The DAVA WAY Association
Approved Minutes of the Committee Meeting: 18th March 2014
Venue: The Hub, Forres Meeting opened 19:30
Item /Minute
/Action by
1 /Welcome:
J Thomson, chaired the meeting and welcomed members2 / Present: Jim Thomson, David Binney, Peter Mitchell, Norman Thomson, Neil Sinclair, R Roberts,
Apologies: Paul Barron, W Bullock, Greg McAulay
3.2 / Minutes:
Minutes of the previous meeting of 18/2/2014 were read and accepted.
Proposed: DB Seconded: NT
Minutes of the extra-ordinary meeting of 4/3/2014 were read and accepted.
Proposed: DB Seconded: PM
4.2 /
Matters arising:
Re 4.3 Damage to gate. Still ongoing. PM to contact estate and then report back to group.Re 9.1 Motorised vehicles. PM reported that one cause of vehicle marks was a mobility scooter using the track. DB suggested that the ‘short cut’ across the top of the Manachie ramp be upgraded and formalise as part of the path. This was agreed. PM to add to improvement list. / Pete
5.4 /
Treasurer’s report:
Account balance is £7603.42, with an outstanding cheque of £106.80 to Moray Council for minibus driver assessments.Significant income received: donation of £1000 – no publicity requested.
Significant expenditure: £288 for SJ McRictchie digger hire, etc for work party ditching. Awaiting invoice for tipping dumper.
Estimated expenditure of £5400 due before March 31st deadline to complete Budge project.
6.2 / Budge Project
NT reported that all expenditure was nw complete bar payment for installing the dragoon and two picnic benches.
The web ‘app’ has been sent off for approval and will be available for Apple and Android devices. / Norman, Pete
7.1 / Paths for All project
DB said that he was starting to do the end of project report and made a request for ‘after’ photos. PM offered to provide photos. Report is due by end of March. / Pete
8.1 / Insurance Renewal
The email from TCV regarding the use of metal bladed brushcutters prompted significant discussion. It was agreed that JT should continue to pursue alternative insurers. If no better alternative is found DB to renew with TCV as before but seek clarification concerning competency and certification. / Jim,
9.1 / Gordon Castle event, 18th May
RR explained the invite from LOAF to use their stall at this event to provide information about the DW. It was agreed that the DWA would provide leaflets, etc and liaise with Ian Douglas. / All
10.4 / Lynmore feedback and path improvement priorities
DB confirmed that Seafield Estate had indictated a willingness to consider both a realignment of the route away from the A 939 road near Lynmore, and surface upgrading to a dusted sub-base construction. Details still have to be agreed. A meeting had been held on site with the head forester, who was sympathetic to the proposals and indicated no objections in principle. A section of woodland is due to be felled within the next few years. There would be some advantage in delaying path works to after replanting if that is an option. A path line beside the burn would be preferable for both the estate and the DWA.
There was discussion as to the priority stretches of path to be targeted for upgrading. A brief discussion indicated a consensus as follows:
1) rerouting the path away from the A939, combined with path surfacing.
2) path surface upgrade of section from minor road through mid Lynmore woods to rejoin the railway track.
3) path surface from railway track to Home Farm track.
4) path surface through Huntly’s cave cutting and south.
DB said that he had enquired whether COAT could assist with a survey of the route. They could, but not until later in the summer. The charge for a feasibility study providing a spec for contractors and estimated cost would be £300 + VAT.
DB reminded the group that following a suggestion from NT, the DWA had contacted the Forestry Commission who had indicated that an application for a feasibility study for a new path alignment providing access to woodland would qualify for a ‘Seedcorn’ grant. It was proposed by DB and agreed that an application should be made when information for 2014-2015 comes available. / David
11 / Health & Safety
Sub-group meeting still to be arranged. / Pete, Greg
10.1 / A.O.C.B.
PM suggested that the next working party be on April 19th and the focus should move from improvement to maintenance. It was suggested that the Braemoray ditch and grass cutting nearby were priorities. This was agreed. / Peter
Meeting closed at 21:30 Next meeting: 19:30 15th April 2014 at The Hub