„Model Lafnitz Valley?“
In the framework of the LIFE Nature Project
„Lafnitz – Connecting habitats along an Alpine-Pannonicriver“
Wednesday 28th November 2007 – Thursday 29th November 2007
Loipersdorf, Burgenland, Austria
Wednesday 28November 2007
Loipersdorf, Festsaal der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr
13.00 hrs.Opening and introduction, Wolfgang Pelikan(Weideverein)
13.05hrs.Greetings, Hans Oberhofer (Mayor of Loipersdorf)
13.15 hrsLIFE-Project of Lafnitz, Herwig Seibert (BBL Hartberg)
13.30 hrs. Theme: „What did the LIFE project Lafnitz achieve in terms of nature conservation and water management?“
- Alois Herczig (Nature conservation authority, Burgenland)
- Rudolf Hornich (Water authority, Styria)
- Herbert Szinovatz (Water authority, Burgenland)
- Reinhold Turk (Nature conservation authority, Styria)
- Laszlo Abert (West-Transdanubian Directorate for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Hungary)
- Gerhard Sigmund (Natura 2000 and Nature conservation, Austrian Federal Ministry)
Followed by debate (panel and audience) about the theme
Moderator:Wolfgang Pelikan
15.30 hrs.Break
16.00 hrs.Theme: „International experience with combined water management-nature conservation projects in river basins“
Speakers (names to be determined) from:
- Germany
- Poland
- Romania
- Slovenia
- Hungary
- Italy
Followed by debate (panel and audience) about the theme
Moderator:Anton Gazenbeek
18.00 hrs.evening meal
20.00 hrs. cultural programme (i.a. ORF film about the Lafnitz valley)
Thursday, 29November 2007
Loipersdorf, Festsaal der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr
09.00 hrs.
Theme: “Opinions of stakeholders from the Lafnitz valley about the LIFE project“
- Peter Gortan (Fisheries Association and Wastewater Agency)
- Herbert Kirnbauer (Representative of farmers)
- Hans Kottulinski (WKKW –Association of hydro-electric power stations)
- Hans-Peter Neun (Tourism Association)
- Katalin Reisinger (MayorVasszentmihály)
Followed by debate (panel and audience) about the theme
Moderator:Wolfgang Pelikan
10.30 hrs.Break
11.00 hrs.Theme: „The future of European river basins“
- Commission of the European Communities
- Representative of a European network of river basin managers
- Austrian Federal Ministry BMLFUW, section water protection and Water Framework Directive (WilfriedSchimon)
- Member of Cabinet, Regional Government of Burgenland (NikolausBerlakovich)
Followed by debate (panel and audience) about the theme
Moderator:Walter Reiss
13.00hrs.end of seminar
13.30 hrs.Press conference with Messrs
NikolausBerlakovich, WilfriedSchimon and Wolfgang Pelikan
Loipersdorf, Ramsar-Zentrum
An excursion will be organised, to immediately follow the end of the seminar. Topics: bypasses for fish migration, passive flood protection and agriculture, structural improvements to the river and fluvial dynamics.
Location of Lafnitz Valley
A2 – Südautobahn – Exit Lafnitztal Oberwart
Administrative Aspects
The seminar languages are German and English
If required, participants can be collected from airport/railway station and brought back again (please notify the organisers in advance)
Begins:Wednesday 28th November 2007, 13.00 hrs.
Ends:Thursday 29th November 2007, 13.00 hrs.
Venue:Gemeindezentrum Feuerwehrhaus
7411 Loipersdorf im Burgenland Nr. 156
Tel.: .+43 664 4254333
Registration:until Monday19th November 2007
Information:Klemens Hribernig, Projectassistant Tel.+43 664 4254333
Waldhotel Konrad
8295 St. Johann in der Haide Nr. 57
Tel.: +43 (3332) 62507
Fax: +43 (3332) 63887
Price: € 36,-- pernight for a single room incl. breakfast
Gasthof Kirchenwirt
8295 St. Johann in der Haide Nr. 41
Tel.: +43 (3332) 62706
Fax: +43 (3332) 66583
Price: € 30,-- per night for a single room incl. breakfast
Loschy Wilhelm GmbH
7411 Markt Allhau Nr. 67
Tel.: +43 (3356) 218
Fax: +43 (3356) 218-4
Price: € 25,-- per night for a single room incl. breakfast
Buchschachen Nr. 240
7411 Markt Allhau
Tel.: +43 (3356) 735 38
Fax: +43 (3356) 735 38
Price: € 24,-- per night for a single or double room incl. breakfast
Price: € 18,-- per night for a bunk bed incl. breakfast
Please book before 19.11.2007
There is no fee to attend the seminar
Weideverein Ramsargebiet Lafnitztal · A – 7411 Loipersdorf 127 · Tel: +43 3359 2540 DW 19
Fax: +43 3359 2540 DW 14 · Mobil: + 43 664 4254 333
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