FMU/IT Equipment/2015/002
Supply, Installation, Maintenance & Support of IT Equipment at FMU
(Single Stage - Two Envelopes)
JUNE 2015
Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU), Government of Pakistan
2nd Floor, SBP Main Building, I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi -74000,
Phone: (+92-21) 9922 1970; 9922 1879
Facsimile: (+92-21)-9921 2512



Rule 23 of Public Procurement Rules requires procuring agencies to formulate bidding documents that shall be made available to the bidders immediately after the publication of the invitation to bid. Use of these documents is mandatory for either open or limited bidding. This document would generally be used for procurement of all categories of goods and services.

Document comprises of the Sections listed below:

Section I / Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Section II / Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section III / Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section IV / Technical Specification
Section V / Evaluation Criteria
Section VI / Technical Proposal Forms
Section VII / Financial Proposal Forms
Section VIII / Form of Contract Agreement
Section IX / General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section X / Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Section XI / Contract Appendixes

Section I. Invitation for Bids (IFB)

IFB No. FMU/IT Equipment/2015/002

Date: JUNE 04, 2015

Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU)

1.  The Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU) intends to procure new IT equipment of international standing to be supplied and installed at its office on the 2nd Floor, Main Building, State Bank of Pakistan, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi.

2.  FMU now invites sealed bids (technical and financial proposals sealed in separate envelopes) from eligible bidders for “Supply, Installation, Maintenance & Support of IT Equipment at FMU” as per following details, complete specifications are given in the bidding documents.

Package / Description / Quantity
1.  / Multifunction Color Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier / 1
2.  / Multifunction Black Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier / 1
3.  / 44” Large Format Color Thermal Inkjet Printer (Plotter) / 1
4.  / LTO-6 Tape Backup / Drive (External) with PCI SAS Card / 1
LTO-6 Media / 30
LTO-6 Cleaning Cartridge / 2
LTO-6 Media Label Set / 2
5.  / Wireless Wi-Fi Gateways / 2
6.  / Conference Phone / 1
7.  / Altova XMLSpy XML Editor 2015 Enterprise Edition / 1

3.  Bidding will be conducted under National Competitive Bidding pursuant to ‘Single stage two envelope procedure’ as per Rule 36(b) of Public Procurement Rules 2004 (PPR 2004) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the PPR 2004 that meet the following minimum eligibility/qualification criteria:

a.  Bidders must be an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or an agent of the OEM of required equipment with a consistent OEM certificate for the past 3 years.

b.  Bidder must have verifiable presence/support/branch offices in Karachi to provide support with at least 1 certified resource.

c.  Registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Department.

4.  Technical brochure containing evidence showing genuineness of brand name, model, country of origin, detail specifications of all components etc. should be provided with the bid. The bidder has to ensure that all the components used for the required supplies are genuine and original. Bids proposing substandard, low quality, refurbished or copy items will be rejected.

5.  Bidders can submit bids for one or more Complete Package, evaluation of the bids and award of contract will be done accordingly.

6.  The Bidders are requested to give their best and final prices as no negotiations are expected. The rates quoted must remain valid for a period of 60 (Sixty) days after opening of bids.

7.  Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information, if required, from the address and details provided below. Furthermore, interested eligible bidders may acquire the bidding documents from FMU website ( and PPRA website ( after publication of IFB till closing thereof.

8.  Late bids will be rejected. Bid with material deviation, exception, objection, conditionality, or reservation shall be rejected.

9.  Bids must be delivered to office of the undersigned on or before Friday, June 19, 2015 at 11:00 am. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 11:30 am same day at FMU Premises, 2nd Floor, Main Building, State Bank of Pakistan, I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi –Pakistan.

Additional Director

Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU), Government of Pakistan

2nd Floor, SBP Main Building, I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi -74000,

Phone: (+92-21) 9922 1970; 9922 1879

Facsimile: (+92-21)-9921 2512


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Section I. Invitation for Bids (IFB) 3

Section II. Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 7

A. Introduction 7

B. The Bidding Documents 11

C. Preparation of Bids 12

D. Submission of Bids 15

E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids 16

F. Award of Contract 18

Section III. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 20

Section IV. Technical Specification 23

Scope of Project: 23

Service Level Agreement (SLA) 25

Reporting and Resolution time 26

Technical Specification 27

Package 1: Multifunction Color Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier - 1 27

Package 2: Multifunction Black Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier - 1 28

Package 3: Large Format Color Thermal Inkjet Plotter - 1 29

Package 4: LTO-6 Tape Backup - 1 30

Package 5: Wireless Wi-Fi Gateways - 2 31

Package 6: Conference Phone – 1 33

Package 7: Altova XMLSpy XML Editor 2015 Enterprise Edition – 1 34

Section V. Evaluation Criteria 35

Section VI. Technical Proposal Forms 36

Form T1 Bid Form 37

Form T2 Bidder’s Representative 38

Form T3 Bidders Eligibility/Qualification Criteria 39

Form T4 Technical Compliance 40

Package 1: Multifunction Color Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier - 1 41

Package 2: Multifunction Black Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier - 1 42

Package 3: Large Format Color Thermal Inkjet Plotter - 1 43

Package 4: LTO-6 Tape Backup - 1 44

Package 5: Wireless Wi-Fi Gateways - 2 45

Package 6: Conference Phone – 1 48

Package 7: Altova XMLSpy XML Editor 2015 Enterprise Edition – 1 49

Form T5 Schedule of Supplies & Implementation 50

Form T6 Manufacturer’s Authorization Form 51

Form T7 Integrity Pact 52

Section VII. Financial Proposal Forms 53

Form F1 Bid Form with Financials 54

Form F2 Price Schedule in Pak. Rupees 55

Form F2 Price Schedule for Package 1 - Multifunction Color Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier 55

Form F2 Price Schedule for Package 2 – Multifunction Black Laser Printer + Scanner + Copier 56

Form F2 Price Schedule for Package 3 – 44” Large Format Color Thermal Inkjet Printer (Plotter) 57

Form F2 Price Schedule for Package 4 – LTO-6 Tape Backup 58

Form F2 Price Schedule for Package 5 – Wireless Gateways 59

Form F2 Price Schedule for Package 6 – Conference Phone 60

Form F2 Price Schedule for Package 7 – Altova XMLSpy XML Editor 2015 Enterprise Edition 61

Section VIII. Form of Contract Agreement 62

Section IX. General Conditions of Contract 64

Section X. Special Conditions of Contract 72

SCC 1. Definitions (GCC Clause 1) 72

SCC 2. Performance Guarantee (GCC Clause 7) 72

SCC 3. Inspections and Tests (GCC Clause 8) 72

SCC 4. Delivery and Documents (GCC Clause 10) 72

SCC 5. Insurance (GCC Clause 11) 72

SCC 6. Warranty (GCC Clause 15) 73

SCC 7. Payment (GCC Clause 16) 73

SCC 8. Prices (GCC Clause 17) 73

SCC 9. Subcontracts (GCC Clause 21) 74

SCC 10. Liquidated Damages (GCC Clause 23) 74

SCC 11. Resolution of Disputes (GCC Clause 27) 74

SCC 12. Applicable Law (GCC Clause 29) 74

SCC 13. Notices (GCC Clause 30) 74

Section XI. Appendices (Contract) 76

Appendix-1 Supplier’s Representative 77

Appendix-2 Technical Specifications 78

Appendix-3 Service Level Maintenance Agreement 79

Appendix-4 Desired Delivery & Implementation Schedule 80

Appendix-5 Price Schedule 81

Appendix-6 Payment Schedule 82

Appendix -7 Notification of Award 83

Appendix -8 Acceptance Letter 84

Appendix -9 Integrity Pact 85

Appendix -10 Sample Forms of the Contract Agreement 86

Appendix-11 The Supplier’s Bid 91

Section II. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Section II. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

A. Introduction

ITB1.  Definitions / 1.1.  Applicable Law” means the laws and any other instruments having the force of law in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
1.2.  “FMU” means the Financial Monitoring Unit of Government of Pakistan
1.3.  Deleted
1.4.  Comparable Experience means the experience in providing goods comparable to the ones being solicited through this procurement
1.5.  “Documentary Evidence” means copies of Notification of Award/Contract Agreement/Audited Financial Statements Authorization Certificate/Curriculum Vitae and or any other documents required to evaluate bid
1.6.  “Purchaser” means the nominee of FMU which can be designated Department/ Division/Unit or person within the FMU with which the selected Service Providers signs the Contract for the Services.
1.7.  Supplier” means any entity or person that may provide goods under the Contract.
1.8.  “Contract” means the Contract to be signed by the Parties and all the attached documents listed therein.
1.9.  “Bid Data Sheet” means such part of the Instructions to Bidders used to reflect specific assignment conditions.
1.10.  “Day” means calendar day.
1.11.  “Government” means the Federal Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
1.12.  “Instructions to Bidders” (Section II of the SBD) means the document which bidders with all information needed to prepare their bids.
1.13.  In writing” means communicated in written form with proof of receipt and also means communication through electronic mail (email) with proof of delivery receipt.
1.14.  “Intellectual Property Rights" means all current and future copyright, patents, trademarks (whether or not registered) or rights in databases, inventions or trade secrets, know-how, rights in designs, topographies, trade and business names, domain names, and all other intellectual and property rights and applications for any of those rights (where such applications can be made) capable of protection in any relevant country of the world.
ITB2.  Purchaser / 2.1.  Financial Monitoring Unit of the Government of Pakistan, having its principal place of business at I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi, hereinafter interchangeably called “Purchaser” intends to apply its funds under the contract for which this Invitation for Bids is issued Identification No and Title of Contract: [stated in BDS ]
2.2.  A general description of bid is provided in BDS and Technical Section; however this description is very elemental and Bidders are expected to submit a complete bid on the basis of parameters provided at other relevant sections of ITB
ITB3.  Eligible Bidders / 3.1.  If a pre-qualification process has been undertaken, as outlined under Rule 15 of PPR2004 for the Contract(s) for which these Bidding Documents have been issued, those firms - in case of Joint Ventures with the same partner(s) and Joint Venture structure - that had been pre-qualified and are Eligible.
3.2.  If a pre-qualification process has not been undertaken for the Contract(s) for which these Bidding Documents have been issued, then all national firms duly Registered with relevant tax and other authorities required under Federal Government’s rules, laws, statutes or relevant instructions; consistent with PPR 2004, or instructions contained in this document and firms from eligible source countries as defined under the rules, laws statutes or relevant instructions of Federal Government.
3.3.  Bidders should not be associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Purchaser to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the Procurement of the goods to be purchased under this Invitation for Bids.
3.4.  Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by the Government of Pakistan or FMU in accordance with Rule 2 (f) and 19 of Public Procurement Rules 2004
ITB4.  Code of Conduct / 4.1.  It is FMU’s policy to require that Consultant/ Service Providers, Suppliers, and Contractor Providers under FMU-financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuit of this policy, the FMU follows, interalia, the instructions contained in PPR2004 which defines:
“corrupt and fraudulent practices” includes the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official or the supplier or contractor in the procurement process or in contract execution to the detriment of the procuring agencies; or misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract, collusive practices among Consultant/ Service Providers (prior to or after Proposal submission) designed to establish bid Prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the procuring agencies of the benefits of free and open competition and any request for, or solicitation of anything of value by any public official in the course of the exercise of his duty;
4.2.  Under Rule 19 of PPR-2004, “The FMU can interalia blacklist bidders found to be indulging in corrupt or fraudulent practices. Such barring action shall be duly publicized and communicated to the PPRA.
4.3.  Under Rule 19 of PPR-2004, following mechanism and manner for permanently or temporarily bar, from participating in their respective procurement proceedings will be followed as per guidance of FMU management :
Nature of Offense/Fault / Means of Verification / Proposed Action under Rule 19
Corruption / Actual instance verifiable as per law of land and applicable Rule and Regulations of FMU / Permanent debarment and blacklisting. To be publicized on FMU and PPRA websites
Fraud / Cross verification of documentary undertaking submitted by Contractor/ Bidder/ Service Provider/ / Debarment and blacklisting for 3-5 years [depending on severity of fraud, and blacklisting to be publicized on FMU and PPRA websites
Collusion / Results of Bid/Proposal analysis resulting in substantive evidence of collusion / Debarment and blacklisting for 3 years. To be publicized on FMU and PPRA websites
Performance Deficiencies / Documented evidence in form of liquidated damages or notices of performance deficiencies not suitably responded or defended by Contractor/ Bidder/ Service Provider / Debarment for 1-2 years [depending on severity of non-performance. To be blacklisted for procurements during the period of debarment.