minimisation
(CMTEDD Budget Statement B, pp.124-126).
Lunch — 12.45pm-2.00pm
(40 minutes) / Mr Gentleman / Minister for Planning and Land Management / Environmentand Planning / Land Management
Output Class 2: Environment
2.3 Land Management (EPD Budget Statement E, p. 12, 15.)
2.40pm – 3.30pm
(50 minutes) / Mr Corbell / Minister for the Environment and Climate Change / Environmentand Planning / Output Class 2: Environment
2.1 Environment(EPD Budget Statement E, pp.10 – 11, 14)
Conservator of Flora and Fauna
3.30-3.45pm — Tea Break
(1 hour 25 minutes) / Mr Corbell / Minister for the Environment and Climate Change / Environmentand Planning / Output Class 2: Environment
2.2 Sustainability and Climate Change (EPD Budget Statement E, p.11, 15.)
5.10pm – 5.30pm
(20 min) / Dr Kate Auty / Commissioner for Sustainabilitythe Environment / Commissioner for Sustainability& the
Environment / Office of the Commissioner forSustainabilityand the Environment
Output EBT: Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment
(EPD Budget Statement E, pp. 12, 16.)
5.30pm — Close

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