Reedsburg Educational Foundation

Alumni Scholarship

Application and Guidelines

The Reedsburg Educational Foundation Alumni Scholarship is provided to graduates of Reedsburg Area High School or Webb High School to assist them in completing upper level undergraduate education.

1. The following criteria and guidelines must be met:

• Applicants must be graduates of Reedsburg Area High School or Webb High School.

• Applicants must have completed a minimum of 48 semester credits of college or university work at the time of application.

• Primary evaluation criteria are college or university level academic performance, the pursuit of educational and developmental experiences beyond the classroom and the relationship of educational and career goals to present and future planned experiences.

• Applications will be judged on both manner of presentation and the facts and ideas presented. Therefore, attention should be paid to organization, expression, English usage and neatness.

• A transcript (does not need to be official) or grade report must accompany the application. Applications must be received in the district office by August 15.

• An application will not be considered unless it is properly completed, signed and postmarked no later than August 15 (if August 15 falls on a weekend the deadline will be extended to the following Monday). Mail your application to REF Alumni Scholarship Committee, 501 K Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959.

• This scholarship is in the amount of $1,000. A check will be forwarded to the recipient upon receipt of proof of registration for the next academic semester. A copy of the recipient’s course schedule will serve as proof.

2. If any of the conditions are violated during the academic year in which the award is made, the Foundation Board reserves the right to receive satisfactory explanation and/or return of the scholarship award.

Reedsburg Educational Foundation

501 K Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959-1825

—— Alumni Scholarship Application ——


The REF Alumni Scholarship Committee, 501 K Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959 must receive this application along with a transcript (does not need to be official) OR grade report no later than August 15. Applications

must be typed to be considered.

1. Last Name: First Name: Middle Initial:

2. Home Address:

City, State, Zip:

Cell Phone: email address:

3. If married, name of spouse: Number of children, if any:

4. Year of graduation from RAHS or Webb High School:

5. Have you received the REF Alumni Scholarship prior to this year? YES NO

If yes, when?

6. State the name and location of the school(s) you plan to attend this coming academic year:

7. Number of credits you will be pursuing first semester: second semester:

8. List the schools you have attended since high school graduation and dates of attendance:

9. What year in college will this be for you? 3rd 4th 5th 6th

10. What course of study are you pursuing?

11. What is your college cumulative GPA?

12. Anticipated date of graduation/degree?

13. List any special recognition, awards, scholarships, etc. you have received for your academic work during your

freshman/sophomore years in college:

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13. List any special recognition, awards, scholarships, etc. you have received for your academic work during your

freshman/sophomore years in college:

Financial Information:

1.  If you are working this summer, list the name of your employer(s), the position(s) you hold, and your earnings

(estimate, if necessary):

2. Do you plan to work during the academic year? YES NO

If yes, state your anticipated earnings: $

3. Additional resources available to you to meet educational expenses:

Savings (exclude estimated earnings stated above): $

Scholarships: $

Paid internships, assistantships, etc: $

Other income (name the source): $

4. Are your parents financially able to assist you? YES NO

If not, briefly explain:

5. List the names and ages of those children your parents claim as dependents:

Name Age

Name Age

Name Age

Name Age

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Explain what your post-high school education has meant to you thus far, including experiences and courses that have been significant, and what you anticipate it will mean to you in the future.

Signature: Date

The School District of Reedsburg and the Reedsburg Educational Foundation reserve the right to use your name and picture (if applicable) for recognition purposes. Please check the appropriate box below.

Yes No