CITATION: Scannapieco, M. & Connell-Carrick, K. (2002). Focus on the first years: an eco-developmental assessment of child neglect for children 0 to 3 years of age. Children and Youth Services Review, 24(8), 601-621.
Article presents and discusses child neglect assessment guidelines for children
- Child neglect accounts for over half of all child maltreatment cases that Child Protective Services receives
- Physical neglect is the most frequently reported form of child neglect
- 45% of child fatality cases are the result of neglect
- Children under age three are the most vulnerable and suffer the most damaging consequences
- Eco-developmental model for assessing neglect
- Child maltreatment is explained using based on the interaction of and between the following four levels: Ontogenic, microsystem, exosystem, and macrosystem (each nested within one another)
Ontogenic Development explores childhood histories of abusive parents (developmental history of parents may predispose them to respond abusively to certain situations)
-Issues related to this level include attachment relationship between parent and child since lack of tactile and cognitive stimulation hinders healthy development
Microsystem – the context in which child neglect takes place
-Includes the family system, parent styles, the neglect itself, and the characteristics of both parent and child.
-Within this context maltreatment must be viewed as an interactive process
Macrosystem refers to the entrenchment of the individual, community and family with the larger cultural structure
- Assessment questions regarding development of 0-6 month year old infants proposed by the authors include
Cognitive – behavioral
- Does the child imitate adult’s facial expressions?
- Does the child repeat chance behaviors that produce pleasure for the child?
- Can the child recognize people and places?
- Does attention become more flexible with age?
- Does the child babble by the end of this period?
Socioemotional development
- Does the child show a range of emotions including happiness, sadness, fear?
- Does social smiling and laughing emerge?
- Can the child imitate adult emotional expression during interactions?
- Does the child begin to distinguish self from others (the emergence of an “I”)?
- Does the child have rapid height and weight gain?
- Can the child hold her/his head up, roll over and reach for objects?
- Can the child hear sounds, with increasing sensitivity to sounds of own speech with age?
- Does the child begin to habituate towards fixed stimuli?
- Is the child sensitive towards motion?
Cognitive – behavioral
- Does the child have goal-directed and intentional behavior?
- Can the child find hidden objects?
- Can the child combine sensory and motor activities?
- Does the child babble including sounds in the child’s spoken language?
- Does the child show preverbal gestures, such as pointing?
- Does the child show stranger and separation anxiety?
- Does the child use the caregiver as a secure base?
- Can the child engage in social referencing?
- Does the child show definite attachment to caregivers?
- Can the child sit alone, crawl and walk?
- Can the child organize stimuli into meaningful patterns?
**Based on a review of the existing literature