English 9name:

Mrs. Sharp/Ms. Edwardsperiod:

Macbeth’s Journey: What the Words Tell Us

Act I to Act V

Here is Macbeth’s speech to the Witches the first time he meets them on the heath in Act I, scene 3:

Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more.|

By Sinel’sdeath1 I know I am Thane of Glamis,|

But how of Cawdor?|The Thane of Cawdor lives,

A prosperous gentleman:| and to be king

Stands not within the prospect of belief2,

No more than to be Cawdor.| Say from whence

You owe this strange intelligence| or why

Upon this blasted heath you stop our way

With such prophetic greeting?| Speak, I charge you3.

And, here’s what he says when he is trapped in his castle surrounded by his enemies in Act V, scene 3:

I’ll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked.

Give me my armour. I’ll put it on.

Send out more horses: skirr1 the country round:

Hang those that talk of fear. Give me mine armour. –

Come, put mine armour on: give me my staff. –

Seyton2, send out. Doctor, the thanes fly from me3. –

Pull’t off, I say…

Bring it after me. –

I will not be afraid of death and bane4,

Till Birnam Forest come to Dunsinane.

Nature of the Artsname:

Mrs. Sharpperiod:

Macbeth’s Journey: What the Words Tell Us

Act I to Act V

Describe Macbeth’s journey by creating TWO WEBS, one for each of the speeches. In the center, draw a picture (a stick-figure is fine) representing Macbeth’s emotional state at the time of the speech. The information on the “spokes” radiating out should include items such as:

  • details of what is happening to create this emotion
  • words to describe Macbeth at this moment
  • QUOTATIONS from the text which are especially valuable clues to his emotional state
  • “thought balloons” to represent what (else) he’s thinking
  • ideas of what he might do next (or what he does do next, if you already know)

Nature of the Artsname:

Mrs. Sharpperiod:

Macbeth’s Journey: What the Words Tell Us

Act I to Act V

Describe Macbeth’s journey by creating TWO WEBS, one for each of the speeches. In the center, draw a picture (a stick-figure is fine) representing Macbeth’s emotional state at the time of the speech. The information on the “spokes” radiating out should include items such as:

  • details of what is happening to create this emotion
  • words to describe Macbeth at this moment
  • QUOTATIONS from the text which are especially valuable clues to his emotional state
  • “thought balloons” to represent what (else) he’s thinking
  • ideas of what he might do next (or what he does do next, if you already know)

Nature of the Artsname:

Mrs. Sharpperiod:

Macbeth’s Journey: What the Words Tell Us

Act I to Act V

Describe Macbeth’s journey by creating TWO WEBS, one for each of the speeches. In the center, draw a picture (a stick-figure is fine) representing Macbeth’s emotional state at the time of the speech. The information on the “spokes” radiating out should include items such as:

  • details of what is happening to create this emotion
  • words to describe Macbeth at this moment
  • QUOTATIONS from the text which are especially valuable clues to his emotional state
  • “thought balloons” to represent what (else) he’s thinking
  • ideas of what he might do next (or what he does do next, if you already know)