ITEM / DESCRIPTION / RESP:Minutes of the meeting of the LHAAC held on Monday 14 April 2014 commencing at 1000 at the LHAAC Offices
1.0 / Welcome and Apologies
1.1 / Opening and Welcome:
Mr Chapman opened the meeting formally at 10.07 and welcomed attendees to the meeting.
1.2 / Election of Chairman (Dent/Ducas):
Mr Zappavigna was nominated to Chair the meeting. No further nominations were received and Mr Zappavigna assumed the role of Chairman.
1.3 / Attendance & Apologies:
Colin Dent – Shire of Capel
Eugene Lee – City of Perth
Graeme Blakey – City of Melville
Greg Ducas – City of Stirling
Joseph Zappavigna – City of Fremantle
Phill Oorjitham – City of Cockburn
Kim Unwin – Department of Health
Trevor Chapman -LHAAC Coordinator/Treasurer
Cr Belinda Rowlands – Shire of Denmark
David Wilson – City of Joondalup
Jason Jenke – City of South Perth
Rob Boardman – City of Vincent
2.0 / Minutes of the Meeting Held 24 February 2014
2.1 / MOTION: (Oorjitham/Lee)
The Minutes of the Meeting held 24 February be approved as a true and correct record, subject to the typo at 1.2 (corrected). / CARRIED:
2.2 / Matters Arising
3.1 / Report by Department of Health (Kim Unwin)
Kim Unwin provided a brief report to LHAAC on related activities within the D of H Food Unit:
Ø Pesticide Residue Survey final phase concluded in November 2013. No formal report has been prepared yet. Issues with inconsistent samples in some groups (e.g. snow peas);
Ø Kim reported that the Department are still behind in terms of reporting on complete studies.
Ø Working on finalising proposed surveys for next financial year (14/15);
Ø ISFR working group will meet in May 2014 and outcomes will influence choice of surveys for the WAFMP;
Ø Reviewing current plan for Pesticide Residue Survey with a number of stakeholders including key some Local Governments (e.g. City of Canning who are the enforcement agency responsible for the Canning Vale markets) and Department of Agriculture
Ø Members talked about possibility of increased role for Local Government (via LHAAC) and suggested to KU that LHAAC would be willing to consider undertaking coordinated sampling projects that may assist D of H or Ag WA.
MOTION: (Blakey/Ducas)
The LHAAC receive and note the report presented in Item 3.1 / CARRIED:
4.1 / Update from LHAAC Coordinator
The Coordinator had previously circulated reports from the two analysts. TC reported that the level of sampling for the year to date was higher than at the same time in 2012/13.
CSP 12 submissions were starting to flow in and TC was hopeful of releasing details for CSP 13 (Ready to Eat Dinners) before the end of April.
TC reported that the Expenditure to Date reports are proving popular with Local Governments and are also a good means of communicating with EHOs within Local Governments.
4.2 / Monthly Report by contracted Analysts
Members acknowledged receipt of both Agrifood and ChemCentre reports.
4.3 / The Sampling Sub Group
CSP 12 was progressing well.
CSP 13 should be allocated and issued to LGAs by the end of April 2014.
MOTION: (Blakey/Ducas)
The LHAAC receive and note the reports presented in Item 4.0 / CARRIED:
5.0 / Leadership
5.1 / LHAAC Coordinator Report
The Coordinator spoke to his report (Attachment 5.1.1) and expanded on some items.
The letter to ChemCentre, as circulated and approved by LHAAC members, had been sent to ChemCentre on 24 March. ChemCentre had responded within days both by letter and via a phone call from Nigel West. TC was meeting with ChemCentre management on Tuesday 15 April.
The next Expenditure to Date Summary will be sent out w/c 21 April 2013.
TC is also in the process of preparing the next LHAAC Update.
5.2 / LHAAC Project Officer Update
The individual reports prepared by Project Officer, Monica Sahih, were being reviewed by the LHAAC Coordinator and comments had also been requested from Colin Dent and David Wilson as members of the Sampling Sub Committee.
TC had received a final invoice from Monica Sahih which had budget implications. The Coordinator would summarise the financial implications and seek input from LHAAC members via email. / TC
5.3 / LHAAC Membership
The Coordinator advised the Committee that Graeme Blakey has now received formal Ministerial approval of his appointment.
The second non-metropolitan position has been advertised via the WALGA nomination and selection process. Cr Rowlands has submitted an application and wishes to serve another term.
5.4 / LHAAC Website update
The Coordinator circulated a paper summarising submissions from three potential website designers and comments concerning a possible Self -Design option.
Members agreed the option submitted by Mokoh Designs appeared to provide the best solution to LHAAC but there were some reservations about the longer term commitment to website design and maintenance from Mokoh Design. The Coordinator was asked to obtain assurances from Mokoh Design and provide details via email to members. A decision to proceed could then be made out of session if required. / TC
5.5 / LHAAC Budget 2014/15
The Coordinator explained that due to circumstances outside of his control discussion on a number of potential LHAAC activities for 2014/15 had not concluded which made the preparation of a 2014/15 budget a little difficult. It was hoped that the budget would result in increases of CPI level at worse, but issues surrounding special project tasks and accommodation issues due to the imminent closure of 10 Selby St meant definitive figures were not yet known. The Coordinator will work on the budget in the next few weeks with members of the Financial Sustainability Sub Committee. Due to the current situation regarding the illness of Rob Boardman, another member may be required for this Sub Committee. The Coordinator will prepare a Discussion Paper for LHAAC members in early May 2014 ready for adoption at the June 2014 meeting of LHAAC.
MOTION: (Blakey/Ducas)
The LHAAC receive and note the reports presented in Item 5.0 / CARRIED:
Unanimously / TC
6.1 / Accounts Passed for Payment since the last meeting (Attachment 6.1)
MOTION: (Ducas/Oorjitham)
That the accounts listed in Attachment 6.1 in the sum of $72,714.47 are acknowledged as paid and approved by the Committee. / CARRIED:
6.2 / Daily Operating Account Summary (Attachment 6.2)
MOTION: (Ducas/Oorjitham)
The Daily Operating Account Summary is received and noted. / CARRIED:
6. 3 / Current Investments (Attachment 6.3)
MOTION: (Ducas/Oorjitham)
The Summary of Current Investments is received and noted. / CARRIED:
7.1 / LHAAC Coordinator Performance Review
Following the hospitalisation of Mr Boardman, Joseph Zappavigna had taken on the role of Chairman of the Sub Committee established to oversee the Performance Review of the LHAAC Coordinator and the resultant contract renewal. JZ updated the members on some administrative elements of the Review process and stated that the Sub Committee and LHAAC Coordinator were both happy with the process and the outcome which included consideration of all comments made by LHAAC members.
MOTION: (Oorjitham/Ducas)
The LHAAC are happy with the Performance Review process and should now offer the LHAAC Coordinator contract renewal for a minimum period of three years but consider a longer contract period subject to the recommendations of legal counsel, Kott Gunning. / CARRIED:
Unanimously / JZ/TC
7.2 / Member Items of Business
8.0 / Date of Next Meeting
8.1 / The Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday 9 June 2014 at 1000 hours and will be held at the offices of LHAAC, 10 Selby Street, Shenton Park.
9.0 / Closure
There being no further business Mr Zappavigna closed the meeting at 1150.
2014 14 April Minutes - LHAAC