Green Corridor Mobile Computing & Phone Policy

Green Corridor Mobile Computing & Phone Policy

Laptop Overview

This policy sets out the guidelines for taking Green Corridor data and computers outside its main premises on a laptop or Blackberry (if applicable). The standards outlined below are designed to ensure that the equipment and information contained on them are afforded an adequate level of protection. This also extends to information processed exclusively within a member of staff’s home. The policy also covers the access of Outlook Webmail, which is available to all staff with an email account.

Laptop Policy

Green Corridor provides a laptop computer to all staff

Users must take good care of laptops to prevent accidental damage

Users must not attempt to install any software on the laptops without prior authorisation, or configure the standard hardware and software configurations

All laptops will have passwords enabled for both the Administrator and Local User accounts. Users will be informed of the account and password when they pick up the equipment

When not in use all laptops will be kept in a secure

They should not be left overnight in other organisations offices or any other public buildings.

Users are not allowed to take the laptops abroad without prior consent

If the laptop is stolen whist on loan the user must report the theft to both the Green Corridor CEO and the police immediately

Users must remember that all data held on mobile computers belongs to Green Corridor and the same security measures apply to it as data held within the office

Users must not let other people use Green Corridor mobile computers or data. All data being loaded on to Green Corridor laptops must be scanned for viruses by the local copy of Symantec Anti-Virus

Mobile computers should never be left unattended in a public area

Users must never give the password to a mobile computer to anyone outside the company

Mobile Phones

This document has been produced to allow designated Green Corridor employees who use company mobile phones, and employees who use their own mobile phones on company business to derive the benefits of increased efficiency through the use of Mobile Telecommunication while ensuring the protection of its assets, integrity, employee rights and Health & Safety.

Provision of Mobile Phones

Green Corridor provides a company mobile phone to all who require a company mobile phone to effectively perform their duties

All Green Corridor mobile phones are on a single corporate contract negotiated and administered centrally by the Green Corridor CEO

The CEO will carry out all purchase negotiation, replacement and other matters surrounding mobile phones

In relation to the day-to-day care and use of phones, the individual users are responsible for example Voicemail needs to be set-up by the user

The user of the mobile phone will be required to sign a receipt when taking out and when returning the equipment. The CEO will keep receipts

All users must abide by the terms in this Mobile Phone Policy.

Green Corridor mobile phones are not to be used for individual “business” or private matters related to personal income generating activities

From time to time a personal call may be made, if important, while the use is on Green Corridor business. As with the use of other Green Corridor telephone lines, personal (i.e. non-business) calls should be avoided and where necessary should be of short duration. This privilege should not be abused while engaged on Green Corridor business

Any private calls that are made, either frequent, long distance (STD or ISDN), or of a long duration will necessitate reimbursement to Green Corridor by the user. Green Corridor will pay for all business call charges

All phone accounts are monitored and users shall be responsible for providing an explanation of call charges if requested

Staff issued with a mobile phone purchased by Green Corridor must ensure the security of the phone (and any allied equipment) at all times

Should a mobile phone be lost or stolen, the user must report the matter to the CEO within 24 hours for notification to service providers and replacement

Users must care and use the phones in their possession in a responsible manner. Breakage, damage or loss of equipment may necessitate the reimbursement of any associated costs incurred by Green Corridor in relation to the repairs or replacement of the affected equipment. Users are required to keep mobile phones clean, and in serviceable condition to the best of their ability, and report all irregularities immediately to the CEO

Activate the keypad lock

A PIN code must be used to lock the phone so that if the phone is subsequently stolen or lost a PIN code must be used to unlock the phone

Do not disclose PIN numbers with other members of staff

However, the PIN number should be given to the CEO, who will store PIN numbers in a secure location.

Mobile phones must not to be left in unattended vehicles

While in the office, store the phone and associated equipment with due care. If lending the phone to other members of staff, make a record of when and to whom

Upgrades can only be initiated through the CEO

All unused mobile phones should be surrendered to the CEO

As from 1st December 2003 it is illegal to use mobile phones whilst driving unless the driver is calling the emergency services on 999 or 112 in response to a genuine emergency when it is unsafe or impractical to stop to make the call

Staff are not allowed to take or receive calls while driving. Green Corridor actively discourages the use of hands-free mobile phones to ensure the driver is fully concentrating on driving. Full use should be made of voicemail facilities to leave messages

Green Corridor will not be responsible for any penalties incurred while using the mobile phone for business

The following range of behaviour (as defined by our 'Safeguarding' policies and procedures) is deemed unacceptable by all users of this equipment:

Visiting internet sites that contain obscene, hateful, pornographic or otherwise illegal material

Use the Internet to send offensive or harassing materials, or be involved in any form of on line bullying of others.

Publishing defamatory and/or knowingly false materials about GC, colleagues, associates, learners or customers on social networking sites, blogs, wikis or any other online publishing format

The use of the company email system to circulate any offensive, indecent or obscene material, or anything likely to cause offence on grounds of: sex, sexual orientation, race, disability, age, religion or belief

In compliance with ISA Act 2009 we are required to report any offence/investigation and outcomes of any investigation, to the independent Safeguarding Authority, where incidents will be recorded as per, ISA Registration, Vetting and Barring regulations and may result in removal of an individual from the ISA scheme and being placed on the Barred list.

There has been considerable speculation in the press regarding the possible damaging effects on health, as a result of prolonged use of mobile telephones. To date there is no clear evidence to support these claims. The Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones (The Stewart Report) reported in May 2000 that:

“The balance of the evidence available does not suggest that RF (Radio Frequency) radiation from mobile phones or base stations causes cancer or other brain diseases. However, there is now evidence that effects on biological functions, including those of the brain, may be induced by RF radiation at levels comparable to those associated with the use of mobile telephones. There is, as yet, no evidence that these biological effects constitute a health hazard, but at present only limited data are available. This is one reason why we recommend a precautionary approach”

Suggested Precautions

If using a mobile telephone, it may be advisable to avoid continued use for prolonged periods and the use of an approved hands-free set.

The intention of these precautions is to advise only, so that mobile phone user can make their own informed decisions.

(Last reviewed 30th March 2015)