8th Annual Splash Invitational

Dedicated to Gary Colonna

Hosted by the Fort Leavenworth Lancers

October 11-13, 2013

Sanction: / Held under the Sanction of Missouri Valley Swimming, Inc. on behalf of USA Swimming, Inc., Sanction Number MV-13-XX.
Location: / Harney Gym
4th Street
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
The entrance to Fort Leavenworth is located on Metropolitan Avenue in Leavenworth just off US Hwy73/KS Hwy 7.
Course: / 8-lane, 25 yard indoor pool with non-turbulent racing lane lines and custom-designed starting blocks. Colorado Timing System and Scoreboard timing and starting system will be used with Hy-tek Interface/Meet Manager Software. The competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4). Pool depth at the start end is 12 ft.; pool depth at the turn end is 3 ft. 6 in. Fly over starts from the deep end may be used at the discretion of the meet referee.
Meet Type: / A-B-C, age group and open. All events are timed finals. This meet will also feature an Ironman competition where swimmers will compete in a competition combining the swimmers total times in four challenging events based on their age group.
Rules: / 2013 United States Swimming Rules and Regulations and 2013 Missouri Valley Swimming Rules will govern the meet. Missouri Valley Swimming Safety Guidelines, scratch rules, and Warm-Up Procedures will be in effect. Individuals acting a coaching capacity must have their current USA coach membership card visible at all times. All deck officials must have their membership cards displayed at all times. Use of audio or visual recording devises, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, rest rooms, or locker rooms. All Harney Sports Complex and Pool rules will be in effect. Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach, as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer's legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is not appropriate and is strongly discouraged.
Eligibility: / All swimmers must be registered as 2013 athlete members of USA Swimming. The age of the swimmer as of the first day of the meet will determine his/her age for the entire meet. Swimmer’s registration number must appear on entry form. No entries will be accepted unless the entrant is registered in accordance with the rules of the meet. Registration of all athletes will be verified by the MVS Registration Chair prior to the meet. Those not registered will not be allowed to swim in the meet.
Seed Times: / The meet will be pre-seeded except for the 500 free, 1650 free and400 IM which will be deck seeded following positive check-in. Failing to check-in for your events will result in swimmer being scratched from the event. Deck seeded events will be limited to the top 40 entries and positive check in is required. Positive check-in will be at the computer desk and will close at the end of the warm-up session in which the event is scheduled. The penalty for not checking in for deck seeded events is removal from that event. If a swimmer misses an event per Missouri Valley scratch rules they will be disqualified from the next event they are scheduled to swim. Entry times are “Yard Times only.” Times converted to yard times will be allowed. “No Time” entries will be seeded in the slowest heats. The 1650 free, the 400 IM, and the 500 free will be swum fastest to slowest seed times alternating Girls and Boys. At the discretion of the Meet Referee, the following 13 & 14 and Senior events may be combined and swum together but scored separately: 1650 free, 400 IM, and 500 free.
Seeding: / The meet will be seeded on deck by Hy-Tek Meet Manager 30 minutes prior to the start of each session. Coaches are responsible for check swimmers in and indicating any scratches on scratch sheets provided in the coach’s packet. Events seeded on deck shall be closed for seeding no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet.
Awards: / Awards will be presented as follows:
• Participation ribbons for all 8 & under swimmers (9th place to last place participant including DQ’s).
• Ribbons for 1st-8th place in all individual events.
• Ribbons for 1st-3rd place in relay events.
• Trophies for 1st-3rd place in each age group for the Iron Man competition.
Entries: / Each Swimmer is limited to FOUR (4) individual events and one (1) relay per day. 8 and under swimmers may only swim each particular stroke and distance in either the 8 and under category or the 10 and under category. In either case, the 4 entry limit per day shall apply. Entries will be limited to the first 500 swimmers, based on email date. E-mailed zip files will be accepted as described in entry deadline below. If the number of entries exceeds the limit, those entries with the latest post marked dates will be returned. Entries should be compatible with HYTEK Meet Manager and the entry file should be emailed to the Entry Chairperson. USA Swimming registration number must appear on the entry forms or files submitted. Entries without USA Swimming numbers will not be accepted. All times should be entered in short course yard times only. “No time” entries will be accepted and will be seeded last. A hard copy print out with swimmers in alphabetical order should accompany the team entry fee payment. Teams will not be split. Teams can download the HYTEK event list from the Missouri Valley website.
This meet will feature an Ironman competition where swimmers will compete in a competition
Ironman Competition requirements:
-  A swimmer must swim all events in the Iron Man competition for their age group to be eligible for the Ironman awards.
-  The final placements for the Iron man events will be scored by taking the total time for the swimmer’s combined results in the ironman events (DQs will eliminate the swimmer from the ironman competition).
-  The ironman events for each age group are:
-  10U and 11-12 age group:
§  200 Freestyle
§  200 IM
§  100 Fly
§  100 IM
§  13-14 age group and Senior:
§  1650 Freestyle
§  400 IM
§  200 Fly
§  500 Freestyle
Entry Deadline: / Entries must be received by 6:00 PM on Friday, October 4, 2013. Late entries will only be accepted if the number of swimmers does not exceed the stated limit. Deck entries will only be allowed if there are open lanes for that event and deck entry fees will apply (see entry fees below). All team’s entries must include the coach’s name and the name, mailing address, email, and phone number of the team’s entry chairperson if different than the coach.
Email entries to: Jeff Lochow at . (913) 727-3792. Subject Heading: 2013 Splash Invitational Entries. A club entry chair or coach must submit entries for this meet. We will not accept entries from individual swimmers or families.
Entry Fees: / Meet Fees are:
$4.00 per individual event.
$6.00 per relays team.
Make Checks payable to: Fort Leavenworth Lancers or FTLL. Deck entries will be accepted at $8.00 forindividual entries and $12.00 for relay entries. Late entries will be allowed at the discretion of thereferee, and must be turned in 30 minutes prior to the start of the session.
Warm-Ups & Starting Times: / Friday Evening: Warm-ups start at 4:15 PM; Meet starts at 5:30 PM.
Saturday & Sunday Morning: Warm-ups at 7:00 am; Meet starts at 8:30am.
Saturday 8 & Under Session: Warm ups will begin immediately after the conclusion of Saturday morning’s session, but no earlier than 12:00pm.Meet will begin no earlier than
Saturday Afternoon: Warm ups will begin immediately after the conclusion of the 8 & under session but no earlier than 1:30pm. Meet will begin no earlier than 2:45pm.
Sunday Afternoon: Warm ups will begin immediately after the conclusion of the morning session but no earlier than 12:00pm. Meet will begin no earlier than 1:30pm.
Warm-up lane assignments will be made after the entry registration deadline. Coaches can find out their teams’ lane assignment by contacting the Entry Chairperson on or after Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 The information will also be provided in the coach’s packet, printed in the heat sheets, posted at the pool, and will be available at the Lancers web page at: www.fortleavenworthlancers.org.
Missouri Valley and USA Swimming Safety Guidelines and Warm-Up Procedures will be in effect at the meet. Swimmers may not dive into the pool during general warm-up. Swimmers must enter the pool by stepping feet first, or sitting and sliding in, in a safe and cautious manner. Entering in any other manner may result in the disqualification from one or more of the swimmer's events for the session at the discretion of the Meet Referee. Swimmers may dive during a designated sprint warm-up.
Swimmers may not dive into the pool during general warm-up. Swimmers must enter the
pool by stepping in feet first, or sitting and sliding in, in a safe and cautious manner. Enteringin any other manner may result in the disqualification from one or more of the swimmer’s3events for that session at the discretion of the Meet Referee. Swimmers may dive only during referee designated practice start times.
Check-in: / A scratch table will be provided at the Clerk of the Course. All scratches must be made 30 minutes prior to the start of the day’s meet. A positive check-in list will be provided for the 1650, 400 IM, and 500 Free. Coaches are required to insure that they initial the names of their swimmers that are present and will swim those events.
Coaches Meeting: / Will be held 15 minutes before the morning sessions only in the coaches break area.
Officials: / Referee: Lee Wolfe, ()
Starter: Woody Woodlief
AO2 Level Admin Official: Marlee Marshall, Christine Milburn.
Meet Director: Katie Engemann, ()
Safety Marshall: TBD
TIMERS &JUDGES: / Visiting teams are encouraged to provide certified stroke and turn judges. Please contact Helen Lochow (913) 727-3792 if you will be able to serve as a stroke and turn judge. Officials’ meeting will be held 30 minutes before the beginning of each session. Swimmers will have to provide their own timers and lap counters for the 1650 Freestyle (events 5-8) and the 500 Freestyle (events 119-122).
Final Results: / Final results will be posted on the Missouri Valley website and may include the swimmer’s name, age, times, and USA Swimming number. At the conclusion of the final session, copies of the meet resultswill be available for any coach who provides a USB memory stick.
4-Hour Rule: / MVS/USA Swimming 4-hour rule will be in effect.
Concessions: / Full concessions will be available on both Saturday and Sunday sessions. Concessions will be limited to drinks and snacks on Friday evening.
Vendor: / Swim Quickwill be available Saturday and Sunday.
Military Base Entry Instructions: / If you do not have a military identification your vehicle will be searched each time you enter the base and you must be prepared to provide the following documents:
• Current Valid Insurance
• Current Valid Registration
• Current Valid Driver’s License.
Additionally, please follow the following rules and procedures:
• Do not bring weapons of any type.
• Everyone must wear seat belts.
• Cell phones may be used in a hand free mode.(IE speakerphone or ear buds).
Directions to Pool: / Please allow for extra time to get on base because of processing time at the front gate.
Fort Leavenworth is located on Metropolitan Avenue in Leavenworth just off US Hwy73/KS Hwy 7.Harney Gym is located off 4th street. Follow Grant Ave past the 2nd stop light at the intersection of Grant and Coby Ave. Turn left on Coby Ave. Then turn left on 4th street. The gym and parking will be on your right.

Order of Events: / Bold indicates Ironman event
Session #1 FRIDAY EVENING (WUs: 4:15 pm; 5:30pm Meet Start)
Girls / Event / Boys
1 / 10 & Under 200 Freestyle / 2
3 / 11-12 200 Freestyle / 4
5 / 13-14 1650 Freestyle / 6
7 / Senior 1650 Freestyle / 8
Session #2 SATURDAY MORNING (WUs: 7:00 am; Meet Start 8:30am)
Girls / Event / Boys
9 / 10 & Under 50 Freestyle / 10
11 / 11-12 50 Freestyle / 12
13 / 10 & Under 200 IM / 14
15 / 11-12 200 IM / 16
17 / 10 & Under 100 Backstroke / 18
19 / 11-12 100 Backstroke / 20
21 / 10 & Under 50 Breaststroke / 22
23 / 11-12 50 Breaststroke / 24
25 / 10 & Under 100 Butterfly / 26
27 / 11-12 100 Butterfly / 28
29 / 10 & Under 200 Medley Relay / 30
31 / 11-12 200 Medley Relay / 32
Session #3 Saturday 8 & UNDER (WUs NET 12:00 pm; Meet Start 12:30pm)
Girls / Event / Boys
33 / 8 & Under 25 Freestyle / 34
35 / 8 & Under 25 Breaststroke / 36
37 / 8 & Under 25 Backstroke / 38
39 / 8 & Under 25 Butterfly / 40