Figurative Language Re-teach Worksheet Name ______

Reteach/ Requiz will be on Tuesday 10/11 during A lunch in C6

Please pack a lunch this day, it will save you time, so we can review more. If you absolutely cannot pack a lunch please ask your teacher if you could be the first in line to lunch.

X______Parent signature- please show this to your parent or guardian, so they know you have decided to do a retake.

Requirements: You MUST complete the practice below BEFORE you arrive to the reteaching session. If you do not complete this practice, you will not be allowed to retake the test. We will use this to review and your retest will take place the next day during your resource time.

If you do not attend the reteaching session, you may not retake the test.

Match each word on the left hand side with its definition on the right.

1. _____ personification a. A direct comparison of unlike things

2. _____ simile b. Repetition of the same beginning sound of words in a sentence

3. _____ onomatopoeia c. When human characteristics are given to non-human things

4. ______alliteration d. Intentional exaggeration to create an effect

5. ______metaphor e. A comparison of unlike things using “like” or “as”

6. ______hyperbole f. Words that represent sound

7. ______figurative language g. is a tool that an author uses, to help the reader visualize, or see, what is happening in a story or poem.

8. _____ idiom h. an overused saying that means something other than what it says.

9.  In line 1, the dragon’s name contains alliteration. Which of the following names would be consistent with this alliteration?

a.  Dan

b.  Dragon

c.  Angry

d.  Fire

10. In line 7, the author states that “the Herculean Horseman could defeat thousands of enemies within seconds.” Why is this sentence considered a hyperbole?

a.  Hercules isn’t real

b.  He isn’t that great of a fighter

c.  It’s not possible to defeat thousands of enemies in just seconds

d.  It is an opinion

11. Read the simile in line 9. Why did the author compare Doris’s feelings to that of a murderer?

a.  to show she was ready to get it over with

b.  to show she was worried about it

c.  to show she tried not to think about it

d.  to show she knew everything would work out in the end

12. Which of the following lines from the passage contains a simile and alliteration?

a.  It was even rumored that the Herculean Horseman could defeat thousands of enemies within seconds.

b.  On a night as cold and black as marble, the Herculean Horseman rode into town.

c.  Thunk! Flop! The Herculean Horseman defeated Doris in under a second.

d.  Doris anxiously awaited the duel like a murderer awaiting trial.

13. What literary device is used in this quote?

“The walls of the apartment were as thin as paper”

A. metaphor B. simile C. personification D. alliteration

What two items are being compared? ______

14. Which objects are being personified” “The flowers danced around the lawn while the sun peeked over the hill.” ______

15. What human action is given to the sun in the above question? ______

16. Which sentence contains an example of a metaphor and alliteration?

a. Bob bought a billion baby bottles

b. I’m so tired I could die during dinner.

c. The road was a ribbon of moonlight bouncing by my bedroom window.

d. She like a dream I dare to never wake up from.

17. Which of the following words could best be substituted for the word “vacuum” without changing the meaning of the metaphor?

“The boy was a vacuum eating everything in his path”

a.  Hungry

b.  Tornado

c.  Duster

d.  Teenager

18. “Clang clang” the blacksmith hit the hot iron.

When authors use words to indicate (show) sound, it is called-

A. metaphor B. alliteration C. onomatopoeia D. personification

19. What literary or poetic device is used in this quote?

“The tree branch grabbed onto my shirt.”

A. metaphor B. alliteration C. onomatopoeia D. personification

Directions: Read the following excerpt from “The River” sung by Garth Brooks.

You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you

And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try

24. Match the type of genre to its description:

____ A story including elements that are impossible such as talking animals or magical powers.

____ Texts that provide facts about a variety of topics

____ A story using made up characters but could happen in real life

____ a type of fantasy that uses science and technology

____ fictional stories that take place in a particular time period in the past. The setting is real, but the characters are made up from the author’s imagination.

____the story of a real person’s life that is written by that person

____ a suspenseful story about a puzzling event that is not solved until the end of the story

____ Stories that are passed down from one group to another in history.

____Verse written to create a response of thought and feeling from the reader. It often uses rhythm and rhyme.

_____ the story of a real person’s life that is written by someone else

25. Match the idiom with its meaning:

____ I’m under the weather.

____ You will have to eat your words.

____I’m feeling blue.

____I’m on top of the world!

____I’m head over heels for him!

____It drives me out of my mind

____I have ants in my pants!

____I pigged out and ice cream.

____I’m taking a big step by getting married