Microbiology 204 Tony DeFranco

October 29, 2014

B Cell Development


1.  Blom B, and Spits H. (2006). Development of human lymphoid cells. Ann. Rev. Immunol. 24: 287-320.

2.  Hardy RR, Kincade PW, Dorshkind K. The protean nature of cells in the B lymphocyte lineage. Immunity. 2007 Jun;26(6):703-14

3.  Tanigaki K, Honjo T. Regulation of lymphocyte development by Notch signaling. Nat Immunol. 2007 May;8(5):451-6.

4.  Welner RS, Pelayo R, Kincade PW (2008). Evolving views on the genealogy of B cells. Nat Rev Immunol 8:95-106.

5.  Laslo P, Pongubala JMR, Lancki DW, and Singh H (2008). Gene regulatory networks directing myeloid and lymphoid cell fates within the immune system. Sem Immunol. 20: 228-238.

6.  Lu R (2008). Interferon regulatory factor 4 and 8 in B-cell development. Trends Immunol. 29: 487-492.

7.  Allman D, Pillai S. (2008) Peripheral B cell subsets. Curr Opin Immunol. 20:149-57.

8.  Kuo TC and Schlissel MS (2009). Mechanisms controlling expression of the RAG locus during lymphocyte development. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 21: 173-178.

9.  Herzog, S., Reth. M. and Jumaa, H. (2009) Regulation of proliferation and differentiation by the pre-BCR. Nature Rev. Immunol. 9: 195-205.

10.  von Boehmer, H., Melchers, F., (2010). Checkpoints in lymphocyte development and autoimmune disease. Nat. Immunol. 11: 14-20.

11.  Mandel, E.M., and Grosschedl, R. (2010). Transcription control of early B cell differentiation. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 22: 161-167.

12.  Kurosaki, T., Shinohara, H., and Baba, Y. (2010). B cell signaling and fate decision. Ann. Rev. Immunol. 28: 21-55.

13.  Welinder E. Ahsberg J, and Sigvardsson M (2011). B-lymphocyte commitment: identifying the point of no return. Semin. Immunol. 23: 335-340.

14.  Medvedovic J, Ebert A, Tagoh H, and Busslinger M (2011). Pax5: a master regulator of B cell development and leukemogenesis. Adv. Immunol. 111: 179-206.

15.  Baumgarth, N. (2011). The double life of a B-1 cell: self-reactivity selects for protective functions. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 11: 34-46.

16.  Herzog S and Jumaa H (2012). Self-recognition and clonal selection: autoreactivity drives the generation of B cells. Curr Opin Immunol. 24: 166-172.

17.  Corfe SA and Paige CJ (2012). The many roles of IL-7 in B cell development: mediator of survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Semin. Immunol. 24: 198-208.

18.  Montecino-Rodriguez E and Dorshkind K (2012). B-1 B cell development in the fetus and adult. Immunity: 36: 13-21.

19.  Rickert, R.C. (2013). New insights into pre-BCR and BCR signaling with relevance to B cell malignancies. Nature Rev. Immunol. 13: 578-591.

20.  Clark, M.R., Mandal, M., Ochiai, K., and Singh, H. (2014). Orchestrating B lymphopoiesis through interplay of IL-7 receptor and pre-BCR. Nature. Rev. Immunol. 14: 69-80.

21.  Swaminathan S, Duy C, Müschen M. (2014). BACH2/BCL6 balance regulates selection at the pre-B cell receptor checkpoint. Trends Immunol. 35: 131-137.

Research Articles

B cell precursor phenotypes

1. Hardy, R.R., Carmack, C.E., Shinton, S.A., Kemp, J.D., and Hayakawa, K. (1991). Resolution and characterization of pro-B and pre-pro-B cell stages in normal mouse bone marrow. J. Exp. Med. 173: 1213-1225.

2. Li, Y.-S., Hayakawa, K., and Hardy, R.R. (1993). The regulated expression of B lineage associated genes during B cell differentiation in bone marrow and fetal liver. J. Exp. Med. 178: 951-960.

3.  Cho SK, Webber TD, Carlyle JR, Nakano T, Lewis SM, Zuniga-Pflucker JC. (1999). Functional characterization of B lymphocytes generated in vitro from embryonic stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96:9797-802.

4.  Allman D, Lindsley RC, DeMuth W, Rudd K, Shinton SA, Hardy RR. (2001). Resolution of three nonproliferative immature splenic B cell subsets reveals multiple selection points during peripheral B cell maturation. J Immunol. 167:6834-40.

Growth factors for pre-B cells

5.  Namen, A.E., et al. (1988). Stimulation of B cell progenitors by cloned murine interleukin 7. Nature 333: 571-573.

6.  Grabstein KH; Waldschmidt TJ; Finkelman FD; Hess BW; Alpert AR; Boiani NE; Namen AE; Morrissey PJ. (1993). Inhibition of murine B and T lymphopoiesis in vivo by an anti-interleukin 7 monoclonal antibody. J. Exp. Med. 178:257-64.

7.  Miller JP, Izon D, DeMuth W, Gerstein R, Bhandoola A, Allman D. (2002). The earliest step in B lineage differentiation from common lymphoid progenitors is critically dependent upon interleukin 7. J Exp Med. 196:705-11.

8.  Hunte BE; Hudak S; Campbell D; Xu Y; Rennick D. (1996). flk2/flt3 ligand is a potent cofactor for the growth of primitive B cell progenitors. J. Immunol. 156:489-496.

9.  Sitnicka E, Brakebusch C, Martensson IL, Svensson M, Agace WW, Sigvardsson M, Buza-Vidas N, Bryder D, Cilio CM, Ahlenius H, Maraskovsky E, Peschon JJ, Jacobsen SE. (2003). Complementary signaling through flt3 and interleukin-7 receptor alpha is indispensable for fetal and adult B cell genesis. J Exp Med.198:1495-506.

Role of Ig chains in B cell development

10.  Spanopoulou, E, Roman, CAJ, Corcoran, LM, Schlissel, MS, Silver, DP, Nemazee, D, Nussenzweig, MC, Shinton, SA, Hardy, RR, and Baltimore, D. (1994). Functional immunoglobulin transgenes guide ordered B-cell differentiation in Rag-1-deficient mice. Genes Devel. 8: 1030-1042.

11.  Kraus M, Pao LI, Reichlin A, Hu Y, Canono B, Cambier JC, Nussenzweig MC, Rajewsky K. (2001). Interference with immunoglobulin (Ig)a immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) phosphorylation modulates or blocks B cell development, depending on the availability of an Igb cytoplasmic tail. Exp Med. 194:455-69.

12.  Fuentes-Panana EM, Bannish G, Shah N, Monroe JG. (2004). Basal Iga/Igb signals trigger the coordinated initiation of pre-B cell antigen receptor-dependent processes. J Immunol. 173:1000-11.

Surrogate light chains/pre-BCR

13.  Tsubata, T., Reth, M. (1990). The Products of the Pre-B Cell Specific Genes (l5 and VpreB) and the Immunoglobulin m Chain Form a Complex that is Transported onto the Cell Surface. J. Exp. Med. 172: 973-976.

14.  Kitamura, D., Kudo, A., Schaal, S., Muller, W., Melchers, F., and Rajewsky, K. (1992). A critical role of l5 protein in B cell development. Cell 69: 823-831.

15.  Shaffer AL, Schlissel MS. (1997). A truncated heavy chain protein relieves the requirement for surrogate light chains in early B cell development. J. Immunol. 159:1265-75.

16.  Ohnishi K, Melchers F. (2003) The nonimmunoglobulin portion of l5 mediates cell-autonomous pre-B cell receptor signaling. Nat Immunol. 4 :849-56.

17.  Bankovich, A.J., Raunser, S., Juo, Z.S., Walz, T., Davis, M.M. and Garcia, K.C. (2007). Structural insight into pre-B cell receptor function. Science 316: 291-294.

18.  VanLoo, P.F., Dingjan, G.M., Maas, A. and Hendriks, R.W. (2007). Surrogate light chain silencing is not critical for the limitation of pre-B-cell expansion but is for the termination of constitutive signaling. Immunity 27: 1-13.

19.  Espeli, M., Mancini, S.J.C., Breton, C. Poirier, F. Schiff, C. (2009) Impaired B cell development at the pre-BII cell stage in galectin-I-deficient mice due to inefficient pre-BII /stromal cell interactions. Blood 113: 5878-5886.

20.  Mourcin, F. et al. (2011) Galectin-I-expressing stromal cells constitute a specific niche for pre-BII cell development in mouse bone marrow. Blood 117: 6552-6561.

21.  Nahar R, Ramezani-Rad P, Mossner M, Duy C, Cerchietti L, Geng H, Dovat S, Jumaa H, Ye BH, Melnick A, Müschen M. (2011). Pre-BCR-mediated activation of BCL6 induces pre-B cell quiescence through repression of MYC. Blood 118: 4174-4178.

Tyrosine Kinases and B Cell Development

22.  Vetrie, D. et al. (1993). The gene involved in X-linked agammaglobulinemia is a member of the src-family of protein-tyrosine kinases. Nature 361: 226-233.

23.  Tsukada, S., Saffran, D.C., Rawlings, D.J., Parolini, O., Allen, R.C., Klisak, I., Sparkes, R.S., Kubagawa, H., Mohandas, T., Quan, S., Belmont, J.W., Cooper, M.D., Conley, M.E., and Witte, O.N. (1993). Deficient expression of a B cell cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase in human X-linked agammaglobulinemia. Cell 72: 279-290.

24.  Khan WN; Alt FW; Gerstein RM; Malynn BA; Larsson I; Rathbun G; Davidson L; Muller S; Kantor AB; Herzenberg LA; et al. (1995). Defective B cell development and function in Btk-deficient mice. Immunity 3:283-99.

25.  Kerner JD; Appleby MW; Mohr RN; Chien S; Rawlings DJ; Maliszewski CR; Witte ON; Perlmutter RM (1995). Impaired expansion of mouse B cell progenitors lacking Btk. Immunity 3:301-12.

26.  Cheng AM; Rowley B; Pao W; Hayday A; Bolen JB; Pawson T. (1995). Syk tyrosine kinase required for mouse viability and B-cell development. Nature 378:303-6.

27.  Turner M; Mee PJ; Costello PS; Williams O; Price AA; Duddy LP; Furlong MT;Geahlen RL; Tybulewicz VL. (1995). Perinatal lethality and blocked B-cell development in mice lacking the tyrosine kinase Syk. Nature 378:298-302.

28.  Saijo K, Schmedt C, Su IH, Karasuyama H, Lowell CA, Reth M, Adachi T, Patke A, Santana A, Tarakhovsky A. (2003). Essential role of Src-family protein tyrosine kinases in NF-kB activation during B cell development. Nat Immunol. 4:274-279.

29.  Ochiai, K., et al. (2012). A self-reinforcing regulatory network triggered by limiting IL-7 activates pre-BCR signaling and differentiation. Nature Immunol. 13: 300-307.

Notch and lineage commitment

30.  Pui JC, Allman D, Xu L, DeRocco S, Karnell FG, Bakkour S, Lee JY, Kadesch T, Hardy RR, Aster JC, Pear WS. (1999). Notch1 expression in early lymphopoiesis influences B versus T lineage determination. Immunity 11:299-308.

31.  Han H, Tanigaki K, Yamamoto N, Kuroda K, Yoshimoto M, Nakahata T, Ikuta K, Honjo T. (2002). Inducible gene knockout of transcription factor recombination signal binding protein-J reveals its essential role in T versus B lineage decision. Int Immunol. 14:637-645.

32.  Tanigaki K, Han H, Yamamoto N, Tashiro K, Ikegawa M, Kuroda K, Suzuki A, Nakano T, Honjo T. (2002). Notch-RBP-J signaling is involved in cell fate determination of marginal zone B cells. Nat Immunol. 3:443-450.

33.  Hozumi K, Negishi N, Suzuki D, Abe N, Sotomaru Y, Tamaoki N, Mailhos C, Ish-Horowicz D, Habu S, Owen MJ. (2004). Delta-like 1 is necessary for the generation of marginal zone B cells but not T cells in vivo. Nat Immunol. 5:638-44.

Transcription factors and B cell development

34.  Nutt SL, heavey B, Rolink AG and Busslinger (1999). Commitment to the B lymphoid lineage depends on the transcription factor Pax5. Nature 401: 556-562.

35.  O’Riordan M, and Grosschedl, R (1999). Coordinate regulation of B cell differentiation by the transcription factors EBF and E2A. Immunity 11: 21-31.

36.  DeKoter RP, and Singh H. (2000). Regulation of B lymphocyte and macrophage development by graded expression of PU.1. Science 288:1439-1441.

37.  Mikkola I, Heavey B, Horcher M, Busslinger M. (2002). Reversion of B cell commitment upon loss of Pax5 expression. Science 297:110-113.

38.  Souabni A, Cobaleda C, Schebesta M, Busslinger M. (2002). Pax5 promotes B lymphopoiesis and blocks T cell development by repressing Notch 1. Immunity 17: 781-793.

39.  Lu R, Medina KL, Lancki DW, Singh H. (2003). IRF-4,8 orchestrate the pre-B-to-B transition in lymphocyte development. Genes Dev. 17:1703-1708.

40.  Xie H, Ye M, Feng R, Graf T. (2004). Stepwise reprogramming of B cells into macrophages. Cell 117:663-76.

41.  Holmes ML, Carotta S, Corcoran LM, Nutt SL. (2006). Repression of Flt3 by Pax5 is crucial for B-cell lineage commitment. Genes Dev. 20:933-8.

42.  Liu H, Schmidt-Supprian M, Shi Y, Hobeika E, Barteneva N, Jumaa H, Pelanda R, Reth M, Skok J, Rajewsky K, Shi Y. (2007) Yin Yang 1 is a critical regulator of B-cell development. Genes Dev. 21:1179-89.

43.  Pongubala JM, Northrup DL, Lancki DW, Medina KL, Treiber T, Bertolino E, Thomas M, Grosschedl R, Allman D, Singh H. Transcription factor EBF restricts alternative lineage options and promotes B cell fate commitment independently of Pax5. Nat Immunol. 2008 Feb;9(2):203-15.

44.  Reynaud D, Demarco IA, Reddy KL, Schjerven H, Bertolino E, Chen Z, Smale ST, Winandy S, Singh H. Regulation of B cell fate commitment and immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene rearrangements by Ikaros. Nat Immunol. 2008 Aug;9(8):927-36.

45.  Johnson K, Hashimshony T, Sawai CM, Pongubala JM, Skok JA, Aifantis I, Singh H. Regulation of immunoglobulin light-chain recombination by the transcription factor IRF-4 and the attenuation of interleukin-7 signaling. Immunity. 2008 Mar;28(3):335-45.

46.  Kwon K, Hutter C, Sun Q, Bilic I, Cobaleda C, Malin S, Busslinger M. Instructive role of the transcription factor E2A in early B lymphopoiesis and germinal center B cell development. Immunity. 2008 Jun;28(6):751-62.

47.  Schebesta A, McManus S, Salvagiotto G, Delogu A, Busslinger GA, Busslinger M. Transcription factor Pax5 activates the chromatin of key genes involved in B cell signaling, adhesion, migration, and immune function. Immunity. 2007 Jul;27(1):49-63.

48.  Xiao C, Ceado DP, Galler G, Thai TH, Patterson HC, Wang J, Rajewsky N, Bender TP, and Rajewsky K. (2007). MiR-150 controls B cell differentiation by targeting the transcription factor c-Myb. Cell 131: 146-159.

49.  Ventura A, Young AG, Winslow MM, Lintault L, Meissner A, Erkeland SJ, Newman J, Bronson RT, Crowley D, Stone JR, Jaenisch R, Sharp PA, Jacks T. Targeted deletion reveals essential and overlapping functions of the miR-17 through 92 family of miRNA clusters. Cell. 2008 Mar 7;132(5):875-86.

50.  Hanna J, Markoulaki S, Schorderet P, Carey BW, Beard C, Wernig M, Creyghton MP, Steine EJ, Cassady JP, Foreman R, Lengner CJ, Dausman JA, Jaenisch R. Direct reprogramming of terminally differentiated mature B lymphocytes to pluripotency. Cell. 2008 Apr 18;133(2):250-64.

51.  Pongubala, J.M., Northrup, D.L., Lancki, D.W., Medina, K.L., Treiber, T., Berolino, E., Thomas, M., Grosschedl, R., Allman, D., Singh, H. (2008). Transcription factor EBF restricts alternative lineage options and promotes B cell fate commitment independently of Pax5. Nat. Immunol. 9: 203-215.

52.  Duy C, Yu JJ, Nahar R, Swaminathan S, Kweon SM, Polo JM, Valls E, Klemm L, Shojaee S, Cerchietti L, Schuh W, Jäck HM, Hurtz C, Ramezani-Rad P, Herzog S, Jumaa H, Koeffler HP, de Alborán IM, Melnick AM, Ye BH, Müschen M. (2010). BCL6 is critical for the development of a diverse primary B cell repertoire. J. Exp. Med. 207: 1209-1221.

CD5+ B cells and Marginal zone B cells

53.  Kantor, A.B., Stall, A.M., Adams, S., Herzenberg, L.A., and Herzenberg, L.A. (1992). Differential development of progenitor activity for three B-cell lineages. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 3320-3324.

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