Summary Report
-The committee was not activated during the 2001-2002 academic year, as there were no appeals filed by students
-The Committee met three times during the 2001-02 academic year. During this time, the Committee considered 12 appeals from students. Of these appeals, 7 were approved, 4 were denied and 1 required no action.
-The Committee developed a draft policy that addresses a number of scholarship related issues which frequently occur and result in an appeal. This will allow personnel in the Financial Aid and Admissions Office the flexibility to address scholarship appeals without a meeting of the entire Committee.
-Recommend that the Dean of Students continue as Chair of the Committee.
-Recommend that a representative from the Athletic Department and Registrar continue as voting members.
-With the transition between Directors in the Human Resource Office, the Committee did not meet during the 2001-02 academic year.
-Accomplishments; purchased a Braille label maker, CSC web site is in compliance, reviewing options for Braille printer, Parking Brochure and Campus Map indicates handicap entrances and parking, grounds’ crew takes extra time on snow/ice removal in all handicap areas, continually evaluates handicap parking on campus, Tutoring Office purchased a READ program, Campus Pipeline is compatible, reviewed the 3 components to the ADA plan (Employment and Program Self-Evaluation updated in the last 2 weeks, transition plan updated this summer), reviewed ADA technology assessment, continually evaluate and meet accommodation needs, completed Crites Hall elevator installation, completed new entry ramps at Andrews Hall and Armstrong, completed Library new curb cut, completed Memorial Hall renovation, completed portable stage, completed Administration Building & Armstrong outside signage.
-In Progress; Sandoz Building
-A Goal for the committee is to be a campus wide forum for the disabled community to voice their needs for the campus.
-No recommendation on possible change(s) to committee structure and membership.
- Served the Athletic Director in an advisory capacity in an on-going process.
-Assisted the students in their academic and athletic endeavors in an on-going process.
-The Faculty Athletic Representative attended the RMAC Fall 2001 and Spring 2002 meetings in Colorado Springs to discuss the role of the FAR and discuss how the role could be improved.
-Recommendations for the Athletics Advisory Committee include: FAR will take a more active role in the academic well-being of the student-athlete; continue to attend RMAC FAR meetings; increase the number of applications of student-athletes for graduate scholarship programs; increase the publicity of academic excellence by student-athletes in all athletic programs; assist the Athletic Director with compliance; continue to assist all coaches in the administration of the recruiting test and serve in an advisory capacity in the student athletic appeals process and to support the student-athletes in their academic, as well as athletic endeavors.
-Recommend the committee membership remain the same.
-Accomplishments toward goals; Family Tree Awards were conferred during Family Day 15 September 2002. Recipients were Alta Cogdill, Fox/Cotant, Caldwell/Duecker, and Elmer Rasmussen families: Family Tree Awards approved are Gene Alcorn, Bud Larsen, Frank Ferguson, Ralph Grant, Al Beguin, and Don Finney Families inviting back for Family Day 5 October, 02.
-Distinguished Alumni Awards conferred during Homecoming on 29 September 02. Recipients were Fred Rodriguez, Rex Jones, and Marla Smith. Candidates approved by the committee and Dr. Krepel are Mike Young, John Streep, Lee Baumann, Steve Settles, Bill Day, Dave Bellis, Patricia Randolph, Don Beebe, Annita Shaw, Larry Miller, and Pete Mirelez. Approved inviting Mike Young, John Streep, Lee Baumann, Jim Jacobs, and Bill Day back for Homecoming on 26 October 02. Suggested they be asked to return to campus on Thursday for a panel discussion as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.
-Distinguished Young Alumni Award; was conferred during Homecoming Brunch on 29 September 01. The recipient was Hortensia Soto-Johnson.
-Distinguished Service Award; conferred at December commencement ceremonies. The recipient was Jim Hanson who also served as the commencement speaker.
-Honorary Doctorates; approved by the committee are Eugene Hughes and Larry Agenbroad. Larry has verbally agreed to attend commencement ceremonies in December 2002.
-Scholar in Residence Program; reviewed the draft proposal and recommended slight changes in the recording. Recommended that Jim Jacobs be considered for the first Scholar in Residence and forwarded his name and resume to the SVPSAA for consideration for the fall 2002 semester.
-“In Progress” projects; Family Tree nominees that are being researched at this time: Lashley, Miller, Mowry, Varney, Sayer/Keim, Blundell/Dau, Borton, Anderson, Downer, and Ahrens/Gibbons families.
-Distinguished Alumni nominees approved by committee and requiring presidential approval are Jim Jacobs, JoAnn Chamberlain Redfern, and Leanna Scott Timperley. Names requiring more research are Frances Stokes, Andrea Powers, Casey Holmgren, and Karen Zeilinger.
-Distinguished Young Alumni nominees being researched are Thea Marx, Lorri Hardy Dunsmore, Greg Gramberg, and Walter Reihemann. Nominated for awards are Lisa Berry, Bob Colgate, and Caryn Martin Zittelow.
-Distinguished Service Award nominees are Con Marshall, Bob Wickersham, Dick and Marlene Myers. Committee chose not to forward any names at this time.
-Changes to the Charge to the Committee are to annually recommend individuals to the CSC President and Chadron State Alumni Association for Commencement Speaker, Distinguished Service Asward, Distinguished Young Alumnus Award, Family Tree Award, Honorary Doctorate, Executive-in-Residence and Scholar in residence.
-Changes to Committee Structure; suggestion for the following names for membership committee. New Deans, Pat Colgate, Margaret Crouse, Tom Detwiler, Frank Ferguson, Monty Fickel, Del Hussey, Con Marshall, Loree MacNeill, Connie Rasmussen, George Watson.
-Projects discussed - Renovation/Construction Projects include: Memorial Hall, Sandoz Center, Maintenance Building, Administration Building, Fire Alarm System Upgrades Across Campus; Campus Master Plan Update: Sandoz Heritage Trail.
-Campus Signage/Parking considerations - New hangtags ordered for Fall 2002, parking brochures were reviewed and changes were suggested, potholes will be filled with red rock until the frost clears then fixed when weather warms up, suggested to change the parking lines south of the PAC from vertical to diagonal lines to go with the flow of traffic, handicap parking space at West Court will be moved over one space.
-Recommendations for next year - Consider parking concerns and/or suggestions of Parking Appeals Committee, consider suggestions of Committee to enhance campus aesthetics, work to alleviate safety concerns in regards to pedestrian/car traffic on campus
-The Committee met throughout the year to plan and implement commencement exercises.
-Topics to be address for next year include: adequate sound system; how to handle the overflow crowd at the 10 a.m. event (two ceremonies separated by several hours, and held by only one school at a time).
-No change to the structure or membership of the committee is recommended.
-Accomplishments - this years theme was Women’s Issues, special speakers were: Camille Cooper: Exploitation of women in the media, Self-Image and eating Disorders; Susan Douglas: Biased media reporting on the feminist movement, Media consistent portrayal of women deferential to men; Halima Addou: Plight of non-Muslim women in extremist regimes, Algerian experiences with Taliban invasion; Wilma Mankiller: Women in leadership, Importance of heritage.
- Proposals for 2002-2003 - Master’s Week during homecoming. Distinguished Alumni to give a panel discussion on Success in Business and/or Business Ethics participants are Lee Baumann, Bill Day, John Streep, and Mike Young
-Headliner speaker - Negotiations are underway to present Dr. Patch Adams in January 2003.
-Accomplishments Towards Goals and Objectives- Implementation of International Coffee Hour for International Students; Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration with dancers, concert, displays, and food; Rotating window displays in Bookstore reflecting themes or celebrations of diversity; Native American heritage Month reception for Don Ruleaux and a display of art and art forms; Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration creation of web page, scavenger hunt, publications, candlelight vigil, and Pledge of Nonviolence cards; African-American History month highlighted with a panel discussion, poetry and music readings; Disability Awareness events (distribution of pamphlets and awareness/knowledge quizzes); Randy Snow a disabled athlete and motivational speaker; Diversity of Faiths display at the Cookie Crumble; Women’s History Month luncheon and displays; Four diversity Recognition Awards presented to faculty, professional staff and support staff; Asian-American History month window display of Japanese collectibles; and Funding for attendance at NCORE Conference.
-“In Progress” projects - NCBI & Conferences & Training Opportunities and revisiting goals of supporting NCBI on the CSC campus and discussing the feasibility of continuing the program. Five Members to attend the NCORE Conference in New Orleans in May.
-Recommendations for next year are - Participation in the title III Strategic Committee and Planning Grant; Revision of the CSC Diversity Plan to correspond and reflect Eight Year Plan developed in 2002-2003; Enhance Galaxy Series events, Distinguished Speaker Series and Diversity activities.
-Recommendations to Committee Structure: Kim Madsen, Chuck Butterfield, Kevin Miller, Mike Leite, Will Baily, Bethelehem Gemoraw (student), Meghan Reed (student), Sharilee Counce.
-Recommend Barb Limbach rotate off the Committee.
-Recommendations for co-chair appointments: annually rotating co-chair position would serve with the Human Resources Director.
-Family Day was held on September 15, 2001. New activities included round trip wagon rides from the Dean's Green to downtown, Wax Hands and an acoustical guitarist in the Student Center and Alpha Psi Omega sponsored a Family Day variety show.
-Accomplishments; Theme was Mardi Gras. Various student activities throughout the week. Alumni activities on Friday. Next Homecoming is October 26, 02. Band day is also on October 26, 02.
-“In Progress” Projects; homecoming 2002 theme is Viva Las Vegas
-Changes to Charge to the Committee; the charge seems adequate in present format.
Changes to Committee Structure; The cross representation from campus is important on this committee. The students are critical to the success of the homecoming committee.
-The Committee constructed criteria of how Honors faculty are selected.
-A goal for the program is to increase enrollment and improve Honors Day
-Committee membership recommendation is for a 7-member body, which includes all four professors who teach Honors classes.
-Accomplishments/Progress for 2002-2003 - two orientations for international students, three well attended International coffee hours held in the fall, International Club brochure has been completed, four representative being sent to the NAFSA conference in San Antonio, TX, for recruiting.
-Committee Recommendations - Establishment of Intercultural Center has been postponed until the next biennial budget request. New Staffing Assignment to better assist in properly serving the international student population. Director of International Studies to be returned to a faculty member with its associated 3 credit hours of release time. Organizational Memberships asking for annual institutional membership fees for this organization should continue to be paid out of the budget affixed to the Dir of International Studies, old membership expired in 2000.
-Recommendation for a Program of Work - No changes at this time.
-Review the Charge to the Committee and Changes - No changes.
-Accomplishments - Request that the scope of the committee’ charge be decreased to reflect organizational changes in the past few years. Majority of the Committee expressed interest in pursuing a campus-wide Change Management program in coordination with Human Resources to foster change acceptance and campus flexibility. Committee requests this change for the committees charge: The purpose and function of this committee shall be: To promote collegial relationships between Chadron State College, its employees and community.
-In-progress projects: Await action on requested change for the Committee’s charge. Recommendation for campus-wide project for the Committee to consider next year.
-Recommendation for a program of work; explore hosting Chadron Community’s Health Fair on campus; Explore hosting a Senior Citizen On-Campus Day; Consider coordinating with Human Resources on a campus-wide change management initiative. CSC Wellness Program.
-Accomplishments - Training campus-wide for staff, faculty, and students, Resident Directors, Resident Coordinators, Resident Advisors & Students; Community Involvement: Statewide Mock Tornado Drill, CSC works with the State Fire Marshall, Region 23 Emergency Management Agency, American Red Cross, Nebraska Safety Council, Chadron Police Department, and Chadron Volunteer Fire Department.
-Building Safety Inspections Complete, Emergency Action Guides Complete, Continue updating Emergency Action Plan and Injury Prevention Manual. Working with the NE Department of Environmental Quality, Training for personnel in Armstrong, Library, Math/Science, NPAC for new fire alarm panels. Working on snow/ice removal procedure. Safety training and new training as needed and required. Continue with eliminating safety hazards on CSC’s campus streets and parking lots.
-Program of work for committee for next year is to be a campus-wide forum for the community to voice their concerns for the campus.
-Recommendations; there are none at this time.
-The Committee worked as a group in assigning responsibilities to individual members. Invitations were mailed to 500 high schools in the region. On the day of the tests 1,896 students from 65 schools participated in the 47 tests administered.
-Topics for future discussion include: manner in which scholarships are awarded (should scholarships be given to juniors and seniors winning an event?); direction or emphasis of Scholastic Day (should this be a recruiting tool?); results from the counselors from participating high schools.
-Recommendations for 2002/03 include greater use of web-based services for registration and information; close attention to timeline of activities, encourage faculty to update their test product, maintain high level of participation by the on-campus students, provide for a closer monitoring of the Technology Challenge event, include Chartwell's and the Bookstore in planning, use of faculty participation in planning.
-Committee membership recommendation: Tena Cook Gould, Laure Sinn, Jo Schmitt, Emily Klein, Computer Center (event programmer), Student Senate President, CAB President, Information Office representative, Damon Mittleider, NPAC Dir., ITE faculty member (for Technology Challenge event), representative from Chartwell's, representative from Eagle Pride Bookstore