Operation Manna RenewalApplication

Operation Manna Purpose Statement:

To engage Christian Reformed Churches in community ministries that seek to bring about sustainable change in individuals and communities experiencing significant needs.

  1. Description of the Organization:
  1. Name of Organization/Church:______
  1. Name of specific program to be funded:______
  1. Mailing address: ______

______Postal Code ______Phone # ( ) ______

  1. Email address:______Website______
  1. Name of Director: ______Phone # ( ) ______
  1. Name of treasurer:______Phone # ( )______

Cheques should be made payable to: ______

  1. Amount of grant requested for this year (refer to budget worksheet): $______
  1. This is the (circle one) 2nd 3rd 4th year that you are applying.
  1. Date this application was submitted:______Submitted by: ______


  1. Proposal
  1. Provide a few brief sentences that clearly identify what you are requesting funds for.
  1. Please share a couple of stories that illustrate your ministry’s achievements over the past year

(max. 1 pg).

  1. What work has been done over the past year to address the specific justice issues in your community that relate to your particular ministry?
  1. Growth Chart

The chart below is used as a way to measure growth by means of visual and numeric descriptors. It reflects the themes of planting, natural growth and bearing fruit. Use this chart to assist in answering some of the questions below.

  1. Identity and Purpose: This pertains to the degree of ownership in the beliefs, vision, mission, values, and structures of the church/organization.
  1. In what ways did staff, volunteers, and/or stakeholders demonstrate their commitment to the mission (vision) of this particular project/program over the past year?
  1. What progress has been made toward achieving the goals set out for this capacity area (last fall)?
  1. What stage of growth are you in for this capacity area (see chart)?
  1. Adaptive and Networking Capacity: This refers to a church/organization’s ability to develop goals and build relationships based on trends, community assessments and available resources.
  2. What strategic partnerships were formed this past year?
  1. Which partnershipsare being pursued and /or nurtured?
  1. What progress has been made toward achieving the goals set out for this capacity area (last fall)?
  1. What stage of growth are you in for this capacity area (see chart)?
  1. Leadership Capacity: This relates to the capacity of leadership (board/church council and staff) to manage change, prioritize, innovate, lead others, etc.
  1. In the past year, how has leadership contributed to a healthy organizational culture(ie. healthyteamwork, mutual trust, vision-focused)?
  1. What progress has been made toward achieving the goals set out for this capacity area (last fall)?
  1. What stage of growth are you in for this capacity area (see chart)?
  1. Program Capacity: This area refers to the organization’s ability to design, implement, monitor and evaluate activities that align with the mission of the organization.
  1. Please indicate what evidence you have received this past year that reveals how your program/ministryhas been effective (producing fruit) in the following areas:
  2. Addressing injustice(s):
  1. Creating sustainable change in people’s lives:
  1. Adapting (ie. modifying the program based on evaluations or a change in needs):
  1. Reaching your organization/church’s vision through this particular program:
  1. What progress has been made toward achieving the goals set out for this capacity area (last fall)?
  1. What stage of growth are you in for this capacity area (see chart)?
  1. Resource Capacity: This area relates to the church/organization’s ability to obtain and manage financial resources and internal human resources in an effective manner.
  1. How was the capacity of staff and volunteers developed this past year?
  1. What steps are being taken to attract long-term, local financial support?
  1. What progress has been made toward achieving the goals set out for this capacity area (last fall)?
  1. What stage of growth are you in for this capacity area (see chart)?
  1. Financial Information:
  2. Complete a budget (see separate Excel “OM budget worksheet”) for the remaining years you are seeking OM funding. The budget will include:
  • the projected Operation Manna grant as an income item
  • declining Operation Manna funding for each budget year
  • new funding sources in subsequent years to replace Operation Manna funding.
  1. Forward the most recent set of Financial Statements from your accountant or auditor. If you do not have audited financial statements, please submit your most recent statement of revenue and expenses.

Application Checklist:

A complete application requires the following by October 15th:

 Application Form (Section A, B, & C).

 Operation Manna Budget Worksheet (Section D).

 Financial Statements for your most recent fiscal period (Section D).

Please submit completed documents to:

Diaconal Ministries Canada

3475 Mainway Drive, P.O. Box 5070, STN LCD 1, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 3Y8

Phone (905) 336-2920 or 1-800-730-3490

Fax (905) 336-8344Email:

Revised August 1, 2015Page 1