Joint Assessment Family Framework (JAFF) guidance

First Point of Contact Process

This guidance should be used with the JAFF and the training materials to help complete referrals for prevention services for families.

  1. Explain JAFF Process and explain that the process with involve the sharing of the service users information with other services / organisations.
  2. Explain that this is a consent based process and that they are free to withdraw consent at any time.
  3. Explain the process that will be adopted if it is considered that a child may be at risk and explain that this is not a consent based process.
  4. Go through Summary Privacy Notice with Service User (copy attached to end of this guidance note) and offer the Service User the Full Privacy Notice if they require further information.
  5. Go through consent section of JAFF and confirm that the Service User understands what they are consenting to.
  6. Record Consent, either get service user to sign consent section or sign it as a professional that has verbally communicated and received the consent for the processing outlined.

The referral may be for the whole family or primarily for one individual in the family. Please tick the appropriate box. Please still complete the family information for others living in the household if this is an individual referral. If this is a family referral please put a named individual and the rest of the family in the family box.

1.Please put the surname as it is on the birth certificate, marriage certificate or other legal document.

2.Please put the first name as it is on the birth certificate, marriage certificate or other legal document.

3.Does the person use a nick name, chosen name, familiar name instead of their legal name?

4.Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / Other please state

5.Please write the Date of Birth as day / month / year.

6.Please add the NHS number if known– important for Flying Start.

7.Please add the National Insurance number if known– important for employment and childcare related support.

8.Use their most recent address including if using a temporary address currently.

9.If their permanent residential address is different to number 8 complete this section.

10.Tick the correct box if known.

11.Please put all contacts known in this section.

12.Please complete all GP details known. If not registered with a GP please put last registered GP details and state not currently registered.

13.Please list all individuals in the household and their relationship to the person being referred, as well as any childcare settings, primary school, secondary school or college, attended by the children and young people under the age of 18 years in the household.

14.Are there any other specific or support agencies working with the family? Examples may include Youth Offending Service, Probation, Voluntary sector support agencies, Housing, Health, Education, School, etc.

15.Please state language preferred for all communication. If there are different languages in the household please identify them and preferred method for all individuals so that needs can be met.

16.Please state preferred methods of communication for all household members.

17.This is important for Welsh Language Standards Act compliance and families should be able to access provision/support through the medium of Welsh if they wish.

18.Long term illness includes medical conditions and separates the condition from disabilities. Please name anyone with any long term illness.

19.This is for recognised diagnosed disabilities. Please name the individual

20.Please ask them to tick the ethnicity of the individuals in the household if they wish to do so.

21.There may be more than one person with legal parental responsibility (e.g. named on birth certificate, through court order, etc.)

22.There may be more than one person with legal parental responsibility (e.g. named on birth certificate, through court order, etc.)

23.If known please identify if any of the children are on the Child Protection Register.

24.Please identify any risks identified by the family on completion of referral. This will form the basis of future risk assessments by any provision offered to the family.

25.Please identify if there are specific risks to particular individuals which will need to inform risk assessment by any provision offered to the family. These should be used to gain more detail in section 2 question 32.

26.The name and details of the referrer and referring organisation must be put in this section.

27.Please complete if known

28.If possible and requested please give a copy of this form to the family.

29.This is for completion in the office to note processing details e.g. database identifiers, VAW and other latitudinal checks etc.

30.Please put the background of the family and reason for referral, e.g. any housing needs, homelessness, not attending school, family crisis, additional needs support, bereavement, parenting support, behaviour support, basic skills needs, domestic abuse, financial support, advocacy (children or parents), employment or training needs, parental incarceration, etc. Please include any data you have available, e.g. attendance data, previous support accessed, eviction notice, debt management letters, etc.

31.What do the family / child / young person / adult want to achieve? Please talk to them for their view point and their perception of steps to success rather than basing this on a professional view point. They may identify services or support that they think may help them to achieve these outcomes. As a professional you can talk through what may be available.

32.What do the family / child / young person / adult think may be the barriers to them achieving their successes? Ask them what would stop them from overcoming the need they identified in number 30. For example, if the child’s attendance is low, you could ask ‘what is stopping your child getting to school regularly?’to identify what may be some of the barriers to improving their attendance.

33.What if nothing happens for change in the family? What do they think may happen? What are the risks for the family? Are there any risks to others that need more detail here as identified in number 24/25?

34.Think of all the individuals in the family and their different strengths and personal challenges that may help each other. What do they each do well? What are their individual personal challenges?

35.This is the explicit consent required by the family to share the information with IAA in order to be able to access the support they would like assistance with. Signed and dated by service user if possible. If not signed and dated by the professional that verbally obtained the required consent from the service user

Please complete the permission to share the information and make sure the dates are the same on sections 30-34 as on consent.

Please make sure you put the date at the end of each section (numbers 30-34) this information was given and permission to share this information in the referral. This JAFF should be sent to the appropriate referral route e.g. ISCAN for children with disabilities, IAA for Families First, Supporting People or Flying Start main referral contacts and complete the referrer box for organisational audit / tracking.

36.Please complete this section if the person is unable to physically sign the form but you have explained the fair processing notice and consent required and they have given their consent verbally. It is important that you must read out page 1, how we use your information, and number 35, details of consent obtained, before they can verbally consent to sharing and that you sign this section to say you have done this.

For both section 35&36 it is important to understand that families need to give their informed consent to share information for preventative service and that they want to engage with us.

37.This should be completed by First Point of Contact/IAA to show the destination of the referral for tracking and audit purposes.

38.This is for data transfer and audit purposes to ensure families do not get lost in the transfer of records.

39.The action plan may be used by the provider to develop and coordinate the services / interventions / tasks with the family and review progress

40.Section 4 is a closure form which may be used by preventative projects to return to the referrer showing the intervention and outcomes achieved.

41.And 41B. This is additional consent for any information added from the original consent obtained to be passed to another agency. This is especially important if the family needs additional services on closure to the intervention they have received.

Version 3 – January 2017Page 1