Muscle Physiology:


3 Types:

1. Skeletal:



-under voluntary control (except for the diaphragm)

-each one does not communicate with the next

-always need nerve input

2. Cardiac:


-one or two nuclei

-not as long as skeletal muscle

-more net like

-communicate with each other

-divide and recombine to form anatomical and functional syncytium

-not controlled by nerve input, but rather are driven by a pacemaker

-called the SA node and is modified to fire spontaneously

-the nerve supply works as a modulator

-not under voluntary control

3. Smooth:

-no striation

-very small (the smallest)

-usually only one nucleus

-not under voluntary control except for a few cases

-two types

-those connected with pacemakers (like cardiac)

-those like skeletal muscles

Organizations of Skeletal Muscles:

- occur in bundles

- surrounded by epimyosin (tough white outer coating)

- fascicles surrounded by perimyosin

- ex: nerve cell is made of nerve fibers all surrounded by tough membrane

called the endomyosin

- cell includes: mitochondria, many nuclei, very orderly fibril arrangement of

myofibrils (1000 to 10000)

- ends of the cells bunch together and taper off to form the tendon

- causes the spindle shape

- allows for insertion into the bone

Why are they multi-nucleated?

- muscle cells form as a result of the fusion of myoblasts or myocytes

The Myofibril:

- reason for the muscle’s striation

- made up of two types of protein

1. actin – the thin filament

2. myosin – the thick filament

- interdigitated/interlocked with each other

- each actin filament is attached to a Z-membrane or Z-line

- between two Z-lines is the smallest contractile unit called the sarcomere

- actin by itself on either side of the Z-line looks light and is called the I band


- myosin and actin over lap giving the dark band or A band (anisotropic)

- H zone – just the myosin

- M line – dark line in the middle of H-zone–represents myosin’s thicker center

- sarco-tubular system:

- surrounds the micro tubules

- invagination of sarcolemma that goes deep in and surrounds the myofibrils

- filled with extra cellular fluid

- “swiss cheese” – sarcoplasmic reticulum

- thickens when close to the t-tubules

- transverse tubules or t-tubules

- triad: two sarcoplasmic reticulums and the t-tubules between them

- terminal cisternia

- filled with a protein with the ability to hold calcium

- called sequestrin

- has many calcium pumps that can concentrate 1:10000

- calcium is the trigger for contraction and it will be removed from the

outside entirely


- requires activation or nerve input

- AP comes down the nerve axon (see notes)

- Na and Ca enter the muscle cell giving an EPP that becomes and AP

- slower conduction than nerves

- much wider AP than nerves

- AP invades the entire sarcolemma in all directions as with as the t-tubules

- causes Ca2+ to b e released and triggers contraction


EEP to the AP

- The AP enters the t-tubules which causes the release of Ca at the triad called the calcium pulse.

- The calcium puffs into the cytoplasm around the contractile units (10-7 to 2 x 10-5 rise)

- ended by the pump removing the calcium

Mechanisms for Contraction

- calcium activates the actin and the myosin and actin slide over each other (sliding

filament theory)

-myosin has projections moving away from the center called the cross bridges

-they latch on to the actin and pull causing two Z-lines to move in

-1000’s in a whole muscle fiber causing the whole muscle to shorten


-comprised of 6 polypeptides

-2 of the 6 are of large molecular weight called the heavy chain myosin molecules

-the other four are called light chain myosin

-heavy chains wrap around each other forming a helix and the end polymerizes to form the gobular head

-has two flex points, one at the head and one further down the tail called hinges

-100’s for each myosin filament


-3 protein types

-F-actin: 2 strands of beads in a double helix

-Beads are made of G actin and have an active site at regular intervals

-Believed to be attracted to the cross bridges

- tropomyosin: has two long thing strands forming a helix (rope)

-at rest, they block the active sites on G actin

- troponin: gobular molecule attached to tropomyosin

-arranged at predestinated/regular intervals near the active site to help block site


-when calcium activates the contractile mechanism the two filaments slide over each other

-called the walk along, ratchet, or rowing boat theory

-“oars” are the cross bridges when the active sites are exposed

-pull the thin filaments inward

-each pull is called a power stroke

-energy is ready and waiting in the head (the ATP is already split)

-Ca attachment to the troponin causes a structural change and reveals the active site

-Head immediately attaches, tilts and drags the actin with it (releasing the ADP)

-Opens up a site for ATP to attach causing the cross bridges to detach

-ATP is spit again into ADP and energy and the cross bridge goes back to the original resting situation

-ATP must be continually manufactured from phosphocreatin

-Muscle can utilize free fatty acids and glucose for energy

-Not very good machine thermodynamically (produces more heat than work)

-25 to 50% of energy produced goes to work, the rest to manufacture ATP or heat (~70% lost as heat)

Rigor Mortis

-stiffening at death: muscles enter a continual contraction

- due to the facts that:

-ATP is no longer being generated

-Ca is no longer being pumped out of the muscle

-CA is still able to enter (diffuse) from the outside in

-Skeletal muscles cannon contract spontaneously

-there must be a motor nerve from the spinal cord to muscle uninterrupted

-motor unit: a single motor neuron and all the muscles it supplies

-Muscle tone:

-Result of nerve input

-There is a structure in each muscle that measures the amount of contraction in it and keeps it at a certain tone


-Muscle twitch:

-Contraction as a result of a single AP

-Occurs when the AP is almost over

-Has no refractory period

-Can build up to a contraction via summation


-Stimulate at a rapid frequency

-Twitches summate until reaching a constant contraction

-Complete tetanus: the muscle never has time to relax

-Adds smoothly

-Incomplete tetanus: similar to complete but you can see the beginning of relaxation (lower frequency of stimulation)

-Hz – hertz = pulse/second

-When a resting muscle is stimulated the first response is small the second higher, higher, higher and so forth on until it stabilizes at some height

-Called the stair case effect (or treppe)

-Due to the availability of calcium

Types of Contraction:

1. isometric: stays the same length but is still contracting

- other components in a series with muscle fibers (tendons, etc) called the series

elastic components (SE) stretch when the muscle contract so that the actual

muscle structure stays the same length

2. isotonic: muscle shortens while contraction but keeps the same tension

-strength contraction is dependant on the number of cross bridges involved

-at C: all the cross bridges are engaged

-at B: the tips of the actin over lap and you loose some cross bridge engagement as some active sites are lost

-at A: point where the muscle is as short as possible and the myosin is touching the Z-line

-at D: complete relaxation

-Load velocity: the higher the load on the muscle, the slower the contraction

Muscle Energetics (read in BOOK)

-has a big requirement for ATP

-two types of contraction: aerobic and anaerobic

-Tone: oxygen and fatty acids from the blood will produce ATP in the mitochondria

-Glucose form the blood is stored as glycogen (which requires energy)

-Creatin is phosphoralated to creatin-phosphate which is an immediate source of energy

-During moderate activity: glycogen is converted back to glucose which is converted into pyruvate acid which enters the mitochondria and can produce ATP

-During severe exercise: there is no O2 causing an oxygen debt which must be repaid

-Depends on the conversion of glycogen to glucose to produce ATP as well as the ATP from creatin

-Causes lactic acid to be produced which is then sent to the blood stream and may cause acidosis

Muscle Fatigue- due to the fact that:

1. the store of glycogen is depleted

2. ATP is depleted

3. O2 is depleted

4. creatin-phosphate is depleted

5. acetyl choline is depleted

Muscle Types:

1. Fast (white): larger in size, pale, fatigues easily and quickly, requires a higher amount of ATP, short duration of contraction (5 to 7 ms)

2. slow (red): smaller, red because of large amount of myloglobin-has the ability to carry O2 like hemoglobin and many, many blood capillaries, involved I contraction against gravity, can twitch up to 100 ms

3. intermediate: reddish, but otherwise resembles fast muscle, more resistant to fatigue than white muscle


Abnormalities in Function:

1. hypertrophy-the result of exercise

-the muscle increases in size and the amount of cretin phosphate and ATP and glycogen storage increase

-it is natural growth and will revert to normal when the exercise stops

2. atrophy-2types

-disuse: when a muscle is not used or worked at all it will become very small

-Ex: one month in a cast and muscle size is cut by ½

-Will build back up with use

-denervation: when the skeletal muscle looses its nerve supply

-Will decrease in size because it is inactive

-Degeneration and atrophy can continue for up to three years

-If the nerve comes back within three or four months, the muscle will fully revive (after three or four years the muscle is nothing but fat and tissue)

-If the nerve does not come back then there is a decrease n size and a shortening unless passive stretching is applied every day

-Can contort the body as it shortens (POLIO)

-Muscle becomes super sensitive

-Due to acetyl choline receptors spreading to cover the whole muscle

-Similar to the embryonic muscle

-Have 50% more receptors than needed

-When the muscle gets a nerve, the other receptors degenerate

-Muscle wants activity and so twitches

-If a nerve grows back to a super sensitive muscle, the extra receptors will disappear

-Trophic influence of muscle and nerve

-Need each other to survive

-Experiment: switched nerves for the slow and fast muscles and they started to behave like each other

-Everything changes, including function and appearance

-Fasciculation: a state of muscle contraction

-Other wise known as a twitch

-Fibrillation: very high frequency contraction of muscle

-In a bundle, each cell will not contract together

-Like a balloon filled with worms-each is quivering on its own

-Can result from supersensitivity, denervation, and a serge of many Aps

-Can be recorded on an electromyography-diagnostic tool used to record muscle activity from above the skin

-Blood flow and ascemic pain:

-Exercise causes fatigue and pain due to the activation of pain receptors in the muscle because of lactic acid, lack of O2, etc

-Ascemia is the lack of oxygen

-Due to the fact that contraction has squeezed out all of the blood supply

-Aging: atrophy due to inactivity

-Can be prevented with exercise

Cardiac Muscle:

-3 types:

-atrial (top)

-ventricular (bottom)


-specialized for conduction of electrical impulses

-also called the pacemaker

-found at the SA and AV nodes (where impulses are generated)

-conductive-goes into which membrane that separates the left and right ventricles call the Bundle of Hiss

-very little contractile ability -designed to generate or conduct impulses

-rhythmically discharges

-very fast conduction


-Striated (exactly the same as skeletal muscle)

-Each cell cannot independently contract (syncytium)

-The cells divide, branch and rejoin to form a lattice

-Site of connection is called the intercalated disk

-It is a form of electrical synapse called a gap junction

-About 400x more conducive to electrical charges than the membrane and allows for impulses to go in both directions

-If you stimulate on fiber the entire muscle contracts

-Called a functional syncytium

-But the stimulation must be above the threshold


anatomical syncytium is when they are physically connected

functional syncytium is when if stimulated they all contract

RMP (resting membrane potential)

-variable at the ventricle and atrial muscle and nodes

--85 to –90 at the A and V

--55 to –60 at SA and AV nodes

--95 to –100 at the conductive tissues (such as the bundle of hiss)

-gives a plateau action potential

-the atrium’s is shorter than the ventricles

-review the ionic basis (notes 1)

-Ca2+ channels open and K+ channels close

-the refractory period is very long (absolute refractory period)

-up to 300 ms (absolute

-relative is short (only 50 ms)

-contraction is during the AP

-makes it nearly impossible to tetanize cardiac muscle


-When the collective electrical signal of the heart is recorded via electrodes on the chest

-P is the contraction of the atrium

-QRS is the contraction of the ventricle

-T is the relaxation of the ventricle

-Contraction: almost exactly the same as skeletal muscles


-CA2+ is required but the source is different due to the variation in structure

-SR system is not very well developed and cannot store Ca2+

-The t-tubules are much better developed (5x thicker)

-Filled with mucopolysacchrides that can hold Ca2+

-Most Ca2+ comes from the outside not the triad

-The Ca2+ is pumped back into the t-tubules and is sequestered by the mitochondria

-The AV muscle contracts more forcefully when stretched

-In the ventricle: the more the amount of filling (blood) the more it will stretch

-Called the end diastolic volume: the amount of blood is responsible for the force of contraction

-Beyond a certain limit or amount the muscle looses ability to contract called Frank-Starling Law

-The more stretch the more contraction until a point beyond which causes the opposite effect

-Main cause of congestive heart failure

-The main energy supply is the metabolism of fatty acids an to a lesser extent sugars (glucose and lactose)

-Specialized Tissues:

-Pacemaker: provides a rhythmic AP

-RMP is unstable (-55 to –60) and so give spontaneous activity

-Cells have pacemaker potential and pre potential

-Du to sodium leakage into the cell because of its low negativity and a decrease of K permeability

-Located mainly in the SA and AV node, but there are latent scattered pacemaker cells

-If the need arises they assume the pacemaker’s activity

-3 pathways that connect the SA and AV nodes

-they are a like of muscle cells that are specialized for conducting impulses

-the fibers from the AV node go from the septum and ventricular walls

-Nerve supply

-Colenergic and adrenergic

-AV and SV nodes function as modulators

-Colenergic impute from the vegas modulates the rate of fire and if you stimulate the vegas the heart rate drops

-Adrenergic innervation supplies mainly the ventricle

-If NE is injected into the ventricle you get a positive ionotropic effect and the heart starts pumping

-The synapses are not well understood but it is believed that it is made of a branch with varicosities (beads) the spray the neurotransmitters into the muscle’s vicinity

-Called en passant (in passing)

-Figure on page 46

Smooth Muscle

-no striations

-no t-tubules

-very small

-found in the GI tract, urogenital tract, vascular structures (excluding the capillaries), bronchi, and capsules of the endochrinic glands

-fusiform (spindle like)

-2 types:

-sheet: one is laying next to the other

-spiral/spring like: chan be tight or loose pitched (lower intestine)


-each cell is very independent from each other (like skeletal muscle)

-each has a basement membrane

-nerve driven with no spontaneous activity

-not the usual type of smooth muscle

-found only in the iris of the eye, the pylorector of the hear and the large blood vessels

-unitary (visceral)

-entire muscle reacts as one

-occurs in sheets

-can communicate with each other similar to cardiac muscle

-via gap junctions called nexus

-electrical synapses

-have a functional and anatomical syncytium

-Electrical Functions:

-Difficult to record their RMP (too small)

-Between –50 and –60

-More permeable to sodium

-Contains Cl- pumps (into the cell) that counteract the positivity

-AP do not occur in multiunit types

-Their size is so small they down need AP


-Has regular AP, but is somewhat slow

-Predominate type

-Plateau AP-serves a similar function as the plateau AP in the heart

-Up to 50 ms long

-Electrical activity has a slow wave rhythm

-Gives an AP when it reaches the top of the wave

-Basis of the AP?

-Many Ca2+ channels

-TTX cannon block the upstroke of the AP because it is not due to Na+


-Unitary does not require innervation to fire (have the pacemaker cells)

-Nerve supply is only modulators

-There are no real synaptic connections

-Varicosities spray the transmitter and the transmitter enters interstitial fluid between the cells and acts on receptors there

-Can produce either depolarization (EJP) or hyperpolarization (IJP)

-Contractile mechanisms and response:

-Have actin and myosin, but arrangement is different from the cardiac and skeletal muscles

-Many thin filaments

-Very few thick

-No sarcomeres (as presently defined)

-Tropomyosin, but no troponin

-Ca2+ must bind to something else (calmodulin)

-Found in animals, plants, everywhere

- The amount of energy required for smooth muscle contraction is ?less?

-The duration of contraction is much longer

-Actin is attached to dense bodies inside the membrane

-Few myosin but there is enough cross bridges to produce contraction

-2 to 3 kg/cm2

-all Ca2+ for contraction come sin from the outside