JointBase Charleston (JBCHS)FitnessCenterStatement ofUnderstanding(SOU)
Rules During UnmannedHours
Compliance withRules:
I understandand agreethatmy accesstoany JB CHSFitnessCenter during unmanned hoursis a special privilegewhichcan be taken away immediately for a violation of rules. As aneligibleuser, I agreetoabide byall JB CHSFitnessCenter rulesand unmanned hours ruleswhich are also posted at the FitnessCenter and maybe amended fromtimetotimeatthesolediscretion ofthe 628 FSS/CC. Aneligibleuserisany individual18years ofage or olderwhohas a valid DoD ID.
Fitness CenterRules During Unmanned Hours:
1. Only eligible users will have accesstotheFitnessCenter during unmanned hoursand theymust registertheir DoD ID at theFitness Centerto have access.
2. As aneligibleuser,I will swipe access card once for my entryatthe mainlobby entranceafterclosingtime. I mustswipeaccess card eventhoughI mayhave startedmyworkoutprior tofacility closingandunmannedhoursstarting.
3. I understand no guestsare authorizedtoenter withmewhen I swipemy card to gain accessinto the FitnessCenter. I willensurethat upon gainingentryorexitingthe facility,thedoor closes securely behindme. Allother doorsMUST remainclosed unless thereisanemergency situation.
4. DoD ID/AccessCardsharingisstrictly prohibitedand will result inimmediatelossof privileges. DoD ID/Access Card sharing is viewed by the Air Force as theft of services from Fitness Center and will be prosecuted IAW the UCMJ, federal and/or state laws.
5. The FitnessCenter director/designee has the right toterminatemy privilegesat any timewithoutnotice.
6. Iunderstandthattherewillbenosupervisionor assistanceduringunmannedhoursforruleviolationsandIamexpectedto behave inaccordancewithgoodstandardsofconduct.
7. Iunderstandfitnessoffices,saunasandsteamroomswillbe turned off andoff limits during unmanned hours.
8. I understandcameraswill be closely monitoring the Fitness Center during unmanned hoursand actionssuchastheft, defacement orintentionaldamageto government property, sexual assault, inappropriatesexualbehavior,horseplayandanyviolationofruleswillnotbe toleratedand/orsubjecttopunishment under theUCMJ,federaland/orstatelaw.
9. I amaware JBCHSis not responsiblefor protection of or loss of personal property.
10. I amaware thatif Ibecome injuredorhave anyothermedicalemergencyor event,there will be no one onsiteto respond tomy emergency. If I needassistance,there areemergencyphoneslocated throughout theFitnessCenter. It is highly recommended thatI utilizethe Wingmanconceptforusageofthe FitnessCenter during non-staffed hours.
11. Additionally, I amhighly recommendedtousetheWingmanconcept whenweight lifting (i.e., usingaspotter if choosingtousefreeweights or assistingafellowAirmanwhomayneedhelp).
12. In theevent of severe weather, I will proceed tothe alternateShelter-in-Placelocationsin the male or female locker rooms untilthesevereweatherhaspassed.
13. In theevent of a power outage,the facility will closeimmediately, and I will gathermy belongings andexitthebuilding promptly.
14. Violation oftheruleswill result inloss of privileges (1st offense 30 days) (2nd offense 60 days or complete loss of privileges) andsubjectme toprosecutionunderthe UCMJ,federaland/orstatelaw.
15. Duringunmannedhours,I willnotenterthefacilityifmycardisdenied access.
16. Lockers are daily use only; JB CHSis not responsibleforimproper use oflocker combinations.Lockcuttingtools areonly availableduring normal operating hours.
I certify that I haveread andunderstand the Rules During UnmannedHours inthe JBCHSFitnessCenterandIagreeto abide by all ofthe terms ofthisSOU.
Print Rank/First/Last Name:______Squadron or Status:______
Signature:______Issue Date:______Exp Date:______
Telephone Number:______Email:______