From: Henley Sharon <>
Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Consultation response for Harpole Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan
To: "" <>
Cc: Fletcher Susan <>
I have read through the Neighbourhood Plan for Harpole and would make the following comments on behalf of Northamptonshire Police.
Firstly although the plan is very comprehensive and detailed there is no mention of the crime context for Harpole in the demographic information. An understanding of the level of crime, crime types and issues of anti-social behaviour may well be useful in informing proposals for the future development of green space and residential development to ensure that current problems are not replicated in the future. If it is helpful I would be able to provide you with a crime profile for your parish area.
Secondly I would like to suggest that where references are made to ‘a high standard of design’ (page 17 – Draft Policy H1) this is expanded to include references to certain standards such as Building for Life, Secured by Design and an indication is given that future development will accord with the SPG on Planning out Crime and saved policy G3 which specifically references ‘Planning permission will normally be granted where the development has full regard to the needs of security and crime prevention’. Requiring applicants to consult with Northamptonshire Police at pre application stage on future housing development and requiring applicants to incorporate the advice into proposals will enable the Parish Council to discharge its responsibilities under section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the Police and Justice Act 2006.
I would therefore suggest that the following statements are included.
Draft Policy H1
Design and layout of new housing is developed to accord with the key principles of Secured by Design (see .com for further details) and the SPG on Planning out Crime.
Draft Policy H2
Affordable housing should be clustered in small groups of between 8 – 12 dwellings throughout any new development.
Draft Policy H3
The use of rear courtyard parking is actively discouraged.
As the Police consultee on all planning matters I would welcome the opportunity to be further consulted as the Neighbourhood Plan evolves.
Sharon Henley | Crime Prevention Design Adviser, AdCertED&CP,(Covering Northampton, South Northants and Daventry District) | Prevention and Community Protection Department
Tel 101| Ext 344331 | Mobex 777530|Mobile 0755 7776223 | Fax 01327 303284
Towcester Police Station, Watling Street, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6DE
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