Minutes of a Meeting of Coldharbour Parish Council held at

the Fairford Leys Centre, Hamden Square at 8pm on 4th September, 2014

Present: Cllrs Cole (Chairman), Pattinson, Lambert, P Hughes, C Hughes, Martin, Whittaker, Heberer, Eastwood, Yates, Jarvis

Mr K Gray (Clerk to the Council)

2 Residents C Lambert (Bucks Herald) PC D Burns

PCSO J Gavin

PCSO Diane Timms

1.  Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairman or Clerk

All Councillors present

2.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest

To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)

To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

·  Cllr P Hughes – Planning Application 14/02330/APP – stated that he had sold this property to the applicant but he does not know the applicant in any personal or business capacity. The Clerk advised that he could participate in any discussion as there was not deemed to be any prejudicial interest.

3.  Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3/7/14

RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of 3/7/14 as a true record.

4.  Clerk’s Report

To receive a report from the Clerk on matters dealt with and taking forward.

·  Recording of Council Meetings – new regulations and legislation

·  Planning Applications – New procedures by AVDC

·  Chelsea Road – new building approved for 10 x 3 bedroom houses

RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders (adjourn meeting) to enable questions from the public and any reports from councillors.


5.  Questions from the Public & Councillor Reports/Questions.

·  Resident raised concerns about proposal to fence off some parts of the main play area in Fairford Leys. General discussion took place on the specific needs for teenagers, the council’s previous consultation with residents, Neighbourhood Plan consultation and working group and the future plans/proposal not yet agreed by council. Concerns raised by the resident were considered and further discussion by the council will take place in the future along with a decision on what changes/works are to be made/take place at the main play area. This will be on the October meeting agenda for full discussion on what the council would like to see changed in the main play area/park.

·  Cllr Jarvis asked the clerk to contact Daniel Musgrove in respect of a number of lights not working in Hampden Square. He also raised concerns about anti-social parking on the road leading from the main car park past the gym and pub.

·  Cllr P Hughes reported that the new sign “Read House” has been added to the street sign on Horton Close.

·  The Chairman welcomed the local police officers for FL and asked if they wished to report anything to the parish council. Officers said they would endeavour to attend parish council meetings in the future and that there was nothing specific to report.

·  Cllr Eastwood thanked the Clerk for his advice and assisting her, recently, in dealing with some specific matters. She also reported on a meeting she and Cllr Lambert had attended regarding the two care homes on Fairford Leys - this was in their capacity as representatives of the Parish Council. She also mentioned work of the police on dealing with speeding vehicles and various “warnings” given by police to residents who are deemed to be the main culprits for speeding vehicles on Fairford Leys inner roads. She also highlighted some problems with anti-social behaviour on the fishing pond near the football pitches (this is private land and people should not be fishing unless they have permission from the land owner). She raised matters of concern about local social media sites and whilst people were voicing concerns and opinions – they were not contacting the relevant bodies such as Police and Parish Council to report concerns. All this does is add to confusion/gossip and matters not being dealt with properly. All councillors agreed that people need to take responsibility and report matters to the relevant authority to deal with rather than complaining on a social media site.

·  Cllr S Lambert (BCC)

County Councillor Report to Coldharbour Parish Council September 2014


Following my own and the County Council petition submissions to Parliament I have received a holding date for early January 2015 to appear before the select committee. The Committee are hearing petitions from Birmingham going south. I will be attending a petition preparation meeting in September with the County Council. There is also a HS2 summit being held by 51M on 8th October at the AVDC offices. Booking at the event is essential and can be made by emailing . If you would like to review any of the petitions they are online at:

Street Lighting and Road Adoption issues

I am working with TfB on the street light and road adoptions in various places in the village. A number of repairs and resetting of kerbs and corners has taken place as a result. As there is an extensive volume of works, though not complicated, TfB are unable to provide an exact timeline for their completion, but hope that it will be this financial year.

Looked After Children - Ofsted report

Buckinghamshire County Council ‘Looked After Children’s Services’, which have around 500 children in care across the County, received an ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted report in July. It was a very disappointing report and I and every County Councillor have taken very seriously the problems highlighted in the report. I am also, as a long standing councillor for the Parish, fully aware of the concerns and issues raised over a number of years with the two Residential Care Homes in the village. I have therefore requested a meeting with the Cabinet Member to discuss this matter further and will report back any non-confidential matters from that meeting.

A recovery plan and report is due to be debated at the Full County Council Cabinet meeting on 8th September and by Full Council on 18th September. The report outlines an uplift in spend of £4.8m from the County Council reserves, with a further £1m contingency to address the underlying financial issues faced by this crucial department. A copy of the Cabinet member’s proposed response can be found at . A copy of the OFSTED report is available on the OFSTED website:

St Mary’s classroom extension

I am pleased to confirm that all the legal agreements have now been signed and preparation works will commence in mid-October on site. The works will take until July 2015 with new classrooms, staff facilities, playground lay out and hall space ready for the September 2015 intake. During the works there will be an immediate shortage of parking spaces for staff. The Police and parking teams at Bucks CC are aware and have developed a parking plan for the staff. However, this means that during this period there will be fewer parking spaces for parents at drop off and pick up time. Parents who have to drive are being urged to park at the main car park in the village centre during this time.

Coldharbour Children’s Centre

The transfer form Bucks CC of the Coldharbour Children’s Centre based out of Bearbrook School with satellite events at the Fairford Leys Centre, to the Bearbrook and Elmhurst school consortium has successfully taken place.

Traffic Regulation Orders (Double Yellow Lines)

Following the Parish Council’s decision to support the repainting of the Yellow Lines and extend some of the areas covered, Buckinghamshire County Council has now begun the Traffic Regulation Order process to carry out the works. This will take around ten weeks to complete.

Parking problems

Following resident complaints, I have asked the police to look into some cases of dangerous parking, but parking is a civil issue managed by Bucks CC. Therefore I have asked that the Parking Services Team also makes further visits to certain hotspots across the village.

Devolution of services to Parishes

The County Council are reviewing all the bids, including that of this Parish Council. There were though more bids than they anticipated and a piece of work is being undertaken to evaluate them. The Cabinet member assures me that the decisions will be taken as soon as possible.

RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders


6.  AVDC Adoption of Land

To discuss the concerns over the adoption process by AVDC from Taylor Wimpey

and agree any action/way forward. To receive an update/progress report from District and County Councillors on matters relating to adoption of roads and riverine corridor.

General discussion took place on the concerns of the Parish Council in relation to responsibilities for the maintenance of the Riverine Corridor and open spaces on Fairford Leys.

RESOLVED: The council wishes to engage in a discussion with AVDC on the possibilities of CPC taking complete responsibility of the Riverine Corridor and all open spaces on Fairford Leys currently owned by the Developers but due for adoption by AVDC.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk be delegated to act for the Parish Council and report back to the Council for a decision on any proposals made by AVDC.

7.  HS2 & Petition

To receive any reports as necessary.

No further reports at this stage.

8.  Decisions by the Resources & Personnel Committee and Leisure Committee Meetings

Council is asked to receive and approve the minutes & decisions of the above Standing Committees. Minutes of the committees have been copied to all councillors.

RESOLVED: All minutes from committees received and agreed.

9.  Fair in the Square

To receive a report from Cllr Heberer on the success of the Fair in the Square 2014.

Cllr Heberer thanked all those who took part in the arrangements for the fair and reported on the extra number of stalls this year as well as the successful event. Council thanked the Leisure Committee Members and Council staff for all their hard work and commitment to the event and agreed it had been a successful community event which is important for Fairford Leys residents and businesses.

10.  Finances and Orders for Payment

Councillors were presented with up to date reports on all council finances.

RESOLVED: To receive and accept the financial report from the Finance Officer and Clerk to the Council/RFO.

RESOLVED: Agreed that the following orders and retrospective orders for payment presented by the Clerk be paid.

·  Jones & Cocks Maintenance £91.64


·  Briants of Risborough Maintenance £148.80

·  Alan Lambourne Internal Audit £35.22

·  George Browns Maintenance £291.00







·  Staples Administration £92.17


·  Keith Gray Expenses £90.00

·  Cllr Judith Heberer Reimbursement £14.95

·  Jan Turner Expenses £284.50

·  Jewson Maintenance £358.12

·  Marcus Rogers Hs2 Consultancy £1,610.00

·  Events with a Difference Fair in Square rides £7,479.00

·  Dan Blasor Fair in Square DJ £250.00

·  Dan Blasor Xmas 2013 Event £100.00

·  Aylesbury Concert Band Fair in Square £250.00

·  Spaldings Maintenance £162.72

·  Fresh Design & Print Butterfly Comp £135.00

·  Camtec FLC security cams £1,044.00

·  B&Q Maintenance £99.00

·  Jones & Cocks Maintenance £201.27


·  HMRC Employment £1,724.60

·  Fairford Leys Centre Transfer of funds £500.00

11.  Planning Applications

To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning

applications and to consider late applications presented by the Clerk.

·  14/02330/APP 10 Sandhill Way, FL

Single storey rear extension and conversion of

garage into living accommodation.

RESOLVED: No Objections

·  14/02301/APP 35 Napier Road, FL

Single storey side and rear extension

RESOLVED: Oppose/Object for the following reasons:

o  Changes/Alters the street scene

o  Considered to be “Overdevelopment” for Fairdford Leys Village

o  The Parish Council have resolved “Not to agree to planning application under the Ernest Cook Covenants which they manage unless the design is changed to ensure that the wall at the front of the property is maintained and that no window is seen from the front of the property.

o  The Parish Council would have no objections to the application if the design was changed to ensure no change of street scene.

o  The Parish Council will speak, to object, at any meeting of the Development Control Committee.

There being no further business of the council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm

Signed: ______Date: ______