
Classes: 4R Miss Owusu, 4G Ms Gibbons, 4S Miss Lynch

Start and End of Day Procedures

The school day starts at 8:55am. The school gates open at 8.45am, children should come straight into school and go to their classes. If you need to pass on a message to the class teacher please speak to the members of staff that are on duty at the doors. Please ensure that your child has all their belongings ready to start the day. If an item has been forgotten, please hand it in to the member of staff that is on dutyat the door and they will deliver it to your child’s class.

The school day finishes at 3:15pm, please be prompt to collect your child. Classes will be led out and wait in a line. Children are required to inform their teacher when an adult has arrived to collect them. When a child is collected late the class teacher will take them to the Rainbow Room (bottom floor) and sign them in. When the Parent/carer arrives they must sign their child out.

If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please be patient and wait until all children have been collected. Alternatively, an appointment can be made via the office.


See attached.

Curriculum Map

Please find attached the curriculum map, which outlines what will be covered in the Autumn Term.

Behaviour Policy

The school Behaviour Policy and school rules have been shared with all children, and will be displayed around the school.

SouthfieldPrimary school has a “House Points” reward system. Each child is allocated one of four Houses. House points will be given to children for following the school rules, the House with the most points will receive a cup at the end of each week and the House with the most points at the end of each term will receive a privilege.

When children receive a house point (raffle ticket) they write their name at the back and at the end of the week there is a weekly class draw and three raffle tickets are picked out. The children picked out receive a prize.


Homework will be given out on a Thursday and returned no later than the following Tuesday. Spelling tests will be on a Tuesday. In Year 4 children should spend about 40 minutes on their weekly homework.

Helping your child


It is important that your child reads every day.

Reading a variety of texts will also support your child with their writing.

You can support your child with their reading by listening to your child read, reading with them and reading to them.

Follow up reading sessions by asking your child questions about the text they have just read. Attached is a suggested reading list for Year 4 children which you may like to use.


Please regularly review times tables with your child.

It is useful to help children relate maths to real life, for example money and problem solving. Please find attached a leaflet with the strategies children are taught throughout KS1 and KS2.


Children’s progress is closely monitored and their levels of attainment are informed throughout the academic year by on-going teacher assessments, examples of work and testing.

The levels are regularly moderated and discussed each term at Pupil Progress Meetings where individual targets are set and reviewed.

School Trips

School trips will be booked to support and further the children’s interest in our current topics. We have a few ideas currently lined up and will provide more information as soon as possible.


4G and 4R have P.E. on a Thursday afternoon.

4S has P.E. on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Kit needed: navy blue shorts/joggers, white t-shirt, plimsolls, blue sweater (for outside). Football shirts are not part of the school’s PE kit. Earrings should not be worn. Long hair must be tied back.

If a child forgets their PE kits they will be given a letter to take home which must be signed and returned to the class teacher.

Absence and punctuality

For children to achieve their full potential it is essential that they attend school regularly and on time.

The school uses an electronic register system and this enables us to quickly see who is absent or late and contact parents/carers as necessary.

If your child is going to be absent or late please contact the school office as soon as possible.

Each week classes with the highest attendance receive the Attendance Cup.

Please refer to the school’s Attendance Policy for more information.

Parent / carer and teacher communication

It is important that children arrive into school on time as lessons begin at 9.00 am. If a parent/carer has a concern or needs to speak confidentially with the teacher he / she should make an appointment to see them.It is not appropriate for sensitive and confidential issues to be discussed in the playground.

If, following on from a meeting with your class teacher you would like to discuss something further please make an appointment to see the relevant phase leader.

Phase Leaders:

EYFS: Mrs Ouko,

Y1 - Y3: Miss Rosenthal

Y4 – Y6: Miss Ulejczyk

Miss Tamber is the Deputy Head with overall responsibility for EYFS and KS1

Miss Bal is the Deputy Head with overall responsibility for KS2

HomeSchool Agreement

You will be given a Home School Agreement at the Welcome Meeting, please read, sign and return the document to the school office. This will be returned to you once it has been signed by the Head Teacher.


We really appreciate the help provided by volunteers at SouthfieldPrimary School.

If you would like to volunteer at the school please inform the school office.