Will-South Cook Soil and Water Conservation District
1201 S. Gougar Road, New Lenox, Illinois
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Directors Present: Dick Smerz, Burton Barr and Everett Moeller
Associate Directors Present: Bill Hnetkovsky, George Johnson, Dave Deutsche, Harold and Marlene Liberman, Rob Ogalla, Cathy Ruchaj and Wayne Wagner
Staff Present: Kim Mitchell, Neil Pellmann, Grace Foster, Jamie Newton and Jim Rospopo
Others Present: Don McCallon (NRCS) and Steve Rustman (FSA)
The meeting was opened by Dick with the Pledge of Allegiance at 10:00 am.
Dick requested consideration for a motion to approve the December 14, 2011 Board Meeting minutes. Everett motioned with the second made by Burton. The motion carried.
Financial Reports:
- YTD Profit & Loss/Unrestricted – A motion was made by Burton to accept the P&L report and seconded by Everett. The motion carried.
- YTD Programs Account/Restricted – A motion was made by Burton to accept the Programs report and seconded by Everett. The motion carried.
- YTD Balance Sheet- A motion was made by Everett to accept the Balance Sheet report and seconded by Burton. The motion carried.
-December Bills were approved with a motion by Everett and a second by Burton. The motion carried.
All staff reports were accepted as written.
Wayne gave a report on his attendance at the Will County Stormwater Committee Meeting. Topics covered included appointment of a new secretary, a presentation on NPDES, the committee’s budget outlook.
Don McCallon, NRCS Area Manager, gave an update on NRCS and spoke with the Board about filling the District Conservationist position. Don stated that the vacancy won’t be advertised until Bill Gradle’s replacement is in place.
Kim gave an update on the election, recognition dinner and Envirothon. All news releases have been distributed and arrangements have been finalized for the dinner. There are 8 teams for the Envirothon and the District will need to provide volunteers for both the April 3rd and April 5th events. The March agenda will include a sign-up.
The Director Reimbursement report was distributed for approval and the budget update report was reviewed. Mid-year changes presented by Kim were approved with a motion by Everett and a second by Burton. The motion carried.
A scholarship review meeting was scheduled for February 3rd at 10am. A reminder will be sent out via email.
The Board was advised of:
- An update to the shared equipment agreement between FSA and NRCS with regard to a new printer/copier. It was noted that NRCS is presently responsible for maintenance of the sign in front of the building.
- Thank you notes from the Transition House, for the composter donated by the SWCD, were distributed.
- A request from Lonnie Wilson (AISWCD) for legislative items was reviewed. He would like input for the upcoming NACD conference. It was agreed that funding should remain the focus.
Timesheets were approved with a motion by Everett and a second by Burton. The motion carried.
The meeting concluded at 11:00 am with a motion to adjourn by Everett and a second by Burton.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by,
Burton Barr