Independence High Magnet School
Mr. Chris Pisciotta
Geometry/Financial Math
Planning and Collaboration Time: 5th Period
Course Description
We will cover financial concepts such as income tax, interest rates, compounded interest rates, savings accounts, loans, credit cards, and personal investment. The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with real world financial applications that most all adults face.
We will be working on both individual and group projects and assignments. So we will all have to learn to become better communicators in order to effectively work together and achieve success.
Your success in this course depends on YOU. Do not be afraid to work towards your future, today.
Course Standards
CCS standards and standardized testing formats will be followed throughout this course.
Lifelong Learning Standard
Many students resent having to learn math because they don't see how it applies to real life. Yet, the concepts and skills of this course provide invaluable tools for navigating business solutions, financial problems and even everyday dilemmas. The trick to successfully using math in real life is determining which situations call for which skills and concepts. Luckily, the most common real life problems call for widely applicable and highly recognizable techniques. Real-world application of concepts learned is the major portion of this class.
Parents as Partners
At Independence High Magnet School, all parental conferences are to be scheduled through the grade level counselor.
All parents are encouraged to check their students’ progress daily through the parent command center and visit our class website at
Course Outline
(All topics will be covered. Order may change.)
1: Gross and net income
2: Bookkeeping
3: Banking/Checking and savings accounts
4: Taxable Purchases
5: Credit cards and charge accounts
6: Loans
7: Transportation and housing costs
8: Insurance
9: Investments
10: Sales
11: Marketing strategies
Methods of Assessment
Your grade will be distributed in approximately the following way:
30% Tests
25% Projects (including written work)
20% Quizzes
15% Homework
10% Classroom participation
Tests & Quizzes
Quizzes will be administered at least once per week and typically cover material from the previous few classes. Quizzes may be given without prior notification. Tests are mandatory and if missed must be made up within the timeline directed in the “Make Up Policy”. There will be a minimum of 2 days notice of all upcoming tests/quizzes/projects.
1. GRADING SYSTEM: Grades will include but are not limited to:
· Exams (2 per month minimum)
· Weekly Quizzes: There will be a quiz every week unless I tell you otherwise
· Homework/Class work (Daily)
· Projects
· Participation
· Bellringer/NotebookOther…
***NOTE: At the end of each semester I will drop the lowest quiz grade and replace the lowest test grade with midterm or final if higher.***
*Homework is an essential tool for both evaluation and re-enforcing taught material. To receive full credit for homework (as with all assignments) you must show all work! Problems with only answers will not be acceptable.
3. PARTICIPATION: Your participation grade will be based on your following of appropriate classroom procedures and the quality of your in-class academic contributions (how you contribute to the relevant topics). Bell ringers will be collected and graded randomly during the year.
4. CHEATING: Any violation established policy will result in a 0. Telling other students about test items is a form of cheating. Cheating on assignments consists of copying anything from anyone or allowing anyone to copy anything from you. Cheating on assignments will result in a 0 for the assignment. Plagiarism (lying) on reports will result in a 0. The HHMS guidelines for cheating will be followed. You may also be subject to school wide disciplinary action for academic dishonesty.
**Don’t expect to make up a 0 for cheating!**
5. EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit will be assigned on a class wide basis. Extra credit assignments will have strict guidelines and deadlines that are expected to be adhered to.
* Projects
You will complete projects that require you to demonstrate your mathematical knowledge in an applied context. Projects will count at least as a test grade.
* Class Participation
Participation in class is MANDATORY. This includes, but is not limited to, answering problems verbally, assisting in group work/projects, and working during class work. Sleeping, which includes putting your head on your desk during class, is strictly prohibited. Habitual sleeping (more than two instances/warnings) will result in forfeiture of ALL participation points for the grading period. Because if you’re bored in class, then you are not participating!
Class Guidelines
1. Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned bell work when the tardy bell rings.
2. Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. Participation is MANDATORY!!! There is nothing wrong with not knowing an answer to a question. However there is something wrong with NOT TRYING!!!
5. Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.
6. Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity. Laughing at or teasing someone for giving an incorrect answer will not be tolerated
7. Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be referred to the office IMMEDIATELY.
**Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the Independence High Magnet School and Tangipahoa Parish School system handbooks.
1. Positive verbal feedback
2. Positive notes, emails, calls to parents, special rewards
3. Tangible items
If you choose to break a rule, or class expectation, you are choosing to receive a consequence.
1st offense: verbal warning
2nd offense: parent contact/Conference
3rd offense: PAC
4th offense: Office Referral
**Severe offenses will result in an immediate discipline referral.
Required Supplies to be brought to class each day:
1. binder or notebook
2. graph paper and your measurement tools
3. pencil
It is your responsibility to keep track of ALL of your grades. Please notify me if you discover a score discrepancy. I will post grades in the grade book as soon as possible after an assignment or test. You should use your parent command login to check grades. If you have not set up the account, you need to have your parent visit or call the office to have this done.
School-Approved Grading Scale
90-100 = A 93-100 = A
80-89 = B 85-92 = B
70-79 = C 75-84 = C
60-69 = D 67-74 = D
0-59 = F 0-66 = F
Tutoring is available by appointment. If you are late greater than 5 minutes I will leave for the day. You may contact me anytime concerning tutoring or other appropriate class related topics before at .
Make-Up Work
All assignments are eligible for make up within 3 class periods. Tests and quizes will be conducted in my class or other agreed upon location. If a student misses the agreed upon time or fails to set up a place and time within 3 class periods a grade of 0 will be recorded.
***Information contained within may be subject to change and all changes will be communicated in a timely manner to students***
Be Respectful! Be Responsible! Be Safe! Be Your Best!
email: phone: 985-878-9436