Dear Parents,

Your child has expressed an interest in joining the Boroondara Park Senior Choir for this year. This letter is to inform you of the commitment that is required for Senior Choir members and asks you to sign below to indicate that you understand this commitment and to give permission for your child to join. The Senior Choir will rehearse on THURSDAYmornings, beginning at 8am and it is important that all children arrive on time so that we can make the most of our short time together. If you have other siblings that attend our school and don’t want to make two trips on this morning, the siblings are welcome to sit in the music room to watch until around 8.30 (when other children are arriving at school). The Senior Choir is a serious ensemble and I aim to get the best possible standard from the members. This can only happen when we have a committed group who attend regularly. I will take a regular roll and if any child misses several rehearsals without a given reason, this will be followed up.

As a part of this group, all participants are required and expected to have a plain whitelong sleeved school shirt with acollar and plainblack pants (not leggings please) to wear to all performances outside of the school. Also black or dark shoesare required (no runners). Shirts and pants can be ordered through Julie Dussin at the school uniform shop by returning the special order form to the office by March 18th, 2016.

All choir members need to bring each week a plastic display folder with them.

Please fill in the return form below to indicate that you give your child permission to join the Senior Choir for 2016 and I look forward to our first rehearsal, which will be this Thursday, February 11th.

I am delighted to be taking the choir this year and look forward to a great year of singing.

Bethany Stephen



I give my child permission to join the Senior Choir this year and agree to have him/her at school by 8am for the THURSDAY morning rehearsals. I also agree to provide the required clothing of a white collared shirt and black pants and shoes for performances.




SIGNED ______