Gosport Medical Centre

Patient Participation Group

Meeting Held on

January 20th 2016



Those Present:

Pam Marsden

Fee Hamilton

Tricia Kelly

Lyndsay McLees

Mike Brown

Elaine Collins

Maddy Appleyard

Suzanne Ayles

Apologies: Deral Putt, Jean Watson, Phil Dray, Sarah and John Maskell-Bott

1. Introductions and apologies.

2. Minutes from the last PPG meeting were discussed.

a) Online access is picking up and we will now start to advertise with a poster in reception

b) Staffing levels: Dr Burgess is coming back as a partner on 1/2/16; Dr Douglas will also be starting as a GP registrar. We have Becca McBride, nurse practitioner, with us to do our emergency appointments on a Wednesday pm.

c) Sign posting: Sarah and John Maskell-Bott have confirmed that they will undertake training when they get back. Thank you from the group.

3. Dementia Friendly. The surgery is just about to sign up to be a dementia friendly practice. All staff has had training, our carer surveys have been received back with almost 100% being completed. Suzanne has done an environmental survey but would like this, also, to be completed by members of the PPG for a different perspective. Lyndsay, Tricia and Elaine have kindly offered and these need to be completed by the beginning of Feb.

Input already made by the surgery includes: identifying carers, offering 20 minute appointments for patients and carers together, ensuring patients with dementia are seen as quickly as possible and offering the early afternoon appointments where possible as the surgery is usually calmer.

Pam said that in some shopping centres staff where special badges which make it clear they have done dementia training and would be safe to approach. Suzanne said that so far we have not been offered this but would be a good idea.

4. Same day service update. The surgery have not heard much about how it is going but Tricia has heard that patients have been unhappy with the response times i.e. have had to wait a long time for a phone call and many have been turning up to the minor injuries unit instead. Signage is also a problem.

Mike was told at the stakeholder meeting that practices that were late to join the Hub would be penalised financially, which is not true. However we still have an option to join in April. After much discussion about how our own same day service runs the patients and staff would be reluctant to change. The members of the PPG were very supportive of our existing triage and emergency service and felt a move to the hub would be detrimental.

5. Better Local Care work streams we are involved in were discussed briefly outlining plans for a nurse practitioner to do home visits for nursing home patients and looking at frequent attenders and support for carers. We will update the group as things move forward.

6. We reviewed the collated comments from our Friends and Family surveys. Most comments were positive although there were some negative and these we need to consider. Suzanne will look at any actions necessary arising from these comments.

7. It is felt that an early morning session for full time workers could be a good option.

9. Fareham and Gosport Commissioning Group meeting is on 27/1/16 1pm in the Octagon, Ferneham Hall. Any patient in Fareham or Gosport is invited to attend.

10. From the last locality group meeting Mike and Pam talked about Phlebotomy services and confidentiality. Mike has been told that we now have only one phlebotomist at a time because of the complaints about confidential information being overheard when two use the same room. As far as the practice is aware the reduced numbers are due to lack of staff. Mike will discuss at the meeting if it arises.

Next locality meeting is 1.30pm on Thursday 21st January and will be attended by Mike.

The following locality meeting is 1.30pm on Thursday 21st April and will be attended by Mike and Lyndsay.

Next PPG meeting is on Tuesday 12th April 2016, 9.30am at the surgery.

Please ignore any previous dates set.