Help White Oak Ring the Bells of Notre Dame

The WOHS musical is a valuable educational experience for our students! We invite you to join our list of sponsors. No contribution is too small (or too large!).

Grand Benefactor - $1000 +

·  Full Page ad in musical program

·  Recognition on musical webpage

·  Name and/or logo in print media & billboard

·  Company mentioned and tagged (if applicable, on 2 Facebook posts)

·  Logo on t-shirts sold to participants and patrons

·  Six (6) complimentary reserved seats for one performance [Note: Advance reservations are required for all Sponsorship seating]

Theatre Patron - $750 - $999

·  Full Page ad in musical program

·  Recognition on musical webpage

·  Name and/or logo in print media

·  Company mentioned and tagged (if applicable, on 2 Facebook posts)

·  Four (4) complimentary reserved seats for one performance [Note: Advance reservations are required for all Sponsorship seating]

Headliner - $500 - $749

·  Full Page ad in musical program

·  Recognition on musical webpage

·  Name and/or logo in print media

·  Two (2) complimentary reserved seats for one performance [Note: Advance reservations are required for all Sponsorship seating]

Spotlight - $250 - $499

·  Full Page ad in musical program

·  Recognition on musical webpage

·  Name mentioned in print media

Understudy - $150 - $249

·  Full Page ad in musical program

·  Recognition on musical webpage

Sponsorship Commitment Form

Please check level of participation

©  ______Grand Benefactor - $1000+

©  ______Theatre Patron - $750 – $999

©  ______Headliner - $500 – $749

©  ______Spotlight - $250 – $499

©  ______Understudy - $150 – $249

Donor Information:

Business Name (If applicable): ______

Contact Person:______

Mailing Address: ______



Please enclose check made payable to White Oak High School.

NOTE: Please email your logo, if applicable, to Debra Pylypiw at and put SPONSOR LOGO in the subject line. Thank you!!