Dear Sirs

Name of Applicant plus any dependants if appropriate



I am applying for confirmation of my (and my dependants, if appropriate) permanent residence in the UK after being a qualified person for five years under the EEA Regulations 2006.

I enclose the application form duly completed and signed including the payment page endorsed with credit card details to pay the fee of £65, 2 recent colour passport sized photos of myself and the following supporting documents:

  1. I [Name] valid [nationality) identity card/passport
  2. Evidence to show I have been exercising a Treaty Right in the UK by working [or other treaty right] and was a qualified person for at least five years:

·  A letter from my employer [date] confirming I have been working at [place of employment] since [date] and I am still employed at [place of employment]

·  My P60s end of year certificate for tax year to 5 April etc [list all for five years]

·  My salary slips dated from [date] to [date] [for five years]

·  My Bank Statements [name of bank] Account number 02404100 dated from [date] to [date] showing my net salary as stated on my payslips being paid into my account each month.

  1. Evidence to show continuous residence in the UK since [date]:

·  Bank statements, P60s and salary slips see above.

·  Utility bills - state what they are and the dates

·  Registration with GP

·  Medical appointments

·  HMRC letters dated

·  Any other correspondence from official sources

I would be grateful if my file could be endorsed with the date I am claiming I have acquired permanent residence as [date]

We trust you have the evidence and documents to grant me confirmation I have acquired permanent residence but if you require further information, please contact me on [telephone number]

Yours faithfully