Royal Flush Software

PaeTec E911 Provisioning System

Test ID: / BJ-500-2 / System: / Batch Job
Req ID: / 500, 501, 502, 504, 505, 506, 507, 703 / Test Type: / Unit
Version: / 1 / (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance)
Last Modified: / 2003-05-11 DSH
Conditions to Test:
  • The batch job must produce identically formatted records as the old batch job.
  • The batch job must put Delete and Unlock records before any other type of record in the generated output.
  • Check that the output for each marketgroup uses the proper format specification.
  • The batch job must process all New, Modified, and Inactive TNs
  • The batch job must MIGRATE a New record with LNP, and CREATE a New record without LNP
  • The batch job must UNLOCK an Inactive record with LNP, and DELETE an Inactive record without LNP
  • The batch job must CHANGE a record in the Modified state (regardless of LNP)

Data/Steps to Perform:
  1. Ensure that the static/constant data in the data model is loaded in the database (this includes service types and classes, status codes, and market/marketgroup data)
  2. Load the test customers, locations, and TNs from test/batch/population/Clients.sql.
  3. Uncomment lines 99 and 100 in src/alifile/com/paetec/alifile/generators/ (to force the run date to match that of the reference data) and (re)build the program.
  4. Execute the batch job for each market group.
  1. Compare the records output against the accepted output found in test/batch/reference_output/.

Expected Results:
The generated output is expected to match the reference output produced by the existing batch job. If the output matches, then requirements 504 and 507 will “automatically” be satisfied.
Test ID: / BJ-2-1 / System: / Batch Job
Req ID: / Test Type: / Unit
Version: / 1 / (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance)
Last Modified: / 2003-05-11 DSH
Condition to Test:
  • Ensure that the batch job generates the user-friendly summary report of its execution

Data/Steps to Perform:
  1. Execute the batch job for each market group.
  2. Verify that each of the .output (.dat) files has a corresponding report (.rpt) file.

Expected Results:
Each market receives a separate summarization of the batch run.
Test ID: / DM-550-1 / System: / Data Model
Req ID: / 550 / Test Type: / Unit
Version: / 1 / (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance)
Last Modified: / 2003-05-11 DSH
Condition to Test:
Verify that the data model is properly reorganized.
Data/Steps to Perform:
Inspect the SQL code and verify that each TN is stored as a separate record, not as ranges of TNs.
Expected Results:
Each row in the TNs table stores a single TN.
Test ID: / DM-552-1 / System: / Data Model
Req ID: / 552 / Test Type: / Unit
Version: / 1 / (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance)
Last Modified: / 2003-05-11
Condition to Test:
The AUDIT_TRAIL table no longer exists.
Data/Steps to Perform:
Inspect the SQL code and the data model and verify that the AUDIT_TRAIL table is not present.
Expected Results:
There is no AUDIT_TRAIL table.
Test ID: / DM-553-1 / System: / Data Model
Req ID: / 553 / Test Type: / Unit
Version: / 1 / (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance)
Last Modified: / 2003-05-11 DSH
Condition to Test:
The MAIN_TNS and EXT_TNS tables are refactored.
Data/Steps to Perform:
Inspect the SQL code and the data model and verify that the MAIN_TNS and EXT_TNS tables have been replaced with other tables.
Expected Results:
The tables Customers, Locations, and TNs provide the same functionality as the old MAIN_TNS and EXT_TNS tables.