Mid Day Meal Division


Meeting to consider and

Approve AWP&B 2010-11

(Date of the meeting: 04. 05 .10)




Sl. No. / Chapters / Page no.
Part-A / General Information / 1-2
Part-B / Review of performance during 2009-10 / 3-6
Part-C / Recommendations of Appraisal team and quantification of variables for central assistance during 2010-11. / 7-9
Part-D / Fact sheet. / Annexure

Mid Day Meal Scheme - Annual Work Plan & Budget 2010-11


Date of the PAB meeting: 27.04.10)


General Information


National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education Commonly known as Mid-Day-Meal (Modified Scheme) was launched in HaryanaState on 15th August, 2004 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.

Primary / Upper Primary / Total
I. / No. of Institutions / 9448 / 5428
No. of Institutions serving MDM / 9448 / 5428
II. / No. of Children
A / Approved by MDM PAB / 1438751 / 697917 / 2136668
B / Enrollment / 1529978 / 693988 / 2223966
C / Opted MDM / 1529978 / 693988 / 2223966
D / Availed MDM (April –Dec 09 ) / 1376981 / 624589 / 2001570
As per QPRs (2009-10)
E / As per QPR-1( April- June 2009) / 1315009 / 672302 / 1987311
F / As per QPR-2 ( July- Sept 2009) / 1376981 / 671242 / 2048223
G / As per QPR-3 ( Oct – Dec 2009) / 1369026 / 624589 / 1993615
III. No. of working days approved for FY 2009-10 - 220
A / Approved for Q1 / 46 / 46
Achievement during Q1 / 48 / 48
b. / Approved for Q2 / 72 / 72
Achievement during Q2 / 69 / 69
c. / Approved for Q 3 / 50 / 50
Achievement during Q 3 / 52 / 52
d. / Approved for Q 4
Achievement during Q 4
E / Approved by PAB (April- Dec 09 ) / 193 / 193 / -
F / MDM served (April- Dec 09) / 174 / 174 / -

Basic Information Year (2009-10) / INDICATORS / STATUS
Primary / Upper Primary
IV / Total Unit Cooking Cost April 2009 to December 2009 / Rs.2.15 / Rs.2.60
i) / State’s contributions in cooking cost per child per day / 0.57 / 0.50
ii) / Allocation of cooking cost for the year 2009-10 / Rs. 11042.86
( Central +State share)
V / Food Grains Allocation
Allocation for FY 2009-10 / 55926.58 MTs.
Allocation for FY 2009-10 / Rs.214.34 Lakhs
VII / Transportation Assistance
Allocation for FY 2009 -10 / Rs. 407.33Lakhs
VII / Kitchen Sheds (2006-09)
No. of Kitchen Sheds -4058 +7425*=11483 / Rs.2435.09 Lakhs + Rs 9275.45*lakh* =-11710.54
*In Feb 2010 7425 units were sanctioned. / *In Feb 2010 – Rs 9275.45lakh were sanctioned on the basis of plinth area norm.
VIII / Kitchen Devices (2006-10)
No. of Kitchen Devices
(9507+1976=11483 units) / (Rs 332.25+ Rs 98.80 = Rs431.05 Lakhs
IX / QPR Status / Status
i) / Ist Quarter (Dated 05/10/09) / Received on 15/09/09
ii) / IInd Quarter (Dated 12/10/09) / Received on 04/02/09
iii) / IIIrd Quarter (Dated 20/04/10) / Received on 20/04/10

Review of Performance in 2009- 10

(01.04.09 to 31.12.2009)

2.Based on the information provided by the State Government in its AWP&B 2010-11, the performance during 2009-10 (01.04.09 to 31.12.2009) was reviewed. The major issues in implementation during 2009-10 are summarized as under: -

2.1 Coverage of Institutions:

yAn analysis of coverage of institutes shows that in 100% percent schools under Primary & Cent percent schools under Upper Primary were covered under MDM Scheme as on 31-12-09. The below tables gives the institutional wise coverage status:

2.1.1 Primary (Coverage) (Refer Table-AT-3 of AWP&B 2010-11) / Type of Schools / No. of schools / No. of schools serving MDM / Coverage
1 / Govt.+LB / 9278 / 9278 / 100%
2 / GA Schools / 170 / 170 / 100%
3 / EGS/AIE centres / 0 / 0 / 100%
4 / Madarsas/Maqtabs / 0 / 0 / 100%
Total / 9448 / 9448 / 100%

2.1.1 Reconciliation of Number of Institutions as per AWP&B 2009-10 and AWP&B 2010-11 at Primary level.

Institutions Eligible as per AWP&B 2009-10 / Institutions actually served MDM as per AWP&B 2009-10 / Total number of Institutions in AWP&B2010-11 / Institutions Serving as per AWP&B2010-11
9448 / 9448 / 9448 / 9448

2.1.2. Upper Primary (Coverage) (Refer Table-AT-3A&3B of AWP&B 2010-11) / Type of Schools / No. of schools / No. of schools serving MDM / Coverage
1 / Govt.+LB / 5050 / 5050 / 100%
2 / GA Schools / 378 / 378 / 100%
3 / EGS/AIE centres / 0 / 0 / 100%
4 / Madarsas/Maqtabs / 0 / 0 / 0%
Total / 5428 / 5428 / 100%

Reconciliation of Number of Institutions as per AWP&B 2009-10 and AWP&B 2010-11 at upper Primary level.

Institutions Eligible as per AWP&B 2009-10 / Institutions actually served MDM as per AWP&B 2009-10 / Total number of Institutions in AWP&B 2010-11 / Institutions Serving as per AWP&B 2010-11
5428 / 5428 / 5428 / 5428
  1. Institutions reported in Quarterly Progress Report of the FY 2009-10

i)Total Number of Institutions and Number of Institutions serving MDM at Primary

S.n. / QPRs / Total Number of Institutions / Number of Institutions serving MDM / Difference
1. / First QPR / 9448 / 9448 / 0
2. / Second QPR / 9448 / 9448 / 0
3. / Third QPR / 9448 / 9448 / 0

ii) Total Number of Institutions and Number of Institutions serving MDM at Upper Primary stage

S.n. / QPRs / Total Number of Institutions / Number of Institutions serving MDM / Difference
1. / First QPR / 5432 / 5432 / 0
2. / Second QPR / 5432 / 5432 / 0
3. / Third QPR / 5428 / 5428 / 0

2.2. Coverage of Children

2.2.1 Total Enrolment, No. of children opted MDM & Availed MDM:

(Refer Table-AT-4 & 4Aof AWP&B 2010-11) / Stage / Total Enrolment / No. of Children opted MDM / Ave. No. of children availed MDM ( April –Dec 09)
1 / Primary / 1529978 / 1529978 / 1376981
2 / Upper Primary / 693988 / 693988 / 624589
Total / 2223966 / 2223966 / 2001570

The above table shows that out of total enrollment of 1529978(P) and 693988 (UPY) children 90% primary and Upper Primary 89% stage respectively availed for MDM during the period April- December 2009.

2.2.2 MDM-PAB approval VS. Performance

(Refer Table-AT-5 & 5A of AWP&B 2010-11) / Stage / No. of children approved by MDM-PAB / Ave. No. of children availed MDM ( April –Dec 09) / Coverage
1 / Primary / 1438751 / 1376981 / 96%
2 / Upper Primary / 697917 / 624589 / 89%
Total / 2136668 / 2001570 / 94%


2.3.1Level of Opening balance as on 01.04.09:

An analysis of the district wise Opening balance of food grains as on 31.03.09 shows that State had an opening Balance of 757.90 MTs of food grains (As per AWP&B 2010-11):

Opening Balance as on 01.04.2009

Ref: Table no. 3.2 of Analysis Sheet)

No. of Districts / Less than 5% / 5 - 10% / 11 - 20% / Above 20% / Total
20 / 1 / 21

2.3.2Level of closing balance as on 31.12.09:

An analysis of the district wise closing balance of food grains as on 31.12.09 is -2668.70 MTs. Details of levels of closing balance are as follows:

Closing Balance as on 31.12.2009

(Total districts : 21)

Ref: Table no. 3.3 of Analysis Sheet)

No. of Districts / -Negative USB % / Less than 5% / 5 - 10% / 11 - 20% / Total
5 / 9 / 6 / 1 / 21

(Availability) of Food grains: (01.04.09 to 31.12.09):

Ref: Table no. 3.6 of Analysis Sheet)

Sl. No. / Level of lifting
(availability) / No. of Districts / Name of the districts
1 / Below 60% / 19 / Mewat (20%), Palwal (26%), Jhajjar (28%), Rewari (28%)etc
2 / 60% - 70% / 2 / Faridabad (60%) Kaithal (62%)
3 / Above 70% / ------

We May ask the State Government as to how the Scheme was implemented in 3 quarters in the Mewat (20%), Palwal (26%), Jhajjar (28%), Rewari (28%) etc were the availability of food grain is low.

2.3.4Utilization of food grains:

Primary + Upper Primary: (01.04.09 to 31.12.09)

Considering that three-fourths of the year was over by 31.12.2009, the State should have utilized at least 75 % of the food grains allocation. The State has utilized about 20229MTs i.e (36%) of food grains as on 31.12.2009.

(Ref: Table no. 3.8 of Analysis Sheet)

Sl. No. / Level of utilisation / No. of Districts / Name of the districts
1 / Below 60% / 21 / Mewat (20%) Rewari (25%)Jhajjhar (26%) Palwal (26%) Etc.
2 / 60% - 70% / --- / ----
3 / Above 70% / --- / ------

We May ask the State Government as to how the Scheme was implemented in 3 quarters in all 21 districts when the utilization of food grains is so low. (FOCUS DISTRICTS - Mewat (20%) Rewari (25%)Jhajjhar (26%) Palwal (26%) Etc)


2.4.1Level of Opening balance as on 01.04.09:

The district wise analysis of opening balance of cooking cost as on 1.04.09 shows that the Statehad Rs3793.27 lakh opening balance. Details of level of opening balance are as follows:

Opening Balance as on 01.04.2009

(Ref : Table no. 4.3.1 of Analysis Sheet)

No. of Districts / Less than 10% / 10- 15% / 15- 20% / Above 20% / Total
21 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 21 / 21

2.4.2Level of closing balance as on 31.12.09:

District –wise analysis of unspent balance of cooking cost as on 31.12.09 shows that State has Rs7346.54lakhs (67%) unspent balance.

2.4.3Utilization of Cooking Cost:

Primary + Upper Primary: (01.04.09 to 31.12.09)

An analysis of the utilization of cooking cost during 2009-10 shows that State has claimed to have utilized Rs.6055.66 (55%) cooking cost from the released amount.

(Ref: Table no. 4.7 of Analysis Sheet)

Sl. No / Level of utilization / No. of Districts / Name of Districts
1 / Below 60 % / 12 / Mewat (30%), Palwal (34%), Jhajjar (38%), Rewari (38%)etc
2 / 60% - 70% / 4 / Jind (60%)Kamal (61%) Mohendargarh (63%) etc
3 / Above 70% / 5 / Panipat, (72%) Gurgaon (77%) Kaithal (77%) Panchkula (87%) and Faridabad(91%)

.We may ask the State Government of Haryana how the Scheme run in 3 quarters when the cooking cost utilization in Mewat (30%), Palwal (34%), Jhajjar (38%), Rewari (38%) etcare so low

2.5 Utilization of MME(Reference Table – 5.1 of Analysis Sheet)

Allocation for MME fund for financial year 2009-10 was Rs. 214.34Lakhs.. The State Government has not incurred any expenditure.

2.6 Utilization of Transport Assistance(Reference Table – 6.1 of Analysis Sheet)

The central assistance towards total transport cost for financial year 2009-10 is Rs. 407.33 Lakhs.The State Government has mentioned an expenditure of 166.03 lakh as on 31.12.09. The State has lifted 22140.40 MTs of food grains as on 31.12.09 .Further, to lift that amount of food grains Rs.166.05 lakhs should have been utilized.

2.7Construction of Kitchen sheds (Reference Table -7.1 of Analysis Sheet):

Since 2008-09 Central Assistance of Rs. 2435.09 lakh has been provided for the construction of 4058the Kitchen sheds till December 31st 2009. In February 2010 7425 more units were sanctioned on the basis of plinth area norm. In the AWP&B of 2010-11 the state has mentioned 60% achievement in both physical and financial termstill 31st December 2009.

2.8Procurement of Kitchen devices (Reference Table -7.2 of Analysis sheet)

Central assistance released towards procurement of kitchen devices for schools during 2006-10 for primary and upper primary stage is Rs. 431.05 lakhs for 11483 units. The state Government has provided 70% physical and financial progress.

Part - C

Recommendations for quantification of

Central assistance for 2010-11.

1 Number of children (Primary)

Year / Projected Population / Enrollment
(DISE) / Opted for MDM / Availed MDM
2008-09 / 2452352 / 1667203 / - / 1438751
2009-10 / 2434229 / 1529978 / 1376981

3.1 Number of Children [Primary]:

Trends in Enrollment [PRIMARY]:

[MDM Schools: Govt. + Govt. aided + Local Body schools +EGS/AIE Centers]

3.1.1 In Haryana, population (age group 6-10 years) has increased by 19% from 2008-09 to 2009-10 as per Census-2001 projections. (Reference Table 9.1 of Analysis Sheet)

3.1.1 In 2009-10, 85% of the projected population (age group 6-10 as per Census 2001 projection for 2009) has been enrolled in MDM schools (Primary) whereas in 2008-09,88% of the population was enrolled in MDM Schools. (Reference Table 9.1 of Analysis Sheet)

b)Trends in number of children availing MDM [PRIMARY]:

3.1.4In 2008-09 to 2009-10, there is 0.07% decrease in number of children availing MDM (from 2008-09 to 2009-10). (Reference Table 9.1 of Analysis Sheet)

3.1.5No. of children availing MDM (33%) is less than the enrollment in MDM schools during 2009-10 (Reference table 9.3 of analysis sheet).

3.2 Number of Children [Upper Primary]:

Number of children (Upper Primary)

Year / Projected Population / Enrollment
(DISE) / Opted for MDM / Availed MDM
2008-09 / 1526682 / 785844 / 697917
2009-10 / 1515645 / 693988 / 624589

Trends in Enrollment [ UPPER PRIMARY]:

3.2.1 In 2009-10, 46% of the projected population (age group 11-13 as per Census 2001 projection for 2009) has been enrolled in MDM schools (Upper Primary). (Reference Table 9.6 of Analysis Sheet)

3.2.2In 2009-10, MDM Enrollment is 23% lessthan enrollment under DISE. (Reference Table 9.7of Analysis Sheet).

3.2.3 62% of the enrolled children were availing MDM in 2009-10 of as on 31.12.2009. (Reference Table 9.8 of Analysis Sheet)

3.3 Number of School days:

Sl. No / Year / As per DISE Data / As per MDM Approval
1 / 2007-08 / 218 / 220
2 / 2008-09 / 205 / 204
3 / 2009-10 / 225
4 / 2010-11 / 235
As per states claim

4.MDM-PAB decisions

4.Kitchen cum Store
Total Institutions / Total Sanctioned till 2008-10 / Construction through Conv. / States Proposal / Recommendations by Appraisal team / Approval by MDM-PAB
1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7
11483 / 11483 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
States Proposal for the FY 2010-11 / Recommendations by Appraisal Team
No / Details / Number of Institutes (Table No.3,3A and 3B) / Number of children As per State Plan (Table No.13/13-A / Number of Institutes / Number of children
1 / No. of Children availing MDM
1.1 / Govt. + Govt. aided + LB schools / 9448 / 1376981 / 9448 / 1376981
1.2 / EGS/ AIE Centres / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
1.3 / Madarsas/Maktabs / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
TOTAL (A) / 9448 / 1376981 / 9448 / 1376981
Upper Primary
1.4 / Govt. + Govt. aided + LB schools / 5428 / 624589 / 5428 / 624589
1.5 / EGS / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
1.6 / AIE Centres / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
TOTAL (B) / 5428 / 624589 / 5428 / 624589
GRAND TOTAL (A) +(B) / 14876 / 1439570 / 14876 / 1439570
2 / No. of Working days
2.1 / Primary / 235 / 220
2.2 / Upper Primary / 235 / 220
3. / No. of Cooks –cum-helpers / 32040
(Total number of cooks)
States proposal of 20208 additional cooks / 32040
(Amount of Rs. 340.71 Sanctioned for 11357cooks during 2009-10) / 32040
Total number of cooks


3.6.1Food grains:

No. / Stage / Recommendations by Appraisal Team / Quantity in MTs.
No. of Children to be approved / No. of Working days
1 / Primary (@ 100 gms) / 1376981 / 220 / 30293.58
2 / Upper Primary (@150 gms.) / 624589 / 220 / 20611.44
50905.02 cost, MME and Transport Assistance

Sl. No. / Component/norm / Amount admissible
(Rs. In lakhs)
1 / 2 / 3
1 / Cost of foodgrains @ Rs.5500/-per MT / 1666.15
2 / Central share Cooking cost @ Rs. 2.02 per child/day
(1376981x 220 x days x Rs. 2.02) / 6119.3
3 / Transportation Cost @ Rs. 750.00 MT
(1376981x 220 days x 0.0001 MT x Rs. 750 ) / 227.2
4 / Honorarium to cooks-cum-helpers
(17304 X Rs.750 X10 months / 1297.8
5. / Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation and Honorarium to cook cum helper ) / 167.58
TOTAL / 9478.03
Upper Primary
1.. / Cost of foodgrains @ Rs.5500/-per MT / 1133.63
2. / Central share Cooking cost @ Rs.3.02 per child/day
624589x 220 days x Rs.3.02 ) / 4149.77
3. / Cost of transportation @ Rs. 750.00 MT
(624589 x days x 0.00015 x Rs. 3.02 ) / 154.59
4. / Honorarium to cooks-cum-helpers
(14736 X Rs.750 X10 months / 1105.2
5 / Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of cost of foodgrains, cooking cost and cost of transportation Honorarium to cook cum helper) / 117.7
Total / 6660.96
TOTAL / 16138.99
