Technology Proficiencies for Grades K-2
The following "I can ..." statements are general ideas of what technology skills students in this grade range should have. These skills can be applied in many curricular areas, supporting and enriching activities that meet curricular goals. Each "I can ..." statement is followed by a list of possible examples.These proficiencies are derived from ISTE’s NETS for Students.
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
I. I can use digital tools and media rich resources to illustrate and communicate original ideas. (NETS 1, 2, 6)
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible Media: Pixies, Time Liner, Inspiration, SMART Notebook, Photostory
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible examples: Students will…
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
· create stories using Pixies 2. (K,1,2-Reading)
· use Time Liner to relay personal and historical information in chronological order. (2nd, SS)
· use Inspiration to create fiction and non-fiction story webs. (K,1,2 CA)
· use Neighborhood Map Machine to recreate their classroom and neighborhood community. (1st, SS)
· design personal glyphs using images from Pixies 2. (1st, SS)
· be exposed to print and digital media through outlets such as the overhead projector, document camera and Smart Board. (K,1,2-all units)
· use Inspiration to sort living and non-living objects. (K, Science)
· use Pixies to create patterns. (K, 1st,2nd-Patterns unit in Math)
· use a digital camera to show the beginning, middle and end of an activity. (K,1,2)
· use Pixies 2 to create a picture which shows the following story elements: characters, setting, problem, and a hint as to the solution. (K, Story Elements Unit)
· use Pixie 2’s text and drawing tools to create a cover for their story elements published book. (K, Story Elements Unit)
· navigate through the Panda page to find StorylineOnline on which they will listen to and view a story being read. They will then fill out a graphic organizer on the story elements from the digital story they heard. (K, Story Elements Unit)
· share solutions to math problems and use document camera to show class. (Math, All Units)
· utilize a template to compare/contrast the 4 seasons, draw trees in each season, and to draw their favorite season. (K,Seasons Unit in Science)
· utilize a Venn Diagram on Pixie to compare and contrast two stories. (1st, Schema Unit)
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
II. I can collect data using digital resources and tools in order to organize my information and provide a solution to a problem or question. (NETS 3, 4)
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible Media: Pixie, Document Camera, websites
Possible examples: Students will…
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
· accurately use the links provided through PANDA to safely and accurately research information. (1,2 SS)
· become familiar with Portaportal, IKeepBookmarks, and/or other source of website organization tool to sort through information. (K,1,2)
· be exposed to videos via BrainPop and United Streaming to gather newinformation. (K,1,2)
· With teacher assistance, students will investigate a variety of websites to search for informationon various classroomtopics. Example: Students may visit Kevin Henkes website in connectionwithauthor study on Kevin Henkes. (K, Literacy)
· measure plant growth and use document camera to take daily pictures. (1st, Organisms Unit)
· use Pixie to compose their own addition story problem. Students typed words and grabbed stickers from the gallery to illustrate (solve) the problem. (1st, Unit 3-Solving Story Problems)
· use the interactive Foss Website to experiment with motion as they created a variety of roller coasters. They were able to pose questions, hypothesize, follow a procedure, and learn the results. (1st, Balance and Motion Unit-Science)
III. I can work with others and use technology to produce a digital presentation or product. (NETS 1, 2, 4)
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible Media: Pixie, SMART Notebook, Audacity, Word, Powerpoint
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible examples: Students will…
· Buddy Interview
In this lesson students will compare their interests with another classmate. Depending on the technology experiences and level of development, the teacher could use any of the following options.
1. After interviewing the other student, both students share one computer and one student will create a Pixie page about the other. Add the student’s name and Stickers that represent interests. Then students switch roles and the second student creates the page about the first student. (Students could do this activity just about them selves also.)
2. Students pair with another student. Start Pixie and use the Shapes Tool and select a line. Make the width smaller and draw a line down the center of the page. Type each student’s name on either side using the text tool. Make sure to use Shift key to capitalize the first letter. Students take turns adding Stickers about each other on either side of the page.
3. Students will interview a buddy and create a Venn diagram comparing each others similarities and differences. Students can explain their diagrams to the class. (Pixie Templates: Templates/Venn-2 OR Parkway/1st/Buddy_Interview_SS) (1st, Location, Location, Location Unit-S.S.)
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
· use outlets such as Audacity to perform audio presentations. (1,2 CA)
· use classroom and school websites to post final group projects. (1,2 CA)
· use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint orother form of document program to share learned material. (1,2 CA)
· scan their hand drawn illustrations, and narrate theirillustrations into Microsoft Powerpoint to make a group story book. (K,1,2)
· use a Webquest to learn about shapes. (K,1)
IV. I can use simulations, graphical organizers, and web resources appropriately. (NETS 6 )
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible Media: SMART Notebook, Inspiration, Pixie, Neighborhood Map Machine
Possible examples: Students will…
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
· use the Smartboard to create a timeline of a day in the life of a first grader. (1st, Families Long Ago-S.S.)
· use Inspiration to create fiction and non-fiction story webs. (1,2 CA)
· use Neighborhood Map Machine to create a map of their community and the resources that are available to them in their community ie... Churches, grocery stores, drug stores, restaurants, etc.. (2-Our World Around Us Unit- SS)
· During the History of Me unit, students used the graphic organizer "I Like" to tell about themselves. (K, The History of Me Unit-S.S.)
V. I can demonstrate safe, responsible, and cooperative use of technology. (NETS 5)
Possible Media: Nettrekker, interactive websites, Web Quests
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible examples: Students will…
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
· use Nettrekker instead of Google to do web searches.(K,1,2)
· learn to properly use a desktop mouse, turn off, restart or logout of a PC computer, and begin to utilize character and numeric functions of the keyboard. (K,1,2)
· be able to research, create works, and/or explore the classroom computer(s)independently during centers and guided reading time. (K,1)
· be able to decipher between credible and non-credible internet websites. (1,2)
· learn to independently use teacher selected websites for skill practice during center time. (K)
· be able towork in a group cooperatively to learn a new concept using Web Quest. (K,1,2)
VI. I can communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate & accurate terminology.(NETS 6)
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Possible Media: digital camera
Possible examples: Students will…
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
· verbally be able to discuss technology in a whole group setting. (K,1,2)
· be able to reflect about technology in written form with few teacher prompts. (1,2)
· be able to help each other and problem solve in the computer lab or during center time to complete classroom activities on the computer. (K)-
· take pictures and label the different parts of a computer using a digital camera. (K,1,2)
· be able to save and open files with some assistance from teacher(K,1,2)
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010
Parkway School District Technology Proficiencies 2009-2010