Sample Modeling Interview Questions

REVISED 3/18/10

  • Practice often, especially while driving in the car, sitting at the dinner table, etc.
  • Answer the question and be sure to say why you feel that way you do.
  • Please DO NOT SAY “Yeah”, “Um”.
  • These are sample questions. Anything is possible. There is no right or wrong answer. Add questions of your own.
  • Interview is a chance to get 20 points just for talking and sharing your personality.
  • Remember, interview is used in the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advance Pageants. Novice Basic Skills Pageant has no interview.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

0-6, 7-9, 10-12 year old divisions

Tell me about your family.

What is your favorite subject in school?

What is your favorite food?

What do you like best about twirling?

What do you like best about school?

Tell me about your classroom.

With whom is your favorite friend to play?

Other than baton, what are your hobbies?

What is your favorite TV show?

What is your favorite kind of animal?

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

What do you like to do in the summer?

What is your favorite holiday?

7-9, 10-12 year old divisions

If you could take me anywhere you want on vacation where would it be and why?

If I was a fly in your room, what would I see?

I’m not from Michigan, tell me about your state?

If I gave you $100 to spend at the mall, what would you buy and why?

Tell me three things you like about baton.

Tell me about your best friend.

What is your favorite book?

How have you prepared yourself for this pageant?

If you could be principal for the day at your school, what would you do?

Tell me about the most important person in your life?

If I were to leave a present wrapped on your bed, what would it be and why?

What is your favorite “Good” character in a book?

What is your favorite “Mean” character in a book?

If you could take me on a bike ride, where would we go and why?If you could ask the Obama children anything about the White House what would it be?

10-12, 13-15, 16+ year old divisions

What would it mean to be Miss Majorette of Michigan?

What is your favorite movie?

If someone was interested in the sport of baton, what would you tell them to convince them to participate?

Pretend that I don’t know anything about baton twirling, tell me all about the sport.

Pretend that you are a pilot of an airplane and you could fly anywhere you wanted, where would it be and why?

You just won $1,000 on what would you spend it?

What are the most important qualities of a best friend?

What does it mean to you to be born and raised in the United States of America?

If you could be Cinderella or Snow White which would you be and why?

What does bullying mean to you and how would you stop it in your school?

How does baton twirling relate to other sports?If you could ask the Obama children anything about the White House what would it be?

13-15, 16+ divisions

Describe the color red.

If you could be the president for a year, what would your number one priority be?

You have your choice of wearing white, pink, or black. What’s your color and why?

You found a $10 bill at school. What would you do with it?

Money is tight these days, how can you help your parents save money?

How do you practice your least favorite routine?

How do you feel about teens working while in high school?

If you could ask the Obama children anything about the White House what would it be?

16+ division

What is your opinion regarding on-line course work in high school?

How do you feel the US should solve the health care crisis?

Do you feel the government should bail out families in bankruptcy, why or why not?

How can we get the government to work for us again?

Do you believe that NBTA should have a cap on its age limit?

Do you feel that athletes should have to maintain a certain GPA to play sports in high school and college?

Do you feel the ACT is a good gauge for college admission?