Chairman: Cllr David Robinson

Parish Clerk: Joanne Peters, Neutral Farm House, Mill Lane, Butley. IP12 3PA

Tel: 01394 459400, E-Mail:



Present: Cllr D. Robinson (Chairman) Cllr S. McCreadie

Cllr A. McDonald Cllr S. Hudson

Cllr L. Schofield Cllr J. Cooper

In attendance: Joanne Jones. There were 20 members of the public present.

Welcome by the Chairman and to open the meeting

1. To receive apologies for absence

There were none.

2. To receive Councillors' Declarations of Interest

There were none.

2.1 To consider any dispensations

None received.

3. To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd November 2016

The draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd November 2016 had been circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting and were Proposed for Approval by Cllr McDonald, Seconded by Cllr Hudson. 4 in Favour, 1 Abstention. The minutes were duly signed by

the Chairman as a true record.

4. Matters arising from the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd November 2016

The Clerk confirmed the defibrillator had been delivered and she was now going to look into having this sited.

Mobile & Broadband Steering Group – Cllr McDonald gave details regarding the Steering Group to be formed and confirmed an informal working group meeting would be held to which he urged volunteers to come forward and attend.

5. Reports

5.1 County Councillor Andrew Reid

Apologies had been received from County Cllr Reid. A written report had been submitted and circulated to all Councillors.

5.2 District Councillor Ray Herring

District Cllr Ray Herring was not present. No written report had been submitted.

5.3 Parish Clerk's Report

The Clerk reported she had received a telephone call from a gentleman Mr Rockall who was

interested in developing the land at the meadow opposite Corner Farm to which she gave


The Chairman provided further details regarding this matter and confirmed he had had an

informal meeting with Mr Rockall whereby he had informed him he would be welcome to

attend a future Council meeting to put forward his proposals but for transparency reasons he

would not be willing to meet with him informally again.

Cllr Schofield asked were any new homes required in Sudbourne. Cllr McDonald and the Clerk

provided clarification and it was suggested that when liaising with Mr Rockall the Clerk should

ask if there was any further information he required in respect of previous proposals for this


6. Parish Council Matters

6.1 – Parish Council Co-option – To consider any nominations received

The Chairman closed the meeting and welcomed Maureen Norris to the meeting. Maureen advised she would like to be considered for the Co-option to which she gave details. The Chairman thanked Maureen for volunteering her services and it was Unanimously Approved that Maureen Norris should be Co-opted. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed and witnessed by the Clerk. The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

6.2 – Vehicle Activated Speed Sign – To consider possible locations to site further signs

The Chairman provided details regarding the activated speed sign sited within the village and stated he would like to ask Parishioners to comment on the effectiveness of this sign and as to if they felt more signs could be beneficial. The Chairman closed the meeting to allow members of the public to comment.

A member of the public stated they felt the sign was effective sign and it would be even more beneficial if there was a sign at both ends of village.

A member of the public asked as to how much the speed sign cost to which the Chairman provided clarification.

A member of the public gave details regarding a survey in which was carried out 5/6 years ago in respect of speeding through the village.

A member of the public raised concerns that the police would not be able to issue speeding fines as the

30mph signs were obscured. Action: Clerk to contact SC Highways regarding obscured signs.

The Chairman gave details regarding correspondence from Snape Parish Council regarding speeding

and stated he did not feel paying for a PCSO to deal with speeding would be viable within Sudbourne.

Cllr McDonald stated due to changes within Suffolk Constabulary there were no longer community

support teams to which he provided details.

The Chairman asked if the funding could be raised would Parishioners be supportive of an additional

VAS sign being erected to which have gave details regarding possible funding options. There was a

formal vote including Council members and the members of the public in attendance and it was

Unanimously Approved that a permanent VAS sign should be sited at the other end of the village. It

was agreed that a site visit would be carried out with SC Highways. The Chairman thanked the members

of the public for their comments and reconvened the meeting.

There was a brief discussion regarding the specification of the VAS sign and following a vote it was

Unanimously Agreed the sign should just flash the speed in which the oncoming vehicle was travelling.

Cllr Schofield asked as she was responsible for moving the current sign between the two posts if she

would be entitled to a remuneration for charging the battery at her home.

6.3 – Sizewell C Stage 2 of EDF Consultation – To consider response

Cllr McDonald had circulated a copy of the draft response to all Councillors prior to the meeting. The Chairman closed the meeting in order to provide further information regarding Stage 2 of this

consultation and reported on the meetings in which he had recently attended with the Clerk. He gave details of the 6 areas in which he felt could affect Sudbourne and urged Parishioners to view the Parish Council’s response and e-mail himself with any suggested additional comments. The Chairman thanked Cllr McDonald for his report. Cllr McCreadie suggested the Clerk should put this response on the Parish Council’s website for members of the public to view. A member of the public raised concerns regarding the lack of information given in respect of the given number of proposed workers and the effect this could have on the increase in population and potential policing. The Chairman thanked the member of the public for their comment and reconvened the meeting.

7. Finance


9th November 2016 Bank Interest £ 0.03

30th December 2016 Interest (Savings Account) £ 39.25

9th December 2016 Bank Interest £ 0.03


3rd November 2016 Clerks Salary £ 96.15

5th December 2016 Clerks Salary £ 96.15

Bank Balances: (as at 31st December 2016)

Community Account £4,185.13

Current Account £1,184.62

Interest Account £ 800.00

Invoices to be Approved

Clerks Expenses £ 55.50

HMRC (PAYE – Jo Jones Quarterly) £ 85.80

Approval for the Statement of Income & Expenditure and Items for Authorisation of Payment

was Proposed for Approval by Cllr McCreadie, Seconded by Cllr Cooper. All in Favour.

7.2. To carry out a review of the Risk Assessment

The Clerk had tabled a copy of the Risk Assessment for all Councillors. Approval was

Proposed by Cllr McCreadie, Seconded by Cllr McDonald. All in Favour.

8. Planning

New applications:-

Planning ref: DC/17/0052/FUL

Address: Pathways, 1 Gorse Lane, Sudbourne

Proposal: The development was a construction of an amenity building, including office, art

room, shower and music room. Due to a change of circumstances I am requesting change of use

to short term holiday let.

Further to a discussion it was agreed unanimously due to the conditions set out within the

original application for this amenity building that the Parish Council Objected to this


Planning ref: DC/16/5086/FUL

Address: Well House, High House Farm Road, Sudbourne

Proposal: Addition of first floor ancillary accommodation to existing outbuilding.

Cllr McDonald provided details regarding this application. The Parish Council had No

Objections to this application on the condition the proposal was only used as ancillary


Update on existing applications:-

Application Ref: DC/16/4113/COU

Location: The Firs, Ferry Rd, Sudbourne

Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to vehicle storage and restoration.

The Planning Group had No Objections to this application. No decision has been made by

SCDC, to date.

8.1 – Enabling Development – To consider correspondence received from Amanda

Bettinson (for information only)

The Chairman provided information regarding correspondence received and confirmed no

informal conversations should be carried out and any discussions entered into as this matter

should be kept formal, open and transparent.

It was agreed the Clerk should write to Amanda Bettinson in order to thank her for her recent

e-mail and confirm until the sites proposed for Sudbourne are disclosed the Parish Council were

not willing to enter into any informal discussions but the Chairman is very happy to hold an

Extraordinary meeting to discuss plans once these have been formally drawn up.

9. Correspondence

9.1 – To consider correspondence received from Snape Parish Council regarding speeding

The Clerk had circulated a copy of this correspondence to all Councillors prior to the meeting. There

was a brief discussion and it was Unanimously Agreed as discussed earlier in the meeting that the

proposed scheme would not be viable in Sudbourne. The Chairman asked the Clerk to put this letter on


10. Play Area

The Clerk confirmed she had liaised with Ray Cooke from Boyton in order for him to carry out

the necessary repairs to the nest swing.

11. Roads, Rights of way

Nothing to report.

12. Countryside, Estuary & Coastline

Nothing to report.

13. Any other matters arising

There were none.

14. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of Sudbourne Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 28th March 2017 at 7:30pm in Sudbourne Village Hall.

15. Public Forum

There were no questions from the members of the public present.

There being no further comments or any further discussion the Chairman thanked the members of the public and Councillors for attending and formally closed the meeting at 8:55pm

Signed:…………………………………, Chairman, Dated:…………………......