SECRETAC Clinical Education Committee
Agenda: Draft Clinical Education Committee Meeting
Sept. 8, 2010 Noon-1pm: Las Animas Bent County Fire Protection District Fire House, 425 5th St. Las Animas, Colorado 81054
I. Roll call and attendance: Chair-Marshall Cook Members: Cecelia Deen, Aaron Eveatt, John Spano, Kent Darnell and Gary Gibson.
II. Old Business:
A. CARES: update, Marshall Cook.
B. The warrant to SECRETAC in the amount of $10,429.19 for training was issued on 8/18. EMTB Scholarship Program-Eunice and Rick.
C. CRHC Ron Seedorf approved Farm Medic Programs (3) reimbursement total of $9,142.31
D. EMTS Grant: Total cost of High Angle Rescue Course $3,295.33. Approved for a 50/50 % match-EMTS did not agree it was a RR Grant at the 10% match $1,647.66 Total reimbursement for the High Angle Rescue Course was $1,647.67.
E. New FY2010-11 HPP Grant Funds: $10K Regional/HPP Training & Ed.
1. Regional MCI Conferences: Proposal received from *Mr. John Putt has provided us with a draft of a proposal for our potential two (2) MCI conferences (with HPP Funding). Approximately $3,000 per conference (potential sites TBD; used La Junta and Lamar for examples). We would need to provide meals/refreshments and site fee if any. Deadline April 30, 2011.
2. Action Item: Committee: Needs to decide sites, dates, times, cost approval, etc.
3. FY2010-11 Subsidy increase: $20K for Farm Medic/High Angle Rescue
1. Action Item: Committee: Needs to decide sites, dates, times, cost approval and any program changes or addendums.
4. EMS Personnel Practice Task Force will be held in CDPHE Conference Room C1D at 10:30 am on Wednesday August 18, 2010 update Larry Reeves.
F. FYI: NRC Releases Guidelines for Care of Children in the ED Checklist***
G. In the past the RETACs were able to apply for training and education money with no match required. The CREATE Program will not be able to accommodate 0% matches. There is a provision in the EMTS Grants Program for 0% match applications so that’s where CDPHE would like those applications to be submitted. RETACs can apply to CREATE for training and education projects with a 50% match, but will need to submit a financial waiver if requesting a 10%-40% match. Shelly Collings, Grants Manager, CRHC.
H. SNAP Report: Recommendations****-
1."Continue to work closely with the two colleges and hospitals to enhance ed. and training, especially ALS Level."
2. "Consider moving towards standardized medical protocols with
agency specific variations."
3. "Consider the development of a regional Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) plan that can be adopted by system stakeholders.
4. ACS Survey: Recommendations*****-11. Emergency Medical Services
a. Transfer the responsibility for licensing EMS agencies and ground ambulances from county commissioners to the EMTS Section. (page 52)
b. Allow national accreditation of EMS agencies (Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services-CAAS) for eligibility for Colorado ground ambulance licensure. (page 52)
c. Monitor and assure appropriate local EMS medical director performance. (page52)
d. Standardize the pediatric age criteria (less than 15 years) for EMS protocols and triage and transport destination determination. (page 52)
e. Require standardized education for EMS dispatchers.(page 52)
f. Establish operational rules for critical care transport. (page 63)
g. Establish statewide EMS protocols that take into account variances due to time, distance, and personnel resources in rural areas of Colorado. (page 63)
h. Secure funding to provide additional Rural Trauma Team Development Course (RTTDC), in conjunction with the Colorado Rural Health Center, to rural areas to encourage the appropriate stabilization and transfer of trauma patients.(page 64)
i. Create a system of seamless patient transport across county lines to the appropriate facilities under regionalized medical direction. (page 64)
III. New Business:
A. Mr. Pat Arrona, member of Bent County Ambulance Service and Las Animas Bent County Fire Protection District. Will soon be testing for NREMT-I at OJC. Desire to continue his educational process by applying for the NREMT-Paramedic in Pueblo. We (Mr. John Spano) would like the RETAC to consider sponsoring/applying for CREATE Training Ed. Funds for Mr. Arrona for a EMTP certificate and all of the requirements that SECRETAC may require for this sponsorship.
B. Mike Archuleta, ER Dir., AVRMC, I am interested in having TNCC or CATN course in La junta sponsored by SECRETAC.
C. Injury, Suicide and Violence Prevention Conference of Colorado, August 23- 25, 2010, Mr. Rick Hartley, Mr. John Spano and Ms. Karen Merrill attended and will be available for brief reports to the Council. SECRETAC Regional T&E Funds provided scholarships for their participation. Both Rick and John have also attended the original Suicide Prevention Instructor/Training Program this year.
D. Regional Medical Director/CQI Proposal: Public Policy & Financing Committee, Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 2010.*****
IV. Adjourned:
Chair Summary for Committee Report: Action items or Motions required.
1. HPP-MCI Conferences: Dates, Times, Sites, etc. Action Item
2. Farm Medic Courses: Dates, Times, Sites, etc. Action Item
3. High Angle Rescue Course: Date, Times, Site, etc. Action Item
4. SNAP & ACS Surveys Discussion Items
5. EMTP-Mr. Pat Arrona Discussion/ Action Item
6. TNCC/CATN Courses Discussion/Action Item
7. Regional RMD/CQI Proposal Action Item
* John Putt, MCI Conferences Proposal
**$20K subsidy to annual contract
***ED Checklist
****SNAP Review
*****ACS Survey Review
******RMD/CQI Proposal
mcmerrillC:\Users\Mike\Documents\RETAC Docs\Transition Documents\Operations\Minutes\Board Mtg Minutes 10\Committee agendas 10\Draft ClinEdagenda06092010.docPage 28/26/2010