Rhode Island Greenhouse Gas Process
Stakeholder Year 6, Meeting #4
RI DEM, Room 300
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Facilitator: Dr. Jonathan Raab, Raab Associates, Ltd.
Consultants: Charlie Heaps, SEI, Rick Hornby, Synapse Energy Economics
Meeting #4: Summary
20 people attended the meeting, which began at 1:00 pm and concluded at 4:00 pm
Documents Distributed or Presented:
Before the Meeting:
1. Draft Agenda, Raab Associates
2.Synapse LCP Final Report 6.6.07, Rick Hornby,Synapse Economics
At the Meeting:
3. Modeling of Rhode Island GHG Emissions (powerpoint), Charlie Heaps, SEI
4. RI GHG re options for LCP standards (powerpoint), Rick Hornby,Synapse Economics
To find any of the above documents, use the following link:
I.Introductions and Overview—Jonathan Raab
II. SEILeast-Cost Procurement White Paper – Rick Hornby, Synapse Energy Economics - Discuss Potential Options for LCP Standards and Draft Transmittal Letter to OER from the RI GHG Stakeholders, Synapse Energy Economics
Rick Hornby presented a powerpoint on the “options” section of his paper, which was meant to identify options for consideration by OER and ultimately the PUC—rather than specific recommendations. During the discussion the following points were made by one or more Stakeholder.
- Paper assumes LCP applies to Standard Offer Service only. However, we think it applies to all customers although the law is somewhat ambiguous.
- Legislature may have been intentionality vague on the applicability – but conflict between policy goal and payment mechanism.
- Group agreed to remove “Standard Offer” from cover and clarify the text regarding this point.
- RI currently uses a more of a utility type test for analyzing energy efficiency investments
- Should environmentally responsible apply to conventional resources as well? LCP should be applied to everything – so criteria should apply to all resources (even if law not crystal clear)
- Consider a recommendation or internalizing carbon or all environmental externalities
The Group then discussed the transmittal letter to cover the Synapse LCP study to OER, and made the following recommendations:
A)Add language to front of piece on RI GHG Group, mandate, and why sending
B)Add sentence about importance of internalizing ghg externalities.
C)Agreed to send to OER and to each committee member when named
III. RI GHG Plan Modeling—Documented Progress From 2001-2007 (including new baseline, GHG and other pollutant reductions, and cost savings)—Charlie Heaps, SEI
Charlie Heaps then reviewed the modeling results. He pointed out:
- Really more sophisticated tracking than modeling
- Future we’ll have trouble updating baseline since our measures will be effecting it.
- Savings are very sensitive to fuel prices
- Based on AEO forecasts which is as conservative as can get
- Some resources in plan are not “under development” but in a 4th bucket cause never started. Can meet 2020 targets without them.
- Also, conservative on supply side assuming natural gas on margin.
- Wind price assumptions are also very expensive, maybe conservative in modeling
Charlie pointed out Rhode Island is about 2/3 way to 2020 target (assuming all implemented as designed) but that RI won’t come close to 2010 target.
Group discussed economic savings to state from implementing the measures –around $600 million for things already or about to be put in place, and up to $1.6 billion by 2020 when you include those that are under development. Some commented that seems like a “win win” for RI and a “no brainer”.
IV. Press Release
The Group talked about getting a press release out now that we’ve completed our 6th year and have some impressive modeling results.
Timing – some suggested tying to major event such as A) Brownout or B) September budget. Others felt strongly that we shouldn’t wait.
Some suggestions for improving the letter included:
- Hold a Press Conference –
- Break out $600 million savings by households, businesses, non-profits, governments if possible, and by average per capita savings
V. Future of RI GHG Stakeholder Process
Dr. Raab explained that neither OER nor RI DEM has committed any funds for the RI GHG process after June 30. Therefore the process needs to seek funds elsewhere or substantially change it’s structure (i.e., no facilitation, technical consulting, or modeling support). The Group discussed potential strategies including:
- Rhode Island Foundation
- Getting the press release out
- Seek funding – federal /foundations/pass hat to stakeholders
- Have portion of RGGI auction proceeds dedicated to RI GHG process, then get bridge funding from foundations/gov’t
- Delineate what wouldn’t have happened without us?
- Could use Environmental Council of RI as fiscal agent for outside grants
- Unique feature has been technical analysis and modeling
Before breaking one Stakeholder updated the Group on the fact that Energy Star has only 2 employees and is potentially endangered. He also said that mercury in CFLsis a growing concern.
- To Do List
1)Meeting Summary—Raab Associates, Ltd.
2)Update LCP Report—Synapse
3)Update LCP Cover Letter—Raab and DEM
4)Circulate LCP Report and Cover Letter to OER and Eventually to Committee Member—DEM
5)Finalize Press Release and Press Release Strategy—DEM and Raab
6)Fundraise for RI GHG Stakeholder Process—DEM, Stakeholders, and Raab
RI GHG Stakeholder Meeting Attendance6.14.07 / 4.26.07 / 2.15.07 / 11.30.06 / Last / First / Organization
Adelman / Mark / Governor's Policy Office
X / X / X / X / Austin / Jane / Save The Bay
X / X / Auten / Matt / Environment Rhode Island
X / X / X / X / Bisson / Terri / RIDEM - Planning & Policy
Bliss / Gary / ProvidenceCity Hall
Carlin III / David / Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce
X / X / Ciminero / Gary / Rhode Island House Policy Office
X / X / X / Contente / Al / RI PUC Division
X / Cotter / Beth / House of Representatives -Senior Policy Analyst
X / X / Cowen / Stuart / StateBuilding Code
Dormody / Sheila / Clean Water Action
X / X / X / Dzykewicz / Andrew / RI Office of Energy Resources
X / X / X / Elnecave / Isaac / Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
Elphick / Omay / Peoples Power & Light
X / X / Ezovski / Gary / Business Roundtable
X / X / Farley / John / The Energy Council of RI (TEC-RI)
Flynn / Kevin / R.I. Statewide Planning Program
X / X / X / Giles / Cynthia / Conservation Law Foundation
X / Hamburg / Steve / BrownUniversity
X / X / Harris / Greg / RIPTA
X / X / Heaps / Charlie / SEI
X / X / X / Howe / Tim / State Energy Office
X / X / X / Jacobson / David / National Grid
X / X / Johnson / George / R.I. Statewide Planning Program
X / X / X / X / Keller / Janet / RIDEM - Planning & Policy
X / X / Krasnow / Sam / Environment Northeast
X / X / Lamb / Dave / University of Rhode Island
X / Lombardi / Peter / Oil Heat Institute
X / X / X / Lutz / Karina / Peoples Power & Light
X / X / X / X / Majkut / Steve / RIDEM - Air Resources
Manzotti / Mia / RILOCAT
X / X / X / X / Marks / Eugenia / Audubon Society of RI
X / Meszler / Daniel / RI GHG Consultant
Murrow / Derek / Environment Northeast
X / X / X / X / Nichols / David / RI GHG Consultant
X / X / Papoojian / Phil / Smaller Business Assoc. of NE
X / X / X / Parrillo / Denise / Clean Water Action
X / Payne / Ken / RI Senate Policy Office
X / X / X / X / Raab / Jonathan / Raab Associates, Inc
X / Raynolds / Ned / Union of Concerned Scientists
X / X / X / Rose / Vin / URI
X / X / X / X / Schiller / Barry / Sierra Club - RI Chapter
X / X / X / Shawver / Robert / Department of Transportation
X / Spanger-Siegfried / Erika / Union of Concerned Scientists
X / X / X / X / Teichert / Kurt / BrownUniversity
X / X / Therrien / Mark / RIPTA
Trapani / Katherine / R.I. Statewide Planning Program
X / X / X / Vild / Bruce / R.I. Statewide Planning Program
X / X / Wilhite / Chris / Sierra Club - RI Chapter
People not on list but were at meeting
X / X / Elmer / Jerry / Conservation Law Foundation
X / Johnson / Bruce / Keyspan
X / X / Batey / John / ERC, Inc. (OHI)
X / X / X / Hyson / Brad / Apeiron Institute for Environmental Living
X / X / Lipomi / Natalie / NE Energy Efficiency Partnerships
X / X / Hornby / Rick / Synapse