Benenden Church of England Primary School

Relationship and sex education


Last reviewed and approved by governors: June 2016

Next review: June 2018

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Policy

Date of policy: April 2016

Member of staff responsible: C Williams

Member of Governors with designated responsibility:

Review Date: April 2018

A planned progressive programme of RSE, based on inclusive Christian principles and values, emphasizing respect, compassion, loving care and forgiveness, gradually and appropriately begins to prepare our children for adult life. It teaches the skills they need to fully manage the natural, physical and emotional changes that will happen to them as they grow and mature into healthy, confident and responsible adults.

RSE teaches the skills children need to develop positive healthy relationships. It supports their moral development, helping them to understand themselves and to respect and care for others.

Legal Requirements:

Benenden Primary School will ensure:

  • That the governing body of the school keeps an up to date RSE Policy that describes content and the organisation of RSE provided outside the national curriculum science order.
  • Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their children from RSE lessons.

Best practice: The DCSF Sex and Relationships Guidance (0116/2000) suggest that schools should set sex and relationships education within a broader base of self-esteem and responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions.

  • Confidentiality policy
  • PSHE policy/ Drug Education Policy
  • Safeguarding Children Policy (including e-safety)
  • Teaching and Learning Policy
  • Equality Policy
  • Visitor Policy
  • Behaviour and Anti-bullying Policy
  • Staff Performance Management Policy(Staff will be encouraged to participate in additional RSE/PSHE training to ensure that delivery of RSE is up to date, relevant and timely.)

At Benenden Primary School we teach RSE within the wider context of building self-esteem, emotional well-being, relationships and healthy lives beginning in the early years through to year 6. This prepares our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

KS 1 and 2 learning outcomes in relation to pupil maturity.

Attitudes and values in line with the Christian ethos of the school

  • to learn the value of respect, love and care
  • to learn to value and respect ourselves and others
  • to develop an understanding and valuing of diversity
  • to promote a positive attitude to healthy lifestyle and keeping safe
  • to develop an understanding of the value of family life and an appreciation of the many different types of family.

Personal and Social Skills

  • to learn how to identify and manage emotions confidently and sensitively
  • to develop self-respect and empathy for others
  • to develop communication skills with peers, school and family
  • to learn how to assess risk and to develop strategies for keeping safe
  • to develop the ability to give and secure help
  • to develop an understanding of difference and an absence of prejudice.

Knowledge and Understanding

  • to recognize and name the main external parts of the body including agreed names for sexual parts (appendix 1)
  • to know the basic rules for keeping themselves safe and healthy
  • to know about human life processes such as conception, birth and puberty
  • to develop an understanding of the physical and emotional aspects of puberty
  • to learn that safe routines can stop the spread of viruses such as HIV
  • to know who can provide help and support

At Benenden School RSE is underpinned by the ethos and values of our school and we uphold it as an entitlement for all our pupils. We recognise the need to work as a whole school community to ensure a shared understanding of RSE and the values under-pinning it and to deliver an effective programme that meets the needs of our pupils.

Our school teaches RSE within the following moral and values framework based on the following principles:

  • Self respect.
  • Respect and tolerance towards others who may have different backgrounds, cultures, feelings, views and sexuality.
  • An awareness of the way others feel.
  • Mutual support and co-operation.
  • Honesty and openness.
  • The acceptance of the responsibility for and the consequences of personal actions.
  • The right of people to hold their own views within the boundaries of respect for the rights of others.
  • The right not to be abused by or taken advantage of by other people.
  • The right to accurate information about relationships.
  • The value of stable loving relationships.

Best practice: The personal beliefs and attitudes of teachers will not influence their teaching of RSE.

Benenden CE Primary School delivers RSE by:

  • Ealing Scheme of Work for PSHE including SEAL
  • All teachers
  • Quality assured external agencies/visitors, who are used to enhance the RSE programme
  • Where possible, taught or supported by a male and a female teacher.
  • Science Curriculum
  • RE Curriculum

The programme insures that appropriate staff are able to talk confidently to pupils about RSE.

Benenden CE Primary School teaches RSE through:

  • A wide range of teaching methods using a variety of active learning methods, quizzes, case studies, research, role play, dvd and small group discussion.

Benenden CE Primary School ensures RSE CPD by:

Courses/training/inset on RSE as available.

See Scheme of Work (Appendix 2)

Assessment will take place through:

  • Questionnaires
  • Discussion
  • Teacher assessments
  • Students self-assessment
  • Staff assessment


PSHE including RSE ismonitoredthrough the schoolsprogramme and lessonobservations.


  • The programme will be evaluated regularly to ensure it meets the needs of the young people and reflects the views and values of the school community. Evaluations will be used by the co-ordinator to inform future planning.

Benenden Primary School will keep parents/carers informed of the RSE programme.

Parents and carers have an important role to play in RSE as the school’s programme needs to compliment and support their role as a parent. Parents/carers will be informed of lessons on human reproduction, sexual health, relationships and puberty as part of Science and PSHE. To enable this an information session for parents, if requested, is held to discuss the RSE programme. Parents/carers will have access to materials used to deliver the programme.

Parents/carers are informed about their right to withdraw their child from some of the RSE lessons and arrangements will be made for the child to participate in a lesson in another class.

All staff will:

  • Use the correct terms for all body parts.
  • Openly teach pupils what ‘slang’ words mean (where appropriate), and that some are offensive.
  • Avoid the use of slang in actual teaching.


RSE may bring about disclosures of safeguarding children issues and all staff are conversant with the policies and procedures for reporting their concerns.


As a general rule a child’s confidentiality is maintained by the teacher or member of staff concerned. If this person believes that the child is at risk or in danger, they talk to the named child protection coordinator.

Date of Completion:

Date of Review:


RSE Lead:

Head Teacher:

Governor Lead:

Appendix 1

Accepted terminology and Vocabulary for RSE

puberty / life cycle
metamorphosis / gestation period
reproduction / extinct
adolescence / childhood
babyhood / adult
pubic hair / anus
uterous/womb / ovary
fallopian tubes / sperm
foreskin / vagina
clitoris / testicles
penis / scrotum
urethra / vulva
sperm tube (vas deferens) / genitals
egg / erection
period / wet dream
ejaculation / pregnancy
masturbation / placenta
umbilical cord / amniotic sac
embryo / menstruation
foetus / birth
marriage / sexually transmitted disease or infection (STD or STI)