UKS2 Theme Chart: Australia - same-coloured sessions in each Theme are linked


Welcome to the Land of Oz
[Geography/Literacy] /
Convicts, Colonies & Conflict
[History/Art/D&T] /


First Australians
[History/Geography] /


Great Outdoors
1 / Where on Earth? Locating Australian Landmarks (Geography/Literacy) [2] / James Cook the Explorer sets foot in Australia (History/Literacy) [2] / The Aborigines –
The First Australians
(Geography/History) / Australia – The land of contrasts
2 / Are we there yet? Speed, Distance & Guidebooks [2] (Geography/Maths/Lit) / Life in England in 1700 & the Little Felons.
(History/ICT) [2] / Amazing Artefacts – Uncovering the past
(History/Science) / Comparing Australian Climates
3 / A look at Australian Flags and Emblems
(Geography/Art) / The First Fleet – Life was hard.
(History/English) [2] / Dreamtime Stories and Drama.
(History/English) [2] / Studying Australian Landscapes
4 / Considering the Commonwealth
(Geography/Literacy) / The Daily Ration – A look & taste of the life of convicts. (History/D&T) / Protecting Sacred Sites for the Aborigines
(Geography/Citizenship) / Australian landscapes – providing Habitats
5 / Talking Time zones – a look at world time zones.
(Geography/Maths) / The Gold Rush – Mass migration to Australia.
(History) / Recording Aboriginal Culture
(Music/History) / The Great Barrier Reef – What and where?
6 / Timeline for Australia – Australia through time
(Geography/History) / Building a Shelter – Making slab hut models. (History/D & T) [2] / Recording Aboriginal Culture through Art
(History/Art) [2] / Issues affecting the Great Barrier Reef.
7 / Life on the City – a look at city housing.
(Geography/History) / Federation – Celebrating the Birth of Australia.
(History/ICT) / Recording Aboriginal Culture through Dance
(History/PE) [2] / Creating the Great Barrier Reef
(Art/Geography) [2]
8 / Life in the Bush – Self sufficiency /distance learning
(Geography/Literacy) / World Wars & the Great Depression.
(History/English) / Considering The Stolen Generations
(History/Citizenship) / Remembering Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter
(Literacy/Science) [2]
9 / The Life of children living in Australia
(Geo/PE/Citizenship) [2] / Looking at population and Migration to Australia.
(History/ICT) / Considering Aboriginal Culture Today
(Citizenship/ICT) / Australia’s Most Unusual Animals
10 / Speaking the Language – A look at Australian phrases
(Geography/Literacy) [2] / The Drovers Boy – Relationships between cultures.
(History/Citizenship) / A look at the lives of Aborigines Today
(English/Citizenship) / Studying Australia’s Most Unusual Animals
11 / Making The Great Interactive Quiz
(Geography/Literacy) / Building Bridges –Reconciliation and diversity today
(History/Citizenship) [2] / A look at the lives of Aborigines Today
(English/Citizenship) / Snakes & Spiders – The Treatment Room
(Science/Literacy) [2]
12 / Taking the Great Interactive Quiz
(Geography/ICT) / The Stolen Generation & saying sorry
(History/Literacy) [2] / Famous Australians – The Aboriginal Hall of Fame
(Citizenship/History) [2] / The Great Australian Assembly
(D&T/Geography/Lit) [2]

Curriculum Areas

English: Black
Mathematics: Blue
Science: Orange / Humanities: Purple
Creative Arts: Pink
Technologies: Green

Hamilton Trust 2008 This sheet may be adapted for use by individual teachers. It may not be reproduced for any other purpose.

Topic sessions planning sheet: Block title:

Day and time of session / Subjects covered / Key objectives / Session title/description / Resources including websites
Write day/time of session here. Because some sessions are long, you may want to write two times (e.g. Tues 1:30 – 3:00 and Wed: 11:00 – 12:00) / Write the subjects covered – highlight according to whether each is ‘skills’ or ‘content’ / Write/paste (from session-plans) the key objectives here – sometimes these are ‘skills-based’ (e.g. create pencil or charcoal drawings of old clocks…) and sometimes these are ‘content-based’ (e.g. put old clocks in order on a timeline). / Either write your own, very slightly expanded, session title that makes it clear what this session is basically about, or you can (if the school insists!) copy and paste the description from the word document of Theme session descriptions. / Write/paste ALL the resources you need here – you can copy and paste from the Hamilton Topic Resources document which is provided in WORD format).
You should highlight anything important about the session that you need to remember. E.g. ‘Ask some parents to help with this…’ or ‘Needs the computer room…’ Also highlight any texts required, e.g. needs Hamilton Animated Tale Time Machine Mark III.

Hamilton Trust 2008 This sheet may be adapted for use by individual teachers. It may not be reproduced for any other purpose.